
The collapse of the Great Wall has nothing to do with electricity, because it is no longer needed

The collapse of the Great Wall has nothing to do with electricity, because it is no longer needed


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New energy vehicles led by BYD have impacted the entire automobile market, and Great Wall Motors, with SUV as the main market, is a feeling that it is about to go out of business, and the landmark event is that BYD Song replaced the Haval H6, the sales champion of the SUV market for many years.

However, Great Wall Motor's sales performance in 2023 is surprisingly good, new energy vehicles also continue to grow, and products such as tanks and Great Wall guns are still far ahead in the market segment.

New energy vehicles seem to be the most severe test faced by Great Wall Motors since its establishment, however, from cat and dog wars to coffee petty bourgeoisie, the collapse of Great Wall Motors' feelings has already begun and has nothing to do with new energy vehicles.

The collapse of the Great Wall has nothing to do with electricity, because it is no longer needed

Great Wall Motors has increased its investment in social media platforms, and what has followed has been a wave of rights protection complaints across the network, which is simply not listened to at all.

In the face of traffic shocks from all directions, major car companies need to update their outdated common sense, distinguish what is black traffic that should be put on the line, and what is loyal and contrary to their words.

Li Xiang, the founder and CEO of Li Auto, once publicly thanked some of the big Vs who "dared to scold Li Auto" on social media platforms.

There is a saying that if criticism is not free, praise is meaningless, and Great Wall Motors really wants to see a full screen of advertorials?

The collapse of the Great Wall has nothing to do with electricity, because it is no longer needed

Looking at Great Wall Motor's performance table, Great Wall Motor will continue to outperform the overall auto market in 2023, and it is not much inferior to old rivals such as BYD, Geely and Chery.

Great Wall Motor's performance in 2023 is outstanding, with cumulative sales of 1,118,200 units from January to November, a year-on-year increase of 12.94%, sales of new energy vehicles (including new energy commercial vehicles) of 232,100 units, a year-on-year increase of 92.28%, and sales of 282,500 units in overseas markets, a year-on-year increase of 84.81%.

So, why has Great Wall Motors become a representative of the "backward" in the market, and even more and more lack of self-confidence?

From the perspective of the entire market, it is the strong impact of BYD's annual sales of 3 million vehicles, which has made the efforts of other traditional car companies come to naught, even if they have made breakthroughs in sales, market and technology.

The collapse of the Great Wall has nothing to do with electricity, because it is no longer needed

Great Wall Motors broke the news that BYD did not use the "high-pressure fuel tank", and the two sides then launched a huge "rights protection" and "public relations", and the KOLs and KOCs of their respective camps were not spared from this, and they were on the list of complaints from both sides.

A seemingly ordinary market competition is placed in a special context, and it is no longer just a market battle.

BYD has become the leader of China's auto industry, the Haval H6 championship was taken away by BYD Song, Great Wall Motor's long-term cat, dog and coffee farce, and the shock of the senior management team, etc.

It is not so much that Great Wall Motors fell from the height of autonomous cars, because of the double attack of BYD and new energy vehicles, but rather because of the inevitable result of Great Wall Motors' alternative operations for many years.

After the poor fuel consumption performance of the ice and snow test was exposed, Great Wall Motors announced the opening of the Heihe Winter Proving Ground dedicated to low-temperature testing and all the new energy test platforms of Great Wall Motors.

This is the Great Wall's mindset, it doesn't matter who thinks it, as long as you feel it.

The collapse of the Great Wall has nothing to do with electricity, because it is no longer needed

We will never forget that after BYD Wang Chuanfu shouted "together", Great Wall Motor's response was "honey on the mouth, arsenic on the heart", on which we can see that the two car companies are incompatible, and the beauty of the "Wei" trademark transfer has become history.

The war of words for the sake of traffic and out of the circle is understandable, such as the upcoming Extreme Krypton 007 pulling Xiaomi cars, but the competition between BYD and Great Wall Motors is tearing the skin.

Even if you can't get used to seeing BYD as a big brother and promote the righteousness of Chinese automobiles, Great Wall Motors should not be so tough, and it makes people suspect that this is a lack of anger in the face of challenges.

Whether it is a car company that keeps silent, or a car company that responds euphemistically, they have given Great Wall Motors a sample, after all, it is BYD that provokes the girder of China's new energy vehicles, and the new energy car companies have a more relaxed development environment.

Taking 10,000 steps back, Great Wall Motors has more and more appropriate ways to fight against what it identifies as BYD's "honey-bellied sword".

The collapse of the Great Wall has nothing to do with electricity, because it is no longer needed

In the process of the rise of independent brands, BYD, Geely, Great Wall and Chery and other independent car companies have played an indispensable role, otherwise the Chinese auto market is still in the hands of joint ventures and multinational car companies, and it is an impossible task to enter the global market.

With the world's largest number of participants, facing the severe test of overcapacity, China's auto market is seriously involuted, in the market competition, users buy a brand and a car, in addition to products and prices, more attention to the car company's deep performance in corporate brand and culture.

From the brand feelings of joint venture car companies to the national feelings of BYD and Geely, this is the key to winning the recognition of users.

After the brand crisis caused by the cat and dog war and the loss of the championship of Haval H6, Great Wall Motors actively responded to the new challenges of electric smart cars, but it was undisciplined and could not listen to a trace of doubt, and could only show its long-lost self-confidence.

Great Wall has become an ornament because it is no longer needed, and for Great Wall Motors, history does not need to repeat itself, but what it is doing is gradually moving it away from the mainstream market.

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