
The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

author:Yuting's emotional story 2kv1

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The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

Here I try to write a 1000-word article at the beginning of an article based on the framework of the article given above:

My name is Lu Yue, I am 25 years old, and I am an ordinary Chinese girl. I was born in a small and inconspicuous city in southern China, in a modest family, my father was a laborer, and my mother sold breakfast on the street. I have good grades since primary school Xi, I was admitted to the Chinese Department of the provincial key university in high school, and I studied diligently in Xi four years of college and won a scholarship from the school. After graduating from university, I got a job as an editor at a publishing house and lived a plain but comfortable life.

Until one day, my life changed dramatically. I was 25 years old at the time, and at a friend's birthday party, I met Ali. He is a Pakistani student who came to China to Xi engineering. He looked very handsome that day in a white traditional Pakistani attire. Introduced by a friend, we started chatting. Ali spoke very good English and he gently told me about his hometown, the beautiful natural landscapes and the hospitable people. I also introduced him to Chinese culture and customs. It was a pleasant encounter.

"Ali, your hometown sounds fascinating, and I would love to see it. I said a little shyly.

"Then you must come and take my car, I will take you all over the great rivers and mountains of Pakistan!" Ali said with a smile.

The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

In this way, Ali and I began a year-long long-term relationship. I was fascinated by Ali's romance and passion. We would video chat whenever we had time, and Ali would show me photos and videos of the scenery of his hometown, and I felt like I was in the middle of it. Ali would often say to me in videos: "Lu Yue, you must marry me and come to my hometown." The moonlight there is very beautiful, and I will give you the happiest life. ”

I was touched by Ali's sincere confession, and gradually moved my heart. I started mentioning Ali to my parents, and at first they were apprehensive, but then they accepted it. "As long as you're happy. Mom said to me.

And just like that, Ali and I got engaged. The wedding took place in Ali's native Pakistan. I still remember that I put on a red bridal dress and wore the gold ornaments that Ali had given me, and he pressed a small ball of hanna on my forehead, and we officially became husband and wife.

"Ashizuki, I will always love you and protect you. Ali said to me.

After the wedding, I followed Ali to his home in Lahore. I was warmly welcomed by his family.

"Ashizuki, welcome to be a member of our family. Ali's mother hugged me and said.

The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

"Thank you, Auntie, I will take good care of Ali. I said shyly.

The next day, Ali's mother started teaching me how to cook traditional Pakistani dishes and dressed me in the traditional costumes of my husband's family. Everything is so new to me.

That night, I said to Ali, "I'm so happy.

"Ali, I really like your family, and your family is very good. ”

"yes, I knew you'd love it here, and we'd be happy. Ali smiled and hugged me.

The next morning, I was woken up by the noise outside. It turned out to be Ali's younger brothers playing in the yard. When they saw me, they also ran over warmly to say hello: "Sister Ashizuki, good morning!"

The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

I smiled and said hello to them, Ali also got up, and when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but say, "My younger brothers like to make trouble, Lu Yue, don't mind." ”

"Haha, I don't mind, it's a family in the future anyway. I said happily.

The following week, I learned Xi cooking with Ali's mother, who taught me a lot of traditional Pakistani dishes like scones, curry rice, etc. At first I wasn't Xi to the spicy tastes, but seeing Ali eat with relish, I tried to get used to it.

One day, a friend of Ali's came to the house. He saw me and said, "Ali, you are so blessed to have found such a beautiful Chinese wife!"

I was a little embarrassed to hear it, and Ali said proudly, "Yes man, I found the best girl in the world." ”

After a month, I started to feel a little uncomfortable with life. The biggest problem is the language barrier, Ali's family does not speak English or Chinese except for him. I could only communicate with them in simple English and gestures, and many times I couldn't express my thoughts, and it was very hard.

The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

One day, Ali was going on a business trip to another city:

"Lu Yue, I'm going to go for a week, you're okay alone, right?"

"No problem, you can go with confidence, I get along well with your family. I said with a hard beat.

