
Famous doctors, damp and hot famous Xue Shengbai, famous for medicine, mercurial, erudite

author:Dani Muppet Danaedolls
Famous doctors, damp and hot famous Xue Shengbai, famous for medicine, mercurial, erudite

A pot of Hanfang

Famous doctors, damp and hot famous Xue Shengbai, famous for medicine, mercurial, erudite

Hello everyone! Here is a pot of Chinese square. Today we introduce the famous doctor of the Qing Dynasty and Ye Tianshi-Xue Shengbai.

About Xue Shengbai

Famous doctors, damp and hot famous Xue Shengbai, famous for medicine, mercurial, erudite

Xue Shengbai, alias Xue; character Shengbai, trumpet a scoop, in the line of words. A native of Wu County, Qing Dynasty, he was born in the 20th year of the Qing Dynasty (1681) and died in the 35th year of the Qing Dynasty (1770) at the age of 90. At the same time as Ye Tianshi, it is equally famous. In his early years, he traveled to the gate of the famous Confucian Ye Xie, with excellent poetry and literature, calligraphy and painting, and good boxing skills. Later, because his mother suffered from damp and hot diseases, he was eager to practice medicine and became more and more skilled. Xue Xue was a man all his life, heroic and indifferent, and died at the age of ninety. Therefore, it is also known that Xue Shengbai is not a professional doctor, but he is particularly known as a master in the treatment of damp heat, and his "Identification of Damp Heat Strips" has become a masterpiece passed down from generation to generation, and he has made great contributions to wen disease. He also tried to compile the original text of the Inner Classic, which became the six volumes of the Original Purpose of the Medical Classic (1754). Tang Dalii's "Lectures on Wu Yihui" recorded eight of his "Miscellaneous Notes on Daily Lectures" to expound on medical theory and medication; there were also "Cream Pill Files" (special editions), "Wounds", "Xue Yi Scoop Malaria Theory" (manuscript) and so on.

Xue Shengbai was a native of Wu County, also known as a Suzhou native, and at that time, Wu County was ruled in Suzhou City, and The Yujia Bridge in The South Garden was also in the city. Calling it Suzhou people refers to the location of the region, and calling it WuXian people is the place where the administrative jurisdiction is located. However, Xue Shengbai also signed "Hedong" in the "Original Purpose of the Medical Classic" and "Zhou Yi Zhiyi". According to the General Catalogue of the Four Libraries, "Hedong" refers to Junwang. Gunwang, also known as Wang, is the birthplace of the surname, and it is also what we usually call the surname Hall. Hedong Commandery (河東郡) was the county where Xue Shi lived, and its land was in the area of present-day Xia County, Shanxi Province, and it was a prominent family that was admired by the local area. According to the "Surname Examination", the Yellow Emperor's descendant Sun Xizhong lived in Xue, and 64 generations of princes were princes in the Xia, Shang, and Wednesday dynasties, and in the last year of the Zhou Dynasty, they were destroyed by the State of Chu, and their descendants took the name of the country. Adding the name Junwang under the surname is a customary name that the ancients admired the family and did not forget the ancestors. Xue Zhongzheng (薛中正), Sun Xue Shouyu, great-grandson Xue Donglai, and grandson Xue Chengji all passed on the medical profession.

Damp fever evil

Famous doctors, damp and hot famous Xue Shengbai, famous for medicine, mercurial, erudite

The path of aggression and the site of aggression of damp fever are different from other exogenous diseases. Xue's approach to the invasion of damp fever is summarized into three aspects. First, there are a small number of patients whose evil qi invades from the fur. Xue's view of this is different from wu youke and Ye Tianshi's view of wen evil, which only emphasizes that wen evil enters from the mouth and nose. Both, most patients, evil qi enters from the mouth and nose. This is the same as the view of the thermologist, but it is different. Gaiwen disease, on the other hand, enters from the mouth and nose and hurts the heart and lungs. Although the damp fever disease also enters from the mouth and nose, the injured organs are mainly in the spleen and stomach. Because the spleen is too yin, the main wet and vicious wet, wet evil is the most likely to hurt the spleen. Yang Ming's stomach is the dirt of yang soil, the sea of water valleys, the main dry and evil, easy to turn into fire. Therefore, the lesions are more likely to lie in this. Third, the evil qi is affected from above, neither in the spleen nor in the stomach, but in the invasion of membranogen. Xue attaches great importance to the role of spleen and stomach prosperity and decline in the pathogenesis of damp fever, and points out that spleen deficiency and dampness are the internal causes of damp fever.

