
The "engagement rape case" continues to ferment! 5 suspicious details were picked up, but it also revealed that the woman was not simple

author:Heroic movies


"Please go to the death of the gentleman" is really a story that makes people remember endlessly! From the engagement to the defendant QJ, from the deceived marriage to the conviction of the crime. The twists and turns of the case can not help but make people breathtaking! When I saw the judge reveal the specific facts of the case, I knew that now "Mr. " could die with peace of mind......

The "engagement rape case" continues to ferment! 5 suspicious details were picked up, but it also revealed that the woman was not simple

However, based on the facts of the case revealed by the judge, I found that there are several details that prove that this matter does not seem to be so simple.

What is the biggest topic of conversation these days? I am afraid that it must be the "Datong QJ case", which is the case of a woman who cheated on her marriage, but the man was sentenced to three years in prison in the first instance. As soon as this news came out, everyone's eyes were shattered. Could it be that the judge of the case was blinded? Is it impossible to send the man to prison in the face of the world's condemnation?

All of a sudden, the pressure on the Yanggao County People's Court in Shanxi Province has increased dramatically, and if it cannot give the public a reasonable explanation, I am afraid that the presiding judge will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever, just like Nanjing Judge Wang Hao.

The "engagement rape case" continues to ferment! 5 suspicious details were picked up, but it also revealed that the woman was not simple

Obviously, the presiding judge also knew the seriousness of the matter, so for the sake of his own reputation, the presiding judge exposed many unknown details. After reading this, I couldn't help but gasp, could it be that in the past six months, we have really wronged that girl?

The "engagement rape case" continues to ferment! 5 suspicious details were picked up, but it also revealed that the woman was not simple

On December 25, the official website of the Yanggao County People's Court in Shanxi Province published an interview draft, in which a reporter asked netizens what the basis for the judge's decision was.

According to the judge's description, the truth of the matter is not as speculated on the Internet before, "blackmail on the charge of QJ", in fact, Xi Moumou did involve QJ.

On May 1, after Xi Moumou and the victim Wu Mouli got engaged, at noon the next day, according to the woman's Xi customs, Xi Moumou and Wu Mouli came to their wedding room, only to see that in the elevator, Xi Moumou hugged Wu Mouli, and Wu Mouli did not show any resistance posture, and the two people seemed to be good.

However, beneath the surface of the water beneath this seemingly harmonious beneath it, there is a restless heart hidden.

The "engagement rape case" continues to ferment! 5 suspicious details were picked up, but it also revealed that the woman was not simple

After coming to the room, Xi Moumou felt that since he and Wu Mouli were engaged and had given a bride price, she was already his wife to a certain extent, so he thought about making some substantial progress with him. Unexpectedly, this request was strongly rejected by Wu Mouli, and Wu Mouli has always maintained an opposing attitude towards "premarital X behavior", and she once clearly expressed this attitude to Xi Moumou.

However, the beauty is on the side, and Xi Moumou can't control so much at the moment, so under Wu Mouli's strong opposition, Xi Moumou succeeded.

The "engagement rape case" continues to ferment! 5 suspicious details were picked up, but it also revealed that the woman was not simple

After the incident, Wu Mouli was very excited, in order to express her inner anger, Wu Mouli set fire to the cabinet in the bedroom, and even the curtains in the living room were not spared. Soon, the wedding room was in shambles.

After making a fuss, Wu Mouli ran out of the room, went down the stairs to the 13th floor, and shouted "help". Xi Moumou didn't expect that his behavior would make Wu Mouli's reaction so big, but after the incident, he didn't appease Wu Mouli well, but forcibly took her back to the marriage room.

The judge said that this behavior was also clearly seen in the surveillance.

The "engagement rape case" continues to ferment! 5 suspicious details were picked up, but it also revealed that the woman was not simple

According to the information revealed by the judge, Wu Mouli had not thought about calling the police at that time, and the mobile phone was also in Xi Moumou's hand, until Xi Moumou's mother-in-law called, and he took the mobile phone to Wu Mouli. And it was also this phone call that the mother-in-law recorded a conversation with her son-in-law.

After that, it is a well-known content, Xi Moumou's mother broke the news that the other party wanted them to fulfill their promise immediately and make up for the bride price and everything, after all, Xi Moumou got everything he deserved.

The "engagement rape case" continues to ferment! 5 suspicious details were picked up, but it also revealed that the woman was not simple

In the afternoon of the same day, Wu Mouli did not call the police, and it was not until the evening that she called the police. The police rushed to the scene of the crime as soon as possible and found that there were indeed traces of burning in the bedroom and living room of the marriage room.

The "engagement rape case" continues to ferment! 5 suspicious details were picked up, but it also revealed that the woman was not simple

However, Xi Moumou was not taken away by the police on the day of the incident, perhaps Wu Mouli's family also thought that Xi Moumou and they could compromise, according to Wu Mouli's family, they didn't want to make such a big fuss, they just wanted the two children to complete the marriage registration as soon as possible, and when they learned that Xi Moumou's family could not get the remaining bride price, they also said that they could make up for it, but their daughter's name must be added to the house book.

The "engagement rape case" continues to ferment! 5 suspicious details were picked up, but it also revealed that the woman was not simple

Everyone should be familiar with the plot in the back, Xi Moumou's family did not add the girl's name to the house book on time, so the woman accused Xi Moumou of QJ crimes.

Looking at the things that the judge said, although they are reasonable, it is not difficult for us to find several problems.

First: Why did Wu Mouli make a big fuss in the marriage room after being QJ, and burned the cabinets and set the curtains on fire? Is the reason she did this deliberately to make this incident look more like a QJ case?

Second: The time of the incident was 3 o'clock in the afternoon, why did Wu Mouli choose to call the police until the evening, and during this period, was it the woman who deliberately set aside to put pressure on the man to negotiate the conditions? If he said that he could not get along, he directly accused Xi Moumou of the crime of QJ.

Third: According to what the judge said, the woman's mobile phone was confiscated by the man during the period, so why did the woman's mother record the phone as soon as she made the call? Why did everything seem so coincidental? After Wu Mouli was QJ by Xi Moumou, her mother called, and she also knew about it, and also recorded it at the first time. So many coincidences add up that the whole thing doesn't seem so plausible......

Fourth: Why did the woman's family still want to let the other party go to jail after Xi Moumou's family compromised...... Could it be that the woman has made up her mind to carry it to the end with the other party?

Fifth: Why did the two parties break up, but the woman did not return even a little bride price to the man. Some people may say that this is a moral damage fee, but I don't believe in this, one yard is one yard, since it is impossible for two people, then the bride price should be returned to the other party first, and then the moral damage fee will be determined by the court. Withholding the bride price like this will inevitably give people a suspicion of misdeeds.

The "engagement rape case" continues to ferment! 5 suspicious details were picked up, but it also revealed that the woman was not simple

In fact, there is the most important point I am more curious about, that is, whether Wu Mouli is the first time, if so, then what they say is quite convincing. If not, then the arguments against "premarital X" are not convincing.

In response to this verdict, Xi Moumou also appealed in court. That said, there seems to be room for things to turn around. What do you think of such a "bizarre" case? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area below to discuss.