
The 200 bags of breast milk that Bao's mother had worked hard to save were thrown away, and the mother-in-law: the child got sick after eating frozen breast milk

author:Storytelling History Museum

Bao Ma painstakingly expressed 200 bags of breast milk and carefully stored them. She is doing this so that after she goes to work, the baby has enough breast milk to drink. Bao Ma knows that breast milk is the most suitable nutrient for the growth of the baby, and it is more natural and beneficial than those milk powders.

Therefore, for the sake of the baby's health, Bao's mother insists on carefully collecting the balance of each feeding and cryopreservation. Looking at the bags of white flowers' breast milk, Bao's mother is sincerely relieved and proud - this is her own hard work, and it is also her meticulous love for her child.

The 200 bags of breast milk that Bao's mother had worked hard to save were thrown away, and the mother-in-law: the child got sick after eating frozen breast milk

Unexpectedly, on the first day of work, the 200 bags of breast milk that she had tirelessly prepared disappeared. The first thing she saw when she got home was the freezer with its empty freezer, and there was not even a single hair in the place where bags of breast milk had been piled up.

Bao's mother was stunned for an instant, and her heart was flooded with shock and disbelief. After asking, Bao's mother learned that all the breast milk was thrown away by her mother-in-law. This news was like a slap in the face, and Bao Ma only felt that the world was spinning, and her chest was suffocating.

She sat almost slumped on the floor, her mind blank. The mother's milk that she had worked so hard to collect disappeared like this, and her mother wanted to cry without tears, her heart was like a knife, and she trembled violently.

The 200 bags of breast milk that Bao's mother had worked hard to save were thrown away, and the mother-in-law: the child got sick after eating frozen breast milk

When Bao's mother calmed down a little, she immediately angrily found her mother-in-law's theory. Emotional, she asked her mother-in-law in a high-pitched voice why she had taken care of the milk she had so hard to collect.

The mother-in-law looked calm, and said confidently that it was for the good of the baby, for fear that the quality of frozen breast milk would be worrisome, and I was afraid that it would cause the doll to have a stomachache. When Bao's mother heard her say this, she was furious and endured it without thunder.

She angrily proved that the scientific nature of her collection of breast milk and the rigor of its storage were based on her previous research. The mother-in-law disagreed, still thinking that her daughter was thinking too simply, and she really couldn't do without the guidance of the elderly.

The two argued, and even got involved in the relationship between spending money and storing milk, and their differences and contradictions intensified significantly.

The 200 bags of breast milk that Bao's mother had worked hard to save were thrown away, and the mother-in-law: the child got sick after eating frozen breast milk

Bao's mother really can't listen to her mother-in-law's "teachings". With red eyes, she spoke at a blistering speed to emphasize the benefits of breast milk and the rationality of collecting and storing it herself.

But the mother-in-law was unmoved, just shrugged her shoulders and said self-righteously that the formula milk powder is not bad, as long as you have money. As soon as these words came out, Bao's mother was furious, and she couldn't wait to roar at the unhappiness behind her.

Both mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were in a state of anger, arguing and not letting anyone.

Regarding breast milk and milk powder, it is necessary to understand the difference between them. In fact, fresh breast milk is undoubtedly the most suitable food for babies, because its nutrients and proportions are specially formulated according to the needs of the human body, and newborns can only grow up healthily when they drink it.

The 200 bags of breast milk that Bao's mother had worked hard to save were thrown away, and the mother-in-law: the child got sick after eating frozen breast milk

Even if it is frozen and stored breast milk, as long as the freezing and thawing process is scientifically standardized, its nutritional value is much higher than that of milk powder, and it is still the best food for babies.

Milk powder is a substitute for breast milk. The main raw material of milk powder on the market is cow's milk or goat's milk, and there is still a difference between it and human milk. In order to make up for the gap, the milk powder industry will add various nutrients to the raw milk, adjust the proportion of ingredients, and approximate the characteristics of breast milk through technical means.

But even so, milk powder can't 100% mimic breast milk, let alone surpass it. After all, there is an essential difference between natural and artificial additions.

However, the comparison between breast milk and milk powder also needs to consider the storage conditions. After all, fresh breast milk can be stored for a limited time and in a limited environment, while milk powder is easy to store and carry.

The 200 bags of breast milk that Bao's mother had worked hard to save were thrown away, and the mother-in-law: the child got sick after eating frozen breast milk

If there is a problem with the container, temperature, and time of storage of breast milk, then its nutritional value will be greatly reduced. On the other hand, milk powder, as long as it is brewed cleanly, can ensure the basic quality.

Therefore, it is difficult to generalize which is better, breast milk or milk powder. We need to take into account the storage conditions, the level of wear and tear, and the actual needs of the baby.

In different cases, they can be compared with each other. Bao's mother's original intention of storing breast milk is good, she takes into account the needs of work, and also stores it scientifically. This is far more reasonable than the mother-in-law's one-sided slander and discarding.

There are many things that can go wrong when it comes to storing breast milk. This has a direct impact on the nutritional content and health safety of breast milk, which in turn affects the health of the baby.

The 200 bags of breast milk that Bao's mother had worked hard to save were thrown away, and the mother-in-law: the child got sick after eating frozen breast milk

If we are not familiar with these risk factors, it is easy to render the painstakingly collected breast milk meaningless.

For example, a common problem is that it is stored for too long. Nutrients such as protein and vitamins in breast milk are susceptible to loss and decrease over time. If it is frozen for more than 3 months, the loss will be very severe, and less than half of the nutrients will be preserved.

