
If people don't smoke or drink all their lives, will they live longer?

author:Dr. Cai said in popular science

As we all know, smoking and drinking are considered Xi, but some people find it difficult to part with cigarettes and alcohol. Especially among the older generation of men, the tobacco and alcohol complex is even more indescribable.

Although the people around them tried hard to persuade them to quit smoking and drinking, the result often backfired, not only failed to do so, but attracted a lot of complaints. Because for them, smoking and drinking is not only a pastime of life, but also an attitude towards life.

Indeed, there are also those in our lives who have been accompanied by cigarettes and alcohol for many years, but still enjoy a long life. They seem to have broken the curse of "smoking and drinking to hurt their bodies" with practical actions, and have become a model of longevity.

However, this is not true for everyone. In fact, many scientific studies have confirmed that the harm of long-term smoking and alcohol consumption to the body is beyond doubt. It is like a chronic poison that silently erodes our health and shortens our lifespan.

If people don't smoke or drink all their lives, will they live longer?

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There is no consensus on the relationship between tobacco and alcohol and life expectancy. Some people think that tobacco and alcohol are the killers of life, while others think that not smoking and drinking alcohol may lead to a short life. These two very different points of view make one wonder: which one is correct?


If people don't smoke or drink all their lives, will they live longer?

Tobacco contains a large number of harmful substances, such as nicotine, tar, etc., and the impact of these substances on human health is huge. Long-term smoking will increase the risk of lung cancer, laryngeal cancer, esophageal cancer and other diseases, and will also accelerate atherosclerosis, causing cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Therefore, from a medical point of view, not smoking is a very healthy lifestyle that can significantly reduce the risk of cancer and chronic diseases.

Drinking alcohol in moderation may bring some health benefits, such as reducing the risk of heart disease, etc., but this also varies from person to person. Long-term heavy alcohol consumption can seriously damage organs such as the liver and pancreas, increasing the risk of liver cancer, pancreatic cancer and other diseases.

If people don't smoke or drink all their lives, will they live longer?

At the same time, dangerous behaviors such as drunk driving also bring huge safety risks to people. Therefore, doctors recommend drinking alcohol in moderation or not at all to maintain good health.

To sum up, it is indeed possible to prolong life without smoking or drinking for a lifetime. However, it should be noted that a person's lifespan is affected by a variety of factors, such as genetics, environment, dietary Xi, etc.

Therefore, in addition to not smoking or drinking, we should also maintain a good Xi habits and mentality, and have regular physical examinations to maintain good health and prolong life.


What are the harms of long-term smoking and alcohol consumption?

First of all, smoking can cause various respiratory diseases, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, lung cancer, etc., this is because tobacco contains a large number of harmful substances, such as nicotine, tar, etc., which can damage the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, leading to inflammation and infection.

If people don't smoke or drink all their lives, will they live longer?

In addition, smoking also increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction, etc., because the harmful substances in tobacco can damage the lining of blood vessels, causing vasospasm and thrombosis.

On the other hand, long-term heavy alcohol consumption can lead to liver diseases such as fatty liver, cirrhosis, etc. This is because alcohol causes direct toxic effects on the liver, disrupting the normal structure and function of the liver.

In addition, drinking alcohol also increases the risk of diseases such as high blood pressure and stroke, as alcohol causes blood vessels to dilate, leading to fluctuations in blood pressure and abnormalities in the cardiovascular system.

In addition to the harm to the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, long-term smoking and alcohol consumption can also have negative effects on the digestive system, nervous system, etc.

If people don't smoke or drink all their lives, will they live longer?

For example, both smoking and alcohol can increase the risk of diseases such as oral cancer, esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, etc., because tobacco and alcohol can cause irritation and damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

In addition, smoking and drinking alcohol can also affect the development and function of the nervous system, increasing the risk of diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.


What are the factors that affect lifespan?

First of all, genetics is an important influencing factor. According to research, genetics account for a large part of the impact on longevity. That is, if a person has a history of longevity in his family, then the likelihood of him living a long life also increases.

Secondly, life Xi is also an important factor affecting life expectancy. For example, regular work and rest time, adequate sleep, proper rest and relaxation can improve the body's immunity and reduce the occurrence of diseases.

If people don't smoke or drink all their lives, will they live longer?

Dietary habits Xi also one of the important factors affecting life expectancy. A proper diet can provide the nutrients your body needs while reducing the risk of chronic diseases. A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and high-quality protein is good for your health.

Exercise can enhance the body's metabolic capacity and immune function, reducing the risk of diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. Moderate amounts of aerobic exercise and strength training are good for the body.

Social relationships are also one of the factors that affect longevity. Good relationships can provide emotional support and help, reduce stress and anxiety, and also improve the quality of life and well-being.

Finally, environmental factors also have an impact on longevity. For example, environmental factors such as air pollution, noise, and climate change can all have negative health effects. Therefore, it is also very important to choose a good living environment.

If people don't smoke or drink all their lives, will they live longer?


In order to live a long and healthy life, in addition to quitting smoking and drinking, what else should be done?

First and foremost, maintaining a moderate level of exercise is essential. Exercise can enhance cardiopulmonary function, promote blood circulation, improve the body's immunity, and help prevent many diseases.

Secondly, a sensible diet is also crucial. We should eat more vegetables and fruits, eat less greasy and high-calorie foods, maintain balanced nutrition, and avoid excessive obesity.

In addition, a good mindset is equally important for a long and healthy life. We should learn to regulate our emotions, maintain an optimistic attitude, and avoid being in anxiety, depression and other bad emotions for a long time.

If people don't smoke or drink all their lives, will they live longer?

In addition to the above three aspects, there are some other health measures that can help us live a long and healthy life. For example, getting enough sleep can restore physical function and improve immunity, avoiding sitting for long periods of time can relieve physical fatigue by doing stretching exercises, and regular physical examinations can detect potential health problems in time and take effective treatment measures.