
What should I do if my immunity is weakened in winter?Doctor: 5 things to do to improve immunity and stay away from the flu!

author:Kangsir medical science

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One winter day, Zhao Ming, an ordinary librarian, walked into the outpatient department of the central hospital.

What should I do if my immunity is weakened in winter?Doctor: 5 things to do to improve immunity and stay away from the flu!

He originally came to visit his friend Xiao Li, who was hospitalized with a cold, but recently he himself has not felt well, coughing from time to time, and is worried that his immunity is also declining.

"Mr. Zhao, it is common for immunity to decline in winter, however, there are some simple ways to help boost immunity. Sitting in the consultation room, Dr. Li, a kind middle-aged female doctor, smiled and spoke.

Zhao Ming was curious: "Oh?

What should I do if my immunity is weakened in winter?Doctor: 5 things to do to improve immunity and stay away from the flu!

Dr. Lee began to elaborate: "First of all, it is very important to maintain a healthy eating Xi. Eat foods rich in vitamin C and vitamin E, such as fresh fruits and vegetables, which can help boost immunity. ”

Zhao Ming nodded, indicating that he rarely paid attention to this aspect of his diet.

"Secondly, it's also important to get a moderate amount of exercise on a regular basis. Exercise can promote blood circulation and enhance the body's ability to fight diseases. Dr. Lee continued.

What should I do if my immunity is weakened in winter?Doctor: 5 things to do to improve immunity and stay away from the flu!

Zhao Ming smiled bitterly: "I basically don't have a sports Xi, it seems that I have to start changing." ”

Dr. Lee adds with a smile, "Also, it's important to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can seriously affect the function of the immune system. ”

Zhao Ming realized that his Xi of staying up late at night to read a book might also be a problem.

What should I do if my immunity is weakened in winter?Doctor: 5 things to do to improve immunity and stay away from the flu!

"In addition, maintaining a good mindset is also one of the keys to improving immunity. Stress and anxiety can weaken the immune system. Dr. Lee gently reminded.

Zhao Ming nodded to show that he understood that he was indeed a person who was prone to anxiety.

Dr. Lee also mentioned that supplementing with some immune-boosting nutrients, such as zinc and selenium, can also help boost immunity, but only under the guidance of a doctor.

Dr. Lee recounted a number of specific cases to support her view.

For example, there is a patient who has a long-term unbalanced diet and irregular life, and his immunity is greatly reduced, and he often catches colds. After adjusting his diet and Xi, his health improved significantly.

When Zhao Ming walked out of the consultation room, he had already decided that he wanted to start changing his lifestyle and strengthening his immunity.

What should I do if my immunity is weakened in winter?Doctor: 5 things to do to improve immunity and stay away from the flu!


So, the question is: in addition to the methods mentioned above, what other ways can we effectively improve our immunity in winter?

First, avoid excessive alcohol consumption and smoking, which can severely damage the immune system Xi bad habits. Second, try to reduce your sugar intake, too much sugar can inhibit the function of immune cells.

Finally, proper exposure to sunlight, the ultraviolet rays in sunlight can help the body synthesize vitamin D, which has a significant effect on boosting immunity.

Through Zhao Ming's experience and Dr. Li's advice, we can see that improving immunity in winter requires a multifaceted effort.

A reasonable diet, moderate exercise, adequate sleep, a good state of mind, and proper nutritional supplementation are all effective ways to improve immunity and stay away from the flu.

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Note: The original debut, plagiarism must be investigated to the end!