
With just a donation picture circulated on the Internet, netizens can believe that Huo Qigang donated 70 million?

With just a donation picture circulated on the Internet, netizens can believe that Huo Qigang donated 70 million?

Things have to start with this screenshot of the Internet.

With just a donation picture circulated on the Internet, netizens can believe that Huo Qigang donated 70 million?

Someone made such a seemingly detailed donation list, posted it on the Internet, and wrote: The earthquake is ruthless, people are affectionate, great love is boundless, and there is love in the world, Guo Jingjing Huo Qigang and his wife donated 70 million to the disaster area in Gansu!

All of a sudden, netizens spread this picture wildly, of course, the most important thing is to praise Huo Qigang and Guo Jingjing for their public welfare deeds, after all, compared to the others on the list, the amount of donations from the two of them is quite amazing.

With just a donation picture circulated on the Internet, netizens can believe that Huo Qigang donated 70 million?

The most amazing thing about this incident is that netizens can doubt the authenticity of any of the lists in the picture, but no one will doubt Huo Qigang and his wife.

Even without this picture, everyone firmly believes that they will donate so much......

Because the couple donated 70 million yuan when the epidemic broke out in Wuhan, and the official media also praised their good deeds at that time.

With just a donation picture circulated on the Internet, netizens can believe that Huo Qigang donated 70 million?

But no one's money is blown by the wind, and if you donate 70 million once, you imagine that people donate 70 million every time......

I don't know if it's because the netizens' movements are too much, Huo Qigang had to respond shallowly.

With just a donation picture circulated on the Internet, netizens can believe that Huo Qigang donated 70 million?

Although the words did not mention how much he had donated, it was already indicated between the lines that the donation was made through the Fok Ying Tung Foundation in Macau, not in the name of Fok Qigang and Guo Jingjing.

Subsequently, Hong Kong media disclosed that the donation amount was 10 million.

With just a donation picture circulated on the Internet, netizens can believe that Huo Qigang donated 70 million?

And the amount of donations from other Hong Kong tycoons is also similar, all of them are 1000~20 million, and they are all donated through their own foundations or in the name of their families.

Most of the donations circulating on the Internet cannot be proven, and this time the 70 million oolong is over.

No matter how much you donate, it is your heart, and you must not kidnap morality and force donations.

Having said that, why do netizens have such a high level of trust in Huo Qigang and his wife?

After Huo Qigang responded, there were still netizens who thought they had donated 70 million.

With just a donation picture circulated on the Internet, netizens can believe that Huo Qigang donated 70 million?

No matter how much they donate, everyone is sincerely grateful to the Huo family.

With just a donation picture circulated on the Internet, netizens can believe that Huo Qigang donated 70 million?

Over the years, the couple has been contributing to the Huo family's public welfare, but they have acted quite low-key, and most of them have donated in the name of the family, continuing the patriotic fire of the Huo family to do public welfare and good deeds.

Huo Qigang's grandfather, Huo Yingdong, founded two companies in the early 50s.

At that time, when the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea broke out, when Western countries imposed a comprehensive embargo on China and the British authorities in Hong Kong violently "cracked down on smuggling", Fok Ying-tung organized a large-scale fleet in Hong Kong to transport urgently needed materials to the mainland, thus solving the urgent needs of the motherland.

With just a donation picture circulated on the Internet, netizens can believe that Huo Qigang donated 70 million?

At the end of the 70s, as soon as the reform and opening up, he first came to the mainland to invest in projects, and since then he has invested in or donated to major projects in the mainland many times, including but not limited to infrastructure, education, sports, etc.

The Huo family has adhered to this concept since Huo Yingdong's generation, and has helped the construction of the country with the power of the family, especially the rapid development of sports, and the Huo family has played a great role in it.

So Huo Qigang married Guo Jingjing, if the old man is alive, I really don't know how happy he will become.

The world champion has also become a member of the Huo family.

With just a donation picture circulated on the Internet, netizens can believe that Huo Qigang donated 70 million?

A few years before his death, Fok Yingdong founded the Fok Yingdong Foundation, which has donated more than 1 billion yuan since its inception to fund a number of large-scale projects, including the "Water Cube" at the Beijing Olympic swimming venue.

With just a donation picture circulated on the Internet, netizens can believe that Huo Qigang donated 70 million?

The reason why Huo Qigang specifically explained in his response was that the foundation donated to the disaster area in Gansu, because these good deeds are the glory of their entire family, and the couple does not need this kind of heat.

Celebrities need popularity to receive business endorsements, so they are keen on hype and hot searches, Huo Qigang has developed rapidly in his career, and Guo Jingjing does not need to accept advertisements to make money after marriage.

With just a donation picture circulated on the Internet, netizens can believe that Huo Qigang donated 70 million?

Her world champion title and gentle and thrifty character have already won the respect of the Huo family, otherwise why did Huo Zhenting say back then, "Guo Jingjing can marry the Huo family, which is the blessing of the whole Huo family"!

With just a donation picture circulated on the Internet, netizens can believe that Huo Qigang donated 70 million?

Netizens fully trusted Huo Qigang and Guo Jingjing to donate 70 million, which came from the impression they had left on everyone for a long time: rich, kind, and low-key. Everyone ignored the support of the entire Huo family behind them.

Only with a fine family tradition can we cultivate such a child with three positive views.

The Huo family's future responsibilities will undoubtedly fall on Huo Qigang and Guo Jingjing, who are not only a wealthy model couple in the eyes of netizens, but also the farthest the Huo family has gone in their careers.

With just a donation picture circulated on the Internet, netizens can believe that Huo Qigang donated 70 million?

Being in a wealthy family, but without the pampering Xi of a wealthy family, living a life full of fireworks, this is also one of the reasons why everyone likes Huo Qigang Guo Jingjing's family!

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