Babies drinking this kind of breast milk are no different from adding to the problem, and the gains outweigh the losses.

There is also the temperature and humidity control of the storage environment. If the temperature of the refrigerator is too high to achieve the real freezing effect, then it can also cause damage to the quality of breast milk.

The 200 bags of breast milk that Bao's mother had worked hard to save were thrown away, and the mother-in-law: the child got sick after eating frozen breast milk

The proliferation of microorganisms and enzymes causes chemical changes in nutrients and depletion. The worst result is spoilage of breast milk, which seriously affects hygiene.

The containers used to hold breast milk should not be taken lightly. If dirty utensils or broken containers are used, it is easy to cause contamination and odor of breast milk. Poorly sealed containers can also expose breast milk to external temperature and air, accelerating nutrient loss.

These may seem like minor problems, but in fact, the quality of breast milk can deteriorate.

Therefore, when storing breast milk, every detail must be strictly regulated to avoid mistakes. Otherwise, you may waste your efforts and time, and it will cause harm to the baby's health.

The 200 bags of breast milk that Bao's mother had worked hard to save were thrown away, and the mother-in-law: the child got sick after eating frozen breast milk

The first step to proper storage of breast milk is to prepare well before expressing it. This includes cleansing of the mother's body, with a particular focus on washing hands and breasts. The container should also choose the appropriate special product to ensure that the cleaning and disinfection are in place.

These are important prerequisites for avoiding contamination of breast milk.

The second is to use the correct position and technique of milking. It's best to sit or lean forward to help with smooth milk removal. You can warm your breasts with a hot towel, massage and relax your mammary glands, then gently squeeze them with your fingers.

Pay attention to the priority of the technique, and do not use too much force to cause breast pain. At the same time, the left and right breasts should be squeezed alternately and cooperate with each other. If you are using a breast milker, follow the instructions of the manual.

The 200 bags of breast milk that Bao's mother had worked hard to save were thrown away, and the mother-in-law: the child got sick after eating frozen breast milk

Once milking is complete, the critical step is proper storage. It is necessary to choose a clean and cold environment, the temperature needs to be controlled between 0-5 degrees Celsius, and at the same time, it must be protected from light.

Generally, hospitals provide professional guidance on how long different environments can be stored, which is strictly enforced. In addition, it must be consumed within 24 hours after thawing breast milk, and it cannot be refrigerated repeatedly, which is the key to ensuring safety.

If these steps are carefully followed, the nutritional content and hygienic quality of breast milk can be guaranteed to the greatest extent. This is the scientific way to store high-quality breast milk and feed your baby healthy growth.

The mother-in-law's behavior is really incomprehensible. Ignoring her son-in-law's hard work, she recklessly disposed of her precious frozen breast milk. While analyzing this behavior is infuriating, it is necessary for us to reflect on the logic of the mother-in-law's thinking.

The 200 bags of breast milk that Bao's mother had worked hard to save were thrown away, and the mother-in-law: the child got sick after eating frozen breast milk

First, she underestimated the nutritional value of breast milk and the needs of newborns. The mother-in-law thinks that milk powder can also meet the needs, which is a typical one-sided and simplistic view. In fact, breast milk is a natural food and cannot be replaced, and the impact of discarding it on the growth of newborns is extremely negative.

Mother-in-law should face up to the nutritional excellence of breast milk.

Secondly, the mother-in-law has a wrong understanding of frozen breast milk. She worries that freezing will affect the quality of her breast milk and make her baby sick. However, scientifically stored frozen breast milk is not only safe, but also far superior to milk powder.

This misperception led the mother-in-law to make hasty and wrong decisions.

The 200 bags of breast milk that Bao's mother had worked hard to save were thrown away, and the mother-in-law: the child got sick after eating frozen breast milk

In the end, the mother-in-law completely ignored her son-in-law's wishes and handled other people's hard-earned things without authorization, which is unreasonably unacceptable. The mother-in-law should respect the rest of the family in order to be united and harmonious.

Therefore, what the mother-in-law did, no matter from which point of view, is unacceptable. She needs to reflect on her own prejudices, contempt and ignorance in this matter, which is the root of the problem.

Through this incident, we can deeply understand the importance of breast milk for newborns. It is a natural and perfect food, the essence of mother's love. At the same time, the storage of breast milk also needs to be scientifically standardized, and there can be no carelessness.

Only when done correctly can the nutritional value of breast milk bring maximum benefits to the baby.

The 200 bags of breast milk that Bao's mother had worked hard to save were thrown away, and the mother-in-law: the child got sick after eating frozen breast milk

On the other hand, this incident reflects the complexity of the conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The mother-in-law was motivated to protect her grandson, but she was too subjective and arbitrary, which caused regrettable consequences. As a son-in-law, you need to be considerate of the good intentions of your elders and communicate in good faith to resolve this estrangement.

Of course, it also reminds family members to respect each other. You can't just make an argument to deal with other people's efforts in the name of "for your own good". This is emotionally difficult to accept.

As a junior, we must also learn to be considerate of the kindness of our elders and prevent it from getting worse.

So, this incident has a lot to teach us. Correct view of breast milk, scientific storage of breast milk, harmonious coexistence, and understanding of members require family members to continue to learn and Xi and progress.

The 200 bags of breast milk that Bao's mother had worked hard to save were thrown away, and the mother-in-law: the child got sick after eating frozen breast milk

A happy family can only be when everything is reasonable. This is also the direction of our efforts in the future.