
The first step to start 2024: put away your generosity

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

Every year is sad, every year is over, and every year is hard.

When you reach a certain age, you will find that you work hard every year, but every year is the same, you always feel that the money is not enough to spend, life is not satisfied, and you can't open the situation everywhere.

A few years ago, after the epidemic, we always thought that 2023 would be much better, but it backfired, many people did not feel the spring breeze, but saw all kinds of involution, and it was becoming more and more difficult to make money.

Suddenly looking back, it's 2024.

Standing at the intersection of time, everyone expects a better year ahead.

How to start? I really have to plan actively, and I suggest that the first step is to put away your generosity and live a life that has more than enough every year.

The first step to start 2024: put away your generosity


Spending money generously, in exchange for only a life of chicken feathers.

How many people think like this: all year round, busy, hard, when it comes to the New Year, you have to relax. Treat yourself and be kind to your relatives and friends.

Gatherings to eat and drink are needed, and New Year's goods are to be richer. All over the body, you have to change into new clothes to give yourself a happy mood.

If you calculate a detailed account, you will know that many couples spend more than 10,000 or even 20,000 or 30,000 yuan for the New Year.

For a family of three, clothes cost five or six thousand, three or four thousand for dinner and gifts, one or two thousand New Year's goods on the table, and hundreds of cars should be maintained and cleaned.

There are also people who plan to go on a trip, and a few thousand dollars always have to be spent. If you rest, you have to look like you're resting.

The good cigarettes and good wines that I am usually reluctant to buy are all put on the table. From the month before the Chinese New Year, it started.

Go back and count your income.

You will find that the annual income of ordinary workers is 50,000 or 60,000 yuan. In addition to the usual expenses, the rest is only twenty or thirty thousand. You have to don't get sick, otherwise it's not enough.

Spending money while making money seems to be enjoying two kinds of happiness, but it is actually a manifestation of making ends meet.

When I found that I had no money in my pocket after the New Year, I was in a hurry. I can only force myself to go out to work again.

For people who have not prepared for pension insurance, they are even more panicked, because if they buy it themselves, it is not a small amount. If you don't buy it, what should you do when you get old?

The money for the New Year is too generous, resulting in some of your own long-term plans, which will not work. Some small investments are also beyond help.

It's not easy to make money, you cover your money bag, that's happiness. Come to think of it, with a deposit, you have the confidence to be a talent, and you can be comfortable in any unexpected situation.

Celebrate the New Year simply, don't let your hard-earned money go down the drain and enter other people's pockets, this is the greatest sobriety.

The first step to start 2024: put away your generosity


The generosity of the relationship is only exchanged for gossip.

During the festival and the New Year, I invite friends and go to the homes of relatives and friends, which is so lively.

In addition to expenses, places with a lot of people do not necessarily have warmth, but have a lot of internal friction.

My friend Xiao An said something annoying.

He carried the gift and went to his aunt's house. Originally, I thought that after the New Year, I needed to go to work as soon as possible, and before the New Year, I would visit more relatives.

My aunt was also very enthusiastic and pulled Xiao An to have a meal.

When the banquet was held, Xiao An found that there was an extra girl in her aunt's family - it turned out that her aunt really bothered to introduce her to herself.

During the meal, my aunt said vigorously: "Xiao An, everything is good, but I don't like to talk." I'm thirty years old, and I can't find a partner. What about Xiao An......"

Holding the bowl, Xiao An sat on pins and needles, because he didn't want to find a partner at all, and was ready to struggle for another two or three years.

After the meal, relatives all came around, saying that Xiao An's various things are wrong, how indifferent he is to other girls, and the words of his elders are in his ears. Xiao An's parents also surrounded him, and it seemed that he had a siege posture.

In psychology, there is an effect called the "hedgehog effect". If people get too close to each other, they will stab themselves like hedgehogs.

"Cognitive Breakthrough" also wrote: "Caring and intrusive are good brothers, but the latter seems more impolite." But more often than not, there is not much difference. ”

Excessive concern is a kind of harm, but many people don't understand it.

If there are many people, the eating and drinking are excessive, and the situation is uncontrollable, it will be even more troublesome. If you don't drink all year round, you're so uncomfortable.

When you refuse to drink, the words of your relatives are ugly, saying that you don't give face to your elders and don't know how to do things.

There are also many gatherings of friends, classmates, and colleagues at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, but they are also meaningless. After the New Year, most of the people go their separate ways, how can they take care of you.

Some people, slowly drifting away, forget it, don't maintain it.

The first step to start 2024: put away your generosity


The generosity of fatigue is only exchanged for physical injury.

Some people regard the beginning as a sprint.

I want to be ahead of everything, and I can't wait to make a year's worth of money in a month.

There are also people who strive to work overtime in order to perform better, and everyone goes home, but he is staying up late.

Don't forget, a good life is year after year, not after this year, next year.

Feng Menglong wrote about a man named Jiang Xingge in the novel.

In order to support his family, he set out from his hometown and went to Guangdong to do business. Originally, I agreed with my wife Sanqiaoer that in the spring, I would return home for a reunion.

San Qiao'er was at the door, looking left and right and didn't see Brother Jiang Xing, very disappointed. At this moment, a businessman named Chen Dalang saw Sanqiaoer and was moved by her beauty, and then tried his best to get close.

After soft grinding and hard foaming, Sanqiaoer and Chen Dalang fell in love.

A year later, Jiang Xingge returned home and found that his wife had already changed her mind and beat her chest.

The poem says: "All the sorrows in the world are nothing more than death and life." ”

People have to work hard, but they have to spare their lives. You're too tired, and it's easy to fall at the beginning. You have to understand that if you want to hurry, you can't reach it, so take your time.

The first step to start 2024: put away your generosity


The plan of a day lies in the morning, and the plan of the year lies in the spring.

At the beginning of the new year, we need to plan and build on the foundation of the past year.

Don't lose the achievements of the old year because of your generosity.

Put away the generosity of money, live a frugal life, control your expenses, and have not started work in the New Year, and you have already saved money.

It is good enough to put away the generosity of the relationship, have three or five confidants, and have your own family to accompany you, don't invite too many people to your home, and don't go to other people's homes to disturb you.

Put away the generosity of tiredness, the body is the capital of everything, it is the biggest real estate, don't exchange your life for money, what position.

May you and I get better and better every year, and the key is to be good to ourselves.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.