Xue believes that the main manifestations of damp heat are: the first cold, the later but the heat is not cold, sweating out of the chest, white or yellow tongue, thirst does not lead to drinking. Damp heat evidence, Xue Shi divided it into three types, one is the wet evil wound table, one is the wet evil in the muscles, - for the wet heat invading the meridians. The so-called wet evil injury table refers to the wet evil hindering the body's yang watch. Cold, no sweat, weight, headache, chest pain, waist pain and other manifestations can be seen. At this time, when scattered in the wetness of the table, it is used with herbs, incense, qianghuo, cangshu skin, mint, burdock and so on. Wet evil hurts Yangming muscles, sees cold, fever, sweating, body weight, joint pain, chest pain, low back pain, etc., and treats talc, soybean yellow roll, poria peel, Cangshu skin, herbs leaf, fresh lotus leaf, white tong leather, platycodon, etc. If the wet evil invades the meridian tunnel of the human body, it is seen that there are limbs pulling and urgency, and even the horns and arches are reversed, the mouth is gagged, etc., it is advisable to use fresh ground dragons, Qin Gang, Wei Lingxian, talc, Cang'erzi, loofah, sea breeze vine, wine fried huanglian and so on. If it is a wet evil that is partial to it, it is divided into different situations. Those who have stagnant yangming, see the appearance of tongue moss all over the body white, thirsty, it is advisable to use the method of opening the heart, so that the upper coke can be passed, the jin liquid can be done, and the magnolia, grass fruit, half summer, dry calamus and so on are selected. There are wet and sleepy people, see there is cold, yellow face, no thirst, tiredness, lazy limbs, weak pulse, abdominal pain, etc., cure the spleen and yang, dissolve wet turbidity, medicine imitation spleen drink (shrinking sand kernels, wumei meat, simmered grass fruit, hot licorice, dried kudzu, white lentils), Da Shun San (licorice, dried ginger, almonds, dried ginger), Lyvern (saltpeter, sulfur, five spirit fat, green peel, tangerine peel) and so on.

If the damp heat inhibits the membrane proto, see the performance of cold and heat such as malaria, you can choose the method of Wu and can loosen the membrane proto, imitate the original drink, and choose chai hu, magnolia, betel nut, grass fruit, weed, cangshu, half summer, dried calamus, LiuYishan and so on. If the damp heat is both heavy than the inside, see the tip of the tongue red, the tongue root white moss, indicating that the wet evil remains, but gradually reduce the heat, the treatment is on the one hand to dissolve the wet, on the one hand to clear the heat. As for those who are partial to the heat evil, it should be the urgent task of clearing the heat and discharging the heat, distinguishing the difference between the hot evil in the qi, the camp, and the blood, and use ye Tianshi's method to rule it. If the damp heat is filled with trifocals, due to wet viscosity, it is easy to block the gas machine, so it is advisable to treat it from the trifocal division. For those who are injured by damp heat and yin, Xue's choice of fresh land, reed root, raw shou wu, fresh rice root and other products can not only restore the stomach liquid, but also can release heat and dispel evil. For those who are damp and hot and weak, for example, due to the heat injury, the lung qi is insufficient, and the cough, shortness of breath and fatigue, thirst and sweating, and the pulse deficiency are exhausted, ginseng, wheat dong, schisandra, etc. can be used to improve the qi and pulse. If the middle qi is insufficient, the lifting and falling is abnormal, a few days after the symptoms are seen, vomiting and diarrhea are temporary, the temper is weak, and the middle qi is not supported, you can choose raw malt, lotus heart, lentils, amaranth, half summer, licorice, poria and other warm spleen. In short, Xue Shi made a good summary of the various types and clinical changes of damp fever.

Xue Shengbai's research on damp fever highlights the characteristics of wet evil and heat evil combined as a disease, grasps the key points of the two evils of damp heat and humidity, and combines the dialectical methods such as internal organs, three focal points, and surface to integrate them into one, solving the identification of damp fever diseases, which is conducive to clinical application. In terms of treatment, although there are the great methods of warming, clearing diarrhea, clearing heat and dispelling dampness, and at the same time there are the compatibility of the methods of tonifying yang, benefiting qi, nourishing yin, and shengjin, when using drugs, it is always noted that clearing heat does not hinder dampness, dispelling dampness does not help heat, helping to correct evil does not hinder evil, and dispelling evil should pay attention to correcting and other aspects. The treatment is not limited to fixed formulas, which reflects the characteristics of damp fever treatment, and has become the rule of treating damp fever in later generations, and its influence is extremely far-reaching.

