
The biggest failure of "Thrush" is Bai Hui, her blackening is too sudden to explain!


In the TV series "Thrush", the audience showed obvious doubts about the blackening transformation of the main character Bai Hui. This transformation is considered one of the biggest failures in the entire show, as her blackening is so sudden that the audience finds it difficult to understand. What is the reason for such a plot arrangement, and Bai Hui's choice of blackening to add or subtract color to the plot, is worth in-depth discussion.

First of all, whether Bai Hui's blackening is too sudden is a common concern of the audience. In the development of the plot, Bai Hui transforms from a kind little nurse to a spy, and the process of this transformation seems to be hasty and lacks sufficient foreshadowing and explanation.

The biggest failure of "Thrush" is Bai Hui, her blackening is too sudden to explain!

The audience lacks enough understanding of Bai Hui's past and inner contradictions, so it is difficult to accept the plot setting of her transformation from a righteous and kind character to a villain.

Secondly, the revelation of Bai Hui's past may be one of the reasons for her blackening. In the plot, Bai Hui's past was revealed, which also put Pang Hongmei, Ji Danyang and others in a predicament. This plot seems to be designed to explain why Bai Hui chose to become a spy and to provide a plausible motivation for her blackening behavior.

The biggest failure of "Thrush" is Bai Hui, her blackening is too sudden to explain!

However, the audience has doubts about whether this explanation is convincing enough.

Regarding Bai Hui's blackening choice, the audience's incomprehension may stem from her betrayal of justice for the sake of saving her life in her early years. This kind of plot arrangement of betraying principles for personal selfishness makes Bai Hui's image complex and contradictory. It is difficult for the audience to understand why a once kind and selfless nurse would abandon her original beliefs and positions in the face of life-saving grace.

The biggest failure of "Thrush" is Bai Hui, her blackening is too sudden to explain!

Whether this transformation is reasonable and whether it is in line with the shaping of the character's personality has become the focus of discussion among the audience.

From the perspective of narrative structure, it is also worth thinking about whether Bai Hui's blackening can be more naturally integrated into the entire plot. A good storyline should have exciting ups and downs, and the growth and transformation of the characters should be traceable, not abrupt and unnatural. Whether Bai Hui's blackening can be better integrated into the plot and make the audience understand her choice more smoothly is a question worthy of in-depth consideration by directors and screenwriters.

The biggest failure of "Thrush" is Bai Hui, her blackening is too sudden to explain!

In addition, the audience's confusion about the plot may also be related to the lack of understanding of the spy incident. The spy events involved in the TV series are complex and bizarre, and viewers may need more information to understand why Bai Hui chose to become a spy and what her real purpose in the spy incident is. This also requires the screenwriter to handle the narrative more skillfully to ensure that the audience can better understand the development of the plot when watching.

The biggest failure of "Thrush" is Bai Hui, her blackening is too sudden to explain!

In general, the blackening transformation of Bai Hui in the TV series "Thrush" has become a hot topic of discussion among the audience. The audience was puzzled by the suddenness and unreasonableness of this plot, and at the same time questioned Bai Hui's characterization and the rationality of the plot. In the future creation of TV dramas, screenwriters can pay more attention to the rationality of character changes and the coherence of the plot to improve the audience's viewing experience.

The biggest failure of "Thrush" is Bai Hui, her blackening is too sudden to explain!