
The next thunderstorm will be in the South China Sea? The Philippine challenge has been issued, 31 countries have responded, and China has two waves of military operations

author:Refreshing biscuits wyh

Title: The World Is Eyes Watching: Is the Situation in the South China Sea the Next Powder Keg?

The next thunderstorm will be in the South China Sea? The Philippine challenge has been issued, 31 countries have responded, and China has two waves of military operations

Introduction: On the international stage, the changes are like the same thrilling blockbuster. From the smoke of gunfire on the Russian-Ukrainian border to the tensions in the Palestinian-Israeli region, the eyes of the world now seem to be asking the question: Will the South China Sea become the next point of conflict?

The next thunderstorm will be in the South China Sea? The Philippine challenge has been issued, 31 countries have responded, and China has two waves of military operations

Hey friends, have you noticed that the recent international news headlines are more than one to the other? Russia and Ukraine have just taken a break, and the Middle East has started to play non-stop again. Today, let's turn our attention to that mysterious and eventful body of water, the South China Sea.

The next thunderstorm will be in the South China Sea? The Philippine challenge has been issued, 31 countries have responded, and China has two waves of military operations

Speaking of the South China Sea, there are many stories in it. Recently, Philippine Ambassador to the United States Romualdez has been so fierce in his rhetoric, and his words have been like a challenge: "We will never succumb to any form of threats and coercion." Does this sound like a backing to dare to say this? Could it be because there are 31 countries behind it? By the way, this also includes the US imperialist buddies.

The next thunderstorm will be in the South China Sea? The Philippine challenge has been issued, 31 countries have responded, and China has two waves of military operations

But did you know that the role of these 31 countries in the South China Sea is not simple? Some people say they're actually here to stir things up. The United States, in particular, always likes to hang out on other people's doorsteps. They support the Philippines in making small moves in the South China Sea, but secretly it seems to be playing a game of command and conquer.

However, the Chinese side is clearly not vegetarian either. Military operations and diplomatic representations are all available. It is clear that China is very interested in the waters that it thinks is under its belly. They have demonstrated a firm stance in defending territorial sovereignty.

But then again, in this kind of saber-rattling situation, no one has any benefit from really fighting. Therefore, the old rule has to be mentioned: Peace negotiation is the last word! Solving problems by force? That is long outdated!

Of course, we must also be clear about the fact that solving problems does not mean ignoring sovereignty and justice. Every country has its own right to preserve its territorial integrity and national dignity.

In short, the global situation is like a domino effect, and it is worth pondering whether the South China Sea will become a new focus after the successive disputes between Russia and Ukraine, Palestine and Israel. I hope all the participants can control the matches in their hands and don't add fuel to the fire!

Well, friends, as you browse the news over your coffee, remember that the world is not made of monochromes; After all, in this global village, every upheaval can affect you, me and him.

This concludes today's discussion of the South China Sea as the next hottest area. What do you think?Welcome to leave a message to discuss! Don't forget to follow us for more in-depth analysis!