
Class teacher: Don't always say "listen carefully in class", it's useless!

author:Blossom Rich 27L

Dear parents, have you ever said to your children, "Listen carefully in class." Today, our homeroom teacher will reveal an amazing truth: it is not enough to tell children to "listen carefully in class", we need to show them concrete and feasible methods. Below, let's take a look at how this homeroom teacher educates children!

Class teacher: Don't always say "listen carefully in class", it's useless!

The protagonist of the story is a child named Xiao Ming. He is smart and clever, and his academic Xi grades have always been among the best. However, in recent times, his academic Xi grades have declined. Parents and teachers were very worried and talked to him one after another, hoping that he could return to his Xi state of school. However, no matter how they persuaded him, Xiao Ming said that he had tried his best, but his grades just couldn't go up.

At this time, the homeroom teacher decided to take a completely new approach to education. She didn't blindly tell Xiao Ming to "listen carefully in class" like other teachers, but taught him some concrete and feasible methods.

First of all, the homeroom teacher told Xiao Ming to be distracted during class. This means that he needs to turn off his phone or put it on silent mode and put it in his bag so that he is not distracted by his phone in class. At the same time, he also needs to maintain an upright sitting posture, staring intently at the blackboard, and listening attentively to the teacher's explanation.

Class teacher: Don't always say "listen carefully in class", it's useless!

Secondly, the homeroom teacher taught Xiao Ming how to take notes. She told him that note-taking is not simply about copying the teacher's board book, but about grasping the key points and summarizing them in your own words. In this way, when he Xi back after class, he only needs to look at his notes and quickly recall what was in class.

In addition, the homeroom teacher also taught Xiao Ming the skills of asking questions. She told him not to be afraid to ask questions, because asking questions is the best way to learn Xi. In class, if he encounters a problem that he does not understand, he can raise his hand to ask the teacher, and after class, he can also take the initiative to discuss with his classmates and solve the problem together.

Class teacher: Don't always say "listen carefully in class", it's useless!

Finally, the homeroom teacher also taught Xiao Ming how to make a Xi study plan. She told him that every day when he came home from school, he needed to Xi for the next day's lessons before Xi after class. In this way, he will be able to better understand the teacher's explanations in class and improve the effectiveness of Xi learning.

Under the patient teaching of the homeroom teacher, Xiao Ming gradually mastered these concrete and feasible methods. He began to listen attentively to lectures, take notes, ask questions, and make Xi plans. Gradually, he found that his academic Xi was getting better and better, and his grades had improved significantly.

This story teaches us that it's not enough to just tell our children to "listen carefully in class", we need to teach them concrete and practical methods. Only in this way can children truly engage in their Xi and achieve better results.

Now, dear parents, have you ever been worried about your children's learning Xi? Now, let's take action together and teach your children concrete and feasible ways to get them further and further on the road to learning Xi!

Finally, if you find this article helpful to you, welcome to follow our self-media account. We'll bring you more practical tips and advice on how to educate and grow. Let's work together to escort the growth of children!

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