After Ali left, I felt completely helpless. During the meal, I tried to talk to Ali's mother in English, but I couldn't get a deep conversation. In the dead of night, I miss home in China and the days when I gather with my friends. I called my mom and said I wasn't comfortable here.

"Mom, I think language is really a big problem, and it is very difficult for me to communicate with Ali's family. "I told my mom about the difficulties.

"Lu Yue, this is just the beginning, you have to learn to adapt. No matter what, mom will support you. My mother comforted me and said.

The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

When Ali returned from a business trip, I told him about my difficulties.

"Ali, I really have a hard time communicating with your family in English, can you teach me some Pashki?"

"Well, I'll teach you the usual words and phrases in the next few days, don't worry, you'll get better and better. Ali said to me.

So Ali started teaching me some simple Pashki words and sentences. I tried to memorize them and try to use them to communicate with my family. At first my pronunciation was funny, but gradually I was able to speak to them in simple Pashki.

One night, I made Chinese-style dumplings for Ali's family to try.

"The dumplings made by Azuki are so delicious! Ali's brothers said.

The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

"Thank you, I also love the food and culture of Pakistan. I said happily.

After another two months, Ali said he would take me to his hometown. I'm very excited. We got on a bus bound for the northern mountains. On the way, I saw the beautiful natural scenery of Pakistan and the hospitality of the people, and I felt very happy.

When we arrived in Ali's hometown, his relatives and friends welcomed us warmly and prepared a sumptuous dinner. I also try to greet people in Pashki.

"Sister Ashizuki, welcome, welcome!" Ali's little niece took my hand and said.

"Thank you, little sister. What's your name?" I asked with a smile.

"My name is Amina. Sister Ashizuki, I like you so much!" Her innocent appearance made me feel very relatable.

The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

In Ali's hometown, I experienced the hospitality of the Pakistani people. I've also gradually adapted to life here. Although I still miss my home in China occasionally, seeing the love of Ali's family makes me feel that life is so fulfilling and happy.

I said to Ali, "Thank you, my dear, for giving me the opportunity to experience your home culture, I feel like we're getting closer." ”

"I knew you'd love it here, and we'd be together forever. Ali said to me with a smile.

After returning to Lahore, I found out I was pregnant. When the doctor told us the good news, Ali and I were very excited.

"Ali, we're going to be mom and dad!" I hugged him happily.

"Yes, I'm so happy. Our kids are sure to be lovely. Ali also said excitedly.

The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

We immediately shared the good news with the whole family. Ali's mother was very excited: "Great, Ashiyue will have our baby! ”

I also called my parents and told them. They were a little apprehensive but happy for us. "Mom, you must come and help me take care of the baby. I said to my mother.

During my pregnancy, I was in good health and continued to learn to cook Pakistani food Xi, and Ali and his family were also very concerned about my diet and rest. Nine months later, I gave birth to a healthy baby boy in the company of Ali and my mother. We named him Ahmed.

"Ashizuki, thank you for giving me such a lovely son!" Ali, who was holding the child, had happiness on his face.

"We're going to raise him together. "I also looked at the baby with a smile.

Mom took care of me for a month and taught me how to take care of the baby. We also talked a lot.

The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

"Mom, I didn't expect to marry in Pakistan, but now I feel very happy in life. I said to my mother.

"As long as you're happy. Mom also saw that you are living well here, and she is much more relieved. Mom said with relief.

But the good times didn't last long, and after my mother returned to China, I began to feel that the burden of raising children was on my shoulders. Ali is busy with work and often goes out, and I find it difficult to take care of Ahmad alone. In addition, my postpartum mood is not very stable, and sometimes I feel depressed.

One day, Ali and I had an argument:

"Ali, you should also try to spend time with the children, don't leave them all to me. ”

"Ashizuki, you know I'm very busy at work, and life is not only about fun, but also about responsibility. Ali said dissatisfied.

The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

I ran back to my room and started crying. Ali's mother came to comfort me, but I still felt that he didn't understand my hard work.

