
Whether a person is good in his old age or not, in fact, he is destined when he is young.

author:The optimistic years are quiet

Some people say, "Whether a person is good in his old age or not, in fact, he is destined when he is young." ”

This sentence is perfectly confirmed in me.

Looking back, I am deeply grateful.

Although I struggled for my career when I was younger, I always kept my family in mind and tried to balance work and life.

In my retirement days, I didn't feel lonely when I was away from the hustle and bustle of the city.

My wife and I take care of our vegetable garden, growing a variety of vegetables and fruits.

Whenever the harvest season comes, we invite family and friends to have dinner at home and share the joy of the harvest.

Whether a person is good in his old age or not, in fact, he is destined when he is young.

In addition to this, I also joined our local association of the elderly, organizing various activities with like-minded friends, such as tai chi, calligraphy, singing, etc.

These activities not only enrich our later life, but also exercise our bodies and cultivate our sentiments.

However, life is always full of uncertainties.

One day, I suddenly felt unwell, and after a check-up, I was diagnosed with cancer.

The news came like a bolt from the blue, plunging my family and me into grief.

I thought I had long since looked down on life and death, but in the face of the threat to my life, I still felt fear and helplessness.

Whether a person is good in his old age or not, in fact, he is destined when he is young.

Suffering from my illness, I gradually became thin and weak.

Looking at the strange self in the mirror, I couldn't help but sigh at the ruthlessness of the years.

But even on the sickbed, I tried to maintain an optimistic attitude and told myself to be strong.

My wife has always been by my side and has given me endless love and support.

She prepared nutritious meals for me every day and spent long hours with me in therapy.

Under her careful care, my condition gradually improved.

Whether a person is good in his old age or not, in fact, he is destined when he is young.

After a period of treatment and recuperation, I finally overcame the disease and returned to my normal life.

This experience made me cherish every day in front of me even more and appreciate my wife's unwavering commitment.

I'm in my eighties now, but I'm still young.

I often reminisce with my old friends and lament the passage of time.

We talked about the struggles and glories of the past, but also about the peace and contentment of today.

I know that I have reached the end of my life, but my heart is still full of expectations and hopes for the future.

I will continue to cherish the time I spend with my family every day and strive to make my later life more fulfilling and beautiful.

Whether a person is good in his old age or not, in fact, he is destined when he is young.

Looking back, I am convinced that "whether a person is good in his old age or not, in fact, he is destined when he is young." This point of view.

It is precisely because of my hard work and dedication when I was young that I have a happy old age today.

In the days ahead, I will continue to maintain an optimistic attitude and face the challenges and changes in life positively.