
Tell you 6 secrets to make you better and better

Tell you 6 secrets to make you better and better

1 Tips for a healthy, happy and long life: Don't make yourself short of breath or exhausted.

Don't let yourself be short of breath or exhausted. Although Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang are famous through the ages, anger and fatigue also lead to early deaths. Stay calm, enjoy life, and let a regular routine become your secret to longevity.

Deep breathing, jogging, yoga, or immersing yourself in your favorite books and music are all great ways to de-stress.

In terms of diet, choose a healthy and balanced diet and ensure adequate sleep, so that the body and mind can be fully rested and recovered. At the same time, cultivate a positive mindset, face the challenges and pressures of life, maintain optimism and a sense of humor, and let a happy mindset become a good medicine to dispel life's troubles.

Don't forget, social and family warmth is also one of the secrets of longevity, keep in touch with family and friends, share happiness and trouble, and let love and support become an inexhaustible motivation in your life.

2 Don't put emotions on your face: Always remember that emotions are the drama of the heart, not the soap opera of the face.

Take control of your expressions and make them your mystical weapon.

In this game, a smile can be your shield and composure can be your sword.

Remain calm, your cold countenance is like a wall that prevents opponents from prying eyes on your true thoughts. Make every smile, every eyebrow raised, a step in the calculation, so that you can always stay one beat ahead in psychological warfare.

Tell you 6 secrets to make you better and better

3 The Wise Man's Game of Disguise: Learn to pretend to be stupid, sometimes pretending not to know better than a Ph.D. Don't let your cleverness become the target of public criticism, remember, a wise man must have a thousand thoughts.

Ignorance at the right time is more powerful than a full belly. Use your knowledge as an invisible shield instead of a wielded sword. Slow down your speech in the discussion and let someone else show your hole cards first, so that you can not only get more information, but also use your silence and smile to turn the situation around at a critical moment.

Remember, the best strategy is often to make your opponent mistakenly think that you are not a cause for concern, until you unleash the fatal blow by surprise.

4 Balancing Patience and Determination:

Between patience and decisiveness, find your atrium. Don't be impulsive, but your actions will be thunderous. It can be as quiet as a virgin and as moving as a rabbit.

It's like staying calm under the surface of the undercurrent, waiting for the right time to show your edge. Practice Xi switch between peace of mind and one-hit kill, like a nightkin walking through the shadows, silent but deadly.

It's a masterful art that requires you to hone between patient cultivation and momentary explosiveness until you can go from being a virgin to a moving rabbit in an instant, catching your opponent off guard.

Tell you 6 secrets to make you better and better

5 Be as humble as Liu Bei and as shrewd as Cao Cao: Be a humble listener and a wise leader in interpersonal interactions.

It is better to make good use of people than to talk about them, and let the aura of others add points to you.

Cultivate a calm temperament, even if you have a plan in mind, and show that you are willing to listen to the opinions of others. Not only will this allow you to gather information from all sides, but it will also strengthen the cohesion of your team.

At the same time, learn to leave white space in your words so that people can read your wisdom rather than arrogance. Be as sharp and decisive as Cao Cao when making decisions, but keep Liu Bei gentle and tolerant in interpersonal interactions, and make your team members and allies feel respected and valued, so that they will be more willing to fight alongside you.

6 Flowing water does not compete for the first, but strives for the flow to the sea: You don't always want to surpass others, but you must have a direction and a goal. Deal with the world like Liu Bei, make decisions like Cao Cao, and be bold and far-sighted.

Set long-term goals, as broad and far-reaching as the sea, so that your efforts and wisdom are like flowing water, not impatient, not roaring, but persistently moving towards the goal.

In this process, the water flows for a long time, gathering sand into a tower, so that your every step is small, but cumulatively can achieve remarkable achievements. At the same time, maintain an adaptable attitude, just as a river adjusts its flow direction according to the terrain, you also need to adjust your strategy and path according to the environment and situation.