After that argument, Ali's relationship with me became a little awkward. Although Ali tries to find time to spend with me and the children, his busy work makes him go out a lot. I spent more and more time taking care of my children alone, and my heart became more and more empty and lonely.

One day, I tried to tell Ali's mother what I thought:

"Auntie, sometimes I am really lonely and miss home in China. You say, 'What should I do?'

Ali's mother thought for a moment and said, "Ashizuki, there will always be ups and downs in life, and I understand your difficulties. However, you have to believe that Ali also loves you, and you will get through it. ”

I still feel empty in my heart when I hear it. That night, I called my good friend in China quietly and told her about my anxiety and loneliness.

The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

"Jingjing, I really miss you guys, I don't think Ali can understand how I feel right now. I said.

"Ashizuki, you must cheer up and believe in your love. I will always support you. "Quietly encourage me.

I hung up the phone and looked at Ahmed sleeping in his crib, still feeling uncertain about his future.

After some time, because I didn't agree with Ali going to give the child a religious ceremony, we had another argument.

"Ashizuki, this is our tradition, why should you oppose it?" Ali said dissatisfied.

"The child is still young, can't I do it if I don't agree?" I also raised my voice.

The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

"Since you are married here, you should abide by our Xi!" Ali stood his ground.

Our argument drew family members, and both sides defended their arguments.

"You shouldn't quarrel over such trivial matters. Ali's mother advised.

But Ali and I both stood our ground, and the quarrel grew more and more intense

This argument made me realize that Ali and I are becoming more and more different in religion and culture. I began to wonder if our marriage could go on.

One day, I returned to my hometown alone with my children. Seeing my parents' kind faces, I finally couldn't hold back my tears.

The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

"Mom, I really miss you. Ali and I have too many disagreements, and I don't know what to do with our marriage. I cried.

My mother patted me gently on the back and comforted, "Lu Yue, you just disagree for the time being. I believe Ali loves you too, give yourself a little time to calm down, and everything will be fine. ”

I held the child quietly, and I couldn't calm down for a long time. Should I continue to live with Ali or should I choose to be separated?

After living in my hometown for a while, I gradually calmed down. One day, Ali came to my house out of the blue and begged me to return to him.

"Ashizuki, I know that I have not fulfilled my responsibilities as a husband during this time, and I have not been considerate of your thoughts. I really miss you and our children. Can you please give me a chance to make amends?" Ali said sincerely.

Seeing his tired face, my heart softened.

The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

"Ali, I miss you too. It's just that the problems between us won't be solved overnight. I said with a sigh.

"I know. I will try to learn to respect your ideas and ask you to understand my difficulties. As long as we understand each other, we will be able to solve the problem slowly. Ali said, holding my hand.

Eventually, I decided to return to Pakistan with Ali and continue our marriage. Back in Lahore, we were warmly welcomed by Ali's family.

"Lu Yue, it's good if you come back, Ali misses you very much during this time. "Ali's mother hugged me.

"Auntie, I miss this place too. Let's start over. I said with a smile.

Ali began to learn to spend more time with me and my children. He would take us for walks in the park after work and trips together on weekends. I've also learned to tolerate moments when he can't be with him when he's busy at work. When he saw the Chinese food I cooked, he was always full of praise.

The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

"Lu Yue, we must make this dish often, it's really delicious!"

I feel like our relationship is slowly repairing.

On the other hand, I also started to learn Xi Ali's language and culture. I would go to the local language school to learn Xi Pashki when he was at work, and I would also read some books on Pakistani history. Although there will still be small frictions occasionally, we learn to communicate and resolve them in a gentle way.

One night, I said to Ali, "My dear, I feel that our relationship has become more harmonious. Let's work together to give our children a warm home. ”

"Yes, I feel that way too. Thank you for giving us a fresh start. Ali smiled and hugged me.

Watching our children sleep soundly in their cribs, I feel that life is so beautiful. Through all the ups and downs, my relationship with Ali has grown stronger and I have found balance in this foreign land. At this moment, I felt happiness and satisfaction like never before.

The Pakistani beauty married in China, and half a year later went back to her parents' house and cried: They bullied me too much

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