Recipe recommendations

Famous doctors, damp and hot famous Xue Shengbai, famous for medicine, mercurial, erudite

Next up is today's recipe recommendation:

Hawthorn orange soup

Famous doctors, damp and hot famous Xue Shengbai, famous for medicine, mercurial, erudite

【Ingredients】: hawthorn cake, orange 150 grams, sugar 100 grams, water starch to taste.

【Preparation】: Cut the hawthorn cake into cubes, put it in a pot, add 300 ml of water and cook for about 15 minutes. Peel the oranges, dice them, add them to the pot, mix with sugar, and when the water comes to a boil, then contour.

【Effect】:Rationalize the spleen and appetize, eliminate food accumulation, and enhance appetite.

【Sexual taste】: hawthorn acid, sweet, slightly warm. Return to the spleen, stomach, liver meridians. Digest food and stomach, dissipate qi and stasis, dissolve turbidity and reduce fat. Orange flavor sweet acid, temperate, into the lungs, stomach meridians; It has the effect of appetizing and rationalizing qi, quenching thirst and moisturizing the lungs; Cure chest septum gas, vomiting and eating less, stomach yin deficiency, thirst in the mouth, lung fever cough and excessive alcohol consumption. Its skin, core, network and leaves are all "authentic medicinal materials".

Loquat leaf date soup

Famous doctors, damp and hot famous Xue Shengbai, famous for medicine, mercurial, erudite

【Ingredients】: Loquat leaves, almonds, orange stems 15 grams each, 10 dates, a little rock sugar.

【Preparation Method】: Wash the loquat leaves, dates, almonds, and orange stalks separately. Put the loquat leaves in a clean gauze bag, put them in a pot with almonds, orange stalks, and dates, add 3 bowls of water, fry until about 1.5 bowls, add rock sugar, and melt.

【Efficacy】: moisturize the lungs and dissolve phlegm, promote lung cough, can be used for cough caused by dry lungs, see dry cough without sputum, dry mouth and throat, red tongue, moss white.

[Sexual taste]: bitter almonds, bitter, slightly warm; there is a little poison. Attributed to the lung meridian. Relieves cough and asthma, moisturizes the intestines and laxatives. Almond bitter warm lungs, laxative, only suitable for wind evil, dry intestines and other empirical diseases. Sweet almonds taste sweet and flat, functional moisturizing lungs and cough. Mainly used for fatigue cough. Platycodon flavor guijing: flat; bitter, spicy; gui lung meridian function indications: xuan lung, pharyngeal, expectorant, discharge of pus. Loquat leaves taste bitter, slightly spicy, slightly cold. Into the lungs, stomach meridians. Clear the lungs and relieve cough, and stomach to lower the reverse, quench thirst. Lung fever phlegm, yin deficiency and fatigue, coughing up blood, blood hemorrhage, vomiting blood, stomach fever vomiting, pregnancy obstruction, children spitting milk, thirst quenching and pulmonary wind surface sores.

Banana rock sugar soup

Famous doctors, damp and hot famous Xue Shengbai, famous for medicine, mercurial, erudite

【Ingredients】: 4 bananas, 1 piece of tangerine peel, rock sugar to taste.

【Preparation Method】: Peel the banana, remove the hard knots at both ends of the banana meat, and cut each banana into 3 pieces. Macerize the tangerine peel and remove the white. Put the banana and tangerine peel in a pot, bring to a boil over low heat, simmer for about 15 minutes, add rock sugar and cook until the sugar dissolves.

【Directions】: 1 dose daily. Feel free to eat.

【Effect】: Moisturize the intestines and laxative, moisturize the lungs and relieve cough. Suitable for patients with dry colons, the symptoms are hard to discharge, dry mouth, thirst, habitual constipation, etc. It also has a certain effect on postpartum constipation.

【Sexual taste】: Tangerine peel taste bitter, spicy, warm. Attribution to the lungs and spleen meridians. Rationalize the spleen, dry and humidify phlegm.