
1.5 million in debt, two children, 33 years old, facing collapse!

author:Love life money lot KETx

**Description:** Sometimes we can't predict the changes in life that catch people off guard, with a debt of 1.5 million and two children, I am 33 years old and I am standing at the crossroads of life. I felt that I couldn't handle the pressure and was about to face the choice of divorce. In this tweet, I'll share my story and the challenges I've faced, and explore how to find hope and the courage to start over in difficult situations.


As I look back at my life over the past few years, I feel as if I'm stuck in an endless quagmire from which I can't extricate myself. In pursuit of material satisfaction, I constantly borrowed to live, and reality cruelly showed me its true colors. At this moment, the debt of 1.5 million yuan weighed me down, and the two lovely children became the heaviest burden in my heart.

1.5 million in debt, two children, 33 years old, facing collapse!

## **Painful Stress & Helpless Struggle**

33 years old is the golden age of life, but I have fallen into a low point in my life. I felt unbearable under the heavy pressure of debt collection and daily expenses. I had to work overtime to make ends meet, but the time was filled with endless worries and worries. The future of the children and the happiness of the family seem to be drifting away.

## **Divorce, is it the only way out?**

Faced with a lot of pressure, I started to think about whether divorce was the only way to solve the problem. In my inner struggle, I understand that divorce does not solve all problems, it only adds to difficulties and uncertainty. Children need a stable environment to grow up in, and I want to give them a complete family. Therefore, I decided to look for other possible solutions first.

1.5 million in debt, two children, 33 years old, facing collapse!

## **Find the courage to support and start anew**

I understand how desperate it is to face this dilemma of life alone. Therefore, I chose to seek help and support from my family and friends. They gave me encouragement and advice, while also sharing their own lessons learned. I no longer felt alone, but I began to have the courage to start anew.

## **Make a smart financial plan**

In order to get out of the quagmire of debt, I began to learn how to manage my finances Xi. Making a smart financial plan, planning expenses and income, cutting down on unnecessary expenses, and finding additional sources of income have all become essential lessons in my daily life. I understand that only by taking control of my finances can I move towards a stable and happy future.

1.5 million in debt, two children, 33 years old, facing collapse!

## **Seek professional legal and financial advice**

As an ordinary person, I need the help of professionals to solve complex problems. I began to seek advice from legal and financial advisors who were able to provide me with specific guidance and solutions. Their expertise and experience will help me find the right direction and get back on my feet during this difficult journey.

1.5 million in debt, two children, 33 years old, facing collapse!
1.5 million in debt, two children, 33 years old, facing collapse!


I'm overwhelmed by life's difficulties, but I'm not alone. I realized that everyone faces challenges and dilemmas, and the key is how to face them. 33 years old, $1.5 million in debt, and two small children are part of my life, but they don't represent my future. In this dark moment, I decided to ask for help, make a plan, and move towards the courage to start over. Let's face the ups and downs of life together, and move forward bravely for the happiness of ourselves and our families!