
It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

author:Bread clip knowledge

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It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

Text: Bread Clip Knowledge

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«——【Preamble】】 ——»

The mainland has many rural areas, and the number of flora and fauna in many rural areas can be described as very large, and for many people, many people cannot distinguish them.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

In the countryside, there is such a plant, its appearance may have been seen by many people, its appearance, and many of our common fruits are very similar, some people even describe it as a big lemon.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

It is also called "winter melon" by many people, and it has its figure in many places on the mainland, but there are many places where it has always been thought that it is poisonous and cannot be eaten, but now this wild fruit is planted in large quantities, and even seeds can be sold for 30 yuan a catty, and it is also called "golden melon" and "rich melon" by the locals.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

What is so special about this wild fruit, known as "winter melon", and why is it called "golden melon" when it was once considered poisonous and uneatable?

«——【Widespread in rural areas·】——»

In fact, when it comes to the melon of "winter melon", you may not know it, but in fact, this is just a common name, because this kind of melon is too widely distributed, so its name is also very different.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

In some places, it is also called duck feces melon, wild bitter gourd, pot-bellied gourd, medicinal gourd and hanging gourd, etc., which are very different according to local conditions.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

In fact, its scientific name is called 栝楼 (guā lóu), and many of its names have "melon" in them. In fact, it is a herbaceous plant of the Cucurbitaceae family, and its vitality can be described as very tenacious.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

It can often appear on some rocks, as well as some rock walls, and its vine man can be said to be very developed, it only takes a short time, it can make its own vine man reach more than 10 meters, it can also rely on its strong vine, entangle its plants, so as to achieve its wild growth.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

Because it is very common in many rural areas, in the past, in the mountains of the countryside, there were more wild oak buildings, because of its adaptability can be described as very strong, whether it is in the mountains or villages and some grasslands, it can be seen.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

Although it can be seen everywhere, many people have a bad impression of this wild fruit at all, and there is a great prejudice against it, because it looks very weird, there are many people who don't know it, thinking that this is a poisonous plant and cannot be eaten.

«——【Poisonous can't be eaten?·】——»

Because this wild fruit is not impressive to many people, it is just very special in appearance, there are nearly spherical, or heart-shaped, the fruit is green at first, and when it is ripe, it is yellow-brown or orange-yellow.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

If you cut the oak building, it is all black, and some black silt, but it is very disgusting, it is simply unbearable for many people to look at it directly, and many people are absolutely afraid that it is a poisonous wild fruit that cannot be eaten.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

In addition, this kind of Yulou can be said to have a strong ability to survive, at an average altitude of 300-2000m can survive, plus because the vines of the Yulou can be said to be very developed, so widely attached to some plants, similar to some wild trees.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

In the wild, especially in some mountains, many trees are entangled, many vines of this wild fruit, many people have always thought that this wild fruit is a proper poisonous fruit, so when they see it, they cut it by the roots.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

Although this kind of kuroku, after cutting it, you can see the black slurry inside, which is really unappetizing, so many people will think that it is a poisonous wild fruit.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

In fact, this is not the case, this kind of wild fruit is actually very special in appearance, it is more disgusting inside, this kind of Yulou is not poisonous, but it is also a very nutritious wild fruit, it is also popular with many people.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

Once very disliked by many people, the wild fruit has now become a very popular wild fruit, and even its seeds can now be sold for 30 yuan a catty.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

Who would have thought that this wild fruit, which was once considered inedible and poisonous, is now not only eaten in large quantities by many people, but also cultivated in large quantities, what is the reason for this?

«——【Why is it planted in large quantities now?】——»

In the past, people were very disgusted with this wild fruit, and once thought it was poisonous, but with this wild fruit, it was gradually known and liked by many people, so it began to be planted in large quantities.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

Although it is said that this kind of oak building, after cutting the inside is all black, but after cleaning, the seeds in it can be said to be very delicious, after the seeds are fried, they can be turned into very delicious melon seeds, which are also called "hanging melon seeds" by many people.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

It is a delicious existence, and after it is fried, it is also used as that kind of snack by many people, which can be said to be very popular.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

Not only that, this melon seed contains a variety of organic substances, similar to rich fatty oils, while the fruit contains sugars, triterpene saponins, organic acids, resins, and sugars, among others.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

It is also rich in taste, by many contemporary young people like, so it is also favored, especially during the New Year's Festival, this kind of "hanging melon seeds" can be said to be very popular, the Spring Festival and the New Year, it is almost a snack on the table in many families.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

In addition to the seeds that can be used as snacks, its remaining pulp is also indispensable in traditional Chinese medicine, and even the peel that is disliked by many people can also be used in traditional Chinese medicine.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

The roots of this wild fruit are also very useful, because according to relevant scientific research, the roots of this wild fruit are rich in proteins, saponins and acids.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is full of treasures, and many people call it "rich melon" or "golden melon", but its flowering period is very long, generally speaking, it only bears fruit once in two to three years, but its growth batch is different, so it should be picked separately.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

The villagers call it "golden gourd", on the one hand, every time it is ripe, its color changes from cyan to golden yellow, and its economic benefits are very high, and the market demand is great.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

In addition, this kind of oak building, the adaptability is quite strong, the yield is very high, one acre of land can reach three or four hundred catties, in fact, the purchase price is not low, for many people, this is simply better than some other crop economic benefits.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

And the maintenance cost is also very low, after planting, only need to maintain well, often weeding, fertilization, it can be described as a proper rich gourd.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

Many people may not think that it is this kind of wild fruit that was once spurned by many people and once thought to be poisonous.

It was once thought to be poisonous and inedible, but now it is being cultivated in large quantities and is also called "golden melon" by the locals

Now it is widely planted by many people, and it is full of treasures, and it can even lead many people to get rid of poverty and become rich, and is even praised by many people as "golden melon" and "rich melon".


I don't know if you've ever seen this kind of look is a very special building, if you find a lot of yellow wild fruits, hang on the tree can not be easily missed, this is a pure natural green polluted food.