
Your child is emotionally unstable, and if you still say these 5 sentences, your child will slowly distance yourself from you

author:Parenting family


Your child is emotionally unstable, and if you still say these 5 sentences, your child will slowly distance yourself from you

Your child is emotionally unstable, and if you still say these 5 sentences, your child will slowly distance yourself from you

Instant Explosion: Burst your mind

On that day, the atmosphere in the house was like a "bomb" about to detonate.

I yelled the last sentence angrily, and then slammed the door shut.

I stood in the living room, my heart pounding like someone's been struck, empty.

It was as if my ears were still echoing with the cry of a child and my own unstoppable roar.

It dawned on me that I might have really done something wrong.

Your child is emotionally unstable, and if you still say these 5 sentences, your child will slowly distance yourself from you

The beginning is fleeting: we were all angels

Who hasn't been a parent for the first time, looking at that little pink life, and thinking about giving him the best of everything? I'm no exception.

I hugged him and vowed in my heart that I would make him the happiest child in the world.

But as he grew older, I found him farther and farther away from me.

He was emotionally unstable and cried at every turn, which made me feel helpless.

Your child is emotionally unstable, and if you still say these 5 sentences, your child will slowly distance yourself from you

The poisonous tongue hurts people: five sentences make children's hearts cold

"What are you crying about, how old are you!" - I impatiently reprimanded the child when he cried his nose over a trivial matter.

He froze, then silently wiped away his tears.

I thought I had won, but I didn't know that this sentence was like a knife that pierced him deep into his heart.

"Can you be obedient?" - I always complained every time he didn't do what I wanted.

Gradually, he stopped sharing his thoughts with me, and the distance between us grew.

"Look at other people's children!" - this sentence slipped out of my mouth unconsciously.

He was silent, then silently turned away.

I knew I hurt his self-esteem, but I didn't have the courage to apologize.

"I'm all for your good!" – I always used this phrase to defend myself whenever he rebelled against my arrangement.

However, I didn't realize that this was actually taking away his autonomy and choice.

"If you do this again, I won't love you anymore!" - this is the most hurtful sentence.

Whenever I lost control of my emotions, I would threaten him with this phrase.

He looked at me in horror as if I were a stranger.

My heart was bleeding, but I couldn't stop.

Your child is emotionally unstable, and if you still say these 5 sentences, your child will slowly distance yourself from you

Emotional Awakening: Recovering Lost Love

Until one day, he looked at me indifferently, as if he were looking at a stranger.

It dawned on me that I had pushed my own child away.

Those seemingly inconsequential words were actually sharp knives that pierced deep into his heart.

I began to reflect on my approach to education, seeking change and the help of experts.

I have come to understand that true education is not about persecution and threat, but about understanding and acceptance.

Your child is emotionally unstable, and if you still say these 5 sentences, your child will slowly distance yourself from you

Action Change: Reinventing the Parent-Child Relationship with Love

I began to learn how Xi properly respond to my child's emotions and needs.

When I faced his emotional outburst again, instead of being impatient and anxious as before, I patiently listened and comforted him.

I try to put myself in his shoes to understand his feelings and needs, so that he can feel that I care and support him.

I also started to try to communicate with him in new ways. I told him, "I love you and I will never leave you no matter what you do." ”

He was silent for a moment, then hugged me tightly.

At that moment, I felt the warmth and trust between parents and children that I had not seen for a long time.

Over time, our relationship gradually improved

He began to be willing to share his thoughts and feelings with me

I also have more respect and understanding for him and we have had many happy times together

I am deeply gratified by those fond memories.

Your child is emotionally unstable, and if you still say these 5 sentences, your child will slowly distance yourself from you

Love is the best education

As parents, we all want our children to grow up healthy and happy.

But in the process, we can inadvertently hurt them.

Those seemingly insignificant words can become an eternal pain in their hearts.

Therefore, we need to always remind ourselves to accompany them with love and patience.

Only in this way can we become a true haven in the hearts of our children.

At the same time, we must learn to respect and understand children's personalities and needs

Don't try to change them, but embrace and guide them.

Only in this way can we raise confident, independent, and caring children

Let them go further and more steadily on the road ahead.

The last thing I want to say is that love is the best education.

Only when we treat children with love

so that they can feel real warmth and care.

Let's work together to create a loving and understanding family environment!

Let every child thrive in the sunshine of love!