
Guo Guangchang and Fosun Group, why is Guo Guangchang successful?

author:JOD Real Estate

Regarding why Guo Guangchang is successful, many people on the Internet have not talked about the point, at best it is just a popular science online article, and the editor will talk about this matter in detail with his own opinions.

Guo Guangchang and Fosun Group, why is Guo Guangchang successful?

One, the experience of childhood and adolescence

Guo can be said to be the perfect representative of China's grassroots counterattack, only he and Liu Qiangdong can be regarded as the real grassroots, the perfect representative of our country's personal upward channel, they all have one thing in common, that is, to some extent, they have changed their fate by reading.

Guo Guangchang and Fosun Group, why is Guo Guangchang successful?

Guo has a very strong ability to learn and Xi, and from the face of the heavenly court is open, and his intelligence is very high. He graduated from Dongyang Middle School in Zhejiang Province in July 1985 and from the Department of Philosophy of Fudan University in 1989. The high school is a key high school, and the university is both 985 and 211.

Guo Guangchang and Fosun Group, why is Guo Guangchang successful?

With this resume, Guo is unlikely to be a very ordinary person, at least in terms of education and Xi, he has exceeded 90%.

Guo once said that in Dongyang, a boy can not do housework, but you have to get ahead, family conditions have a two-sided effect, a poor environment may not be able to bring you superior conditions, but can stimulate your fighting spirit and potential.

Second, I chose philosophy when I was in college

Guo Guangchang and Fosun Group, why is Guo Guangchang successful?

Unlike others, Guo chose a philosophy that seemed useless.

And it is this that reflects the difference, other technical majors, regardless of law, medicine, economics, IT disciplines, he cultivates a person's professional skills, while only philosophy cultivates a person's thinking ability and thinking method.

So Guo had a long-term vision and the perspective and ability of a leader from the beginning.

Third, I chose the right city

Guo Guangchang and Fosun Group, why is Guo Guangchang successful?

Guo chose Fudan and Shanghai, the most economically developed city in China. This created good conditions for him to start his own business later.

In 1992, he started a business with Liang Xinjun and others with 38,000 yuan and established Shanghai Guangxin Technology Development Co., Ltd.

In 1993, in just one year, Guo completed a leap in life.

Guo Guangchang and Fosun Group, why is Guo Guangchang successful?

Two cases.

The first consulting case of Taiwan's ancestor food earned the first pot of gold of 1 million in his life.

The second is to sell a house, at that time, a real estate designed for a family studying abroad in Shanghai was unsalable, and Guo earned the first 10 million in his life through precision marketing.

Guo Guangchang and Fosun Group, why is Guo Guangchang successful?

There is almost no need to go into detail about the rest of the matter, and by 2007 it was listed, and we know that there are several stages or levels of making money.

The first is to work part-time to earn money, in a factory or company, with a salary of thousands to tens of thousands.

The second is to earn money as a small boss, and the annual salary may be tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands.

The third is a large company or a large factory, and the annual salary may be hundreds of thousands to tens of millions.

The fourth is the capital market, where investment earns money, and the annual salary may be millions to hundreds of millions.

We can see that Guo started from the second stage to the fourth stage, and the start and development were very fast.

Guo Guangchang and Fosun Group, why is Guo Guangchang successful?

It can be said that luck and fate are very good.

To sum up, the reasons for Guo'Xi s success, family support and motivation, strong learning ability, high wisdom, choose the right city Shanghai, choose the right industry from consulting companies to investment companies.

Success can be said to be accidental or inevitable, to paraphrase a phrase that used to be very popular, it is gold, and it always shines.

Guo Guangchang and Fosun Group, why is Guo Guangchang successful?

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