
The biggest mistake of the United States is to regard China as the former Soviet Union?

author:Hi seconds understand popular science
{"info":{"title":{"content":"美最大错误:把中国当成了前苏联?再现美国不正当手段抹黑与断绝","en":"The biggest mistake of the United States is to regard China as the former Soviet Union?"},"description":{"content":"美国犯下最大的错误就是——把中国当成前‬苏联。如今的美国不会还以为自家“独大”吧,在中国崛起前,他们的确有着绝对话语权。...","en":"美国犯下最大的错误就是——把中国当成前‬苏联。 Today's United States will not think that it is \"dominant\", and before China's rise, they did have the absolute right to speak. ..."}},"items":[]}