
The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

author:Geyan emotion

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My name is Lin Hao, I am 27 years old and I work for an Internet company in Beijing. The second uncle was my father's younger brother, an authentic village merchant, who always wore a light-colored tunic and had his hair combed to a shiny finish. He was always a marginal character in my life until that day, when he called me out of the blue.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

"Haohao, I have 60,000 yuan here, and I want you to help buy a house in the countryside. The second uncle's voice came through the phone, a little eager.

I was working overtime at the company and was a little surprised by his request. After all, the second uncle and I are not close, so such a request seems a bit abrupt.

"Second uncle, can you tell me more about this?" I asked.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

"I just want to buy a small house in the countryside so that I can have a quiet place to live when I retire. There was a hint of expectation in the second uncle's voice.

I acceded to his request. The pressure of living in Beijing made me rarely go back to my hometown, and this time I bought a house for my second uncle, which can be regarded as an opportunity to return to my hometown.

A week later, I returned to the countryside with my second uncle's 60,000 yuan. It is a typical water town in the south of the Yangtze River, with small bridges and flowing water, and it is antique. I asked in the small shop at the entrance of the village and learned that there happened to be a house for sale nearby.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

The owner of the house was a middle-aged woman named Aunt Wang, who was dressed plainly and greeted me with a smile. Aunt Wang's house is a small two-story building, although it is a bit old, but it is quite well maintained. We sat down in her living room, and she brought out the mung bean soup she had made.

"Young man, do you fancy this house?" asked Aunt Wang.

“嗯,是给我二叔买的。 ”我回答。

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

We talked a lot, from the structure of the house to the vicissitudes of the countryside. During the conversation, I learned that Aunt Wang's husband died a few years ago, and her son was working in other places, and she lived alone in this big house, which seemed a little lonely.

After negotiating the price, I was ready to leave. Aunt Wang suddenly said to me: "Young man, you are a good person, I hope this house can bring happiness to your family." ”

Leaving Aunt Wang's house, I felt a little emotional. Perhaps, buying a house for the second uncle is not only a task, but also a spiritual journey.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

After returning to Beijing, I told my second uncle about the house. The second uncle was very happy when he heard this, and he thanked me repeatedly.

"Haohao, I'm really bothering you this time, when I retire, I'll go live there. The second uncle's voice was full of anticipation.

However, just when I thought everything was calming down, things took a turn for the worse.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

The second uncle's wife, who is also my sister-in-law, accidentally learned about this. She is a working woman in the city and has never liked life in the countryside. When she learned that her second uncle planned to move to the countryside after retirement, she was very dissatisfied.

"You decided without consulting me?"

Sounds incredibly angry. I didn't communicate much with her, but I knew she was a very assertive person.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

"This is a matter between me and Haohao, what does it have to do with you?" the second uncle's voice began to become firm.

I feel embarrassed by such a conversation. I stood in the middle of them, like an outsider who couldn't fit into their world.

A few days later, I learned that my aunt had gone to the country house herself. She wanted to see with her own eyes what kind of place made the second uncle so persistent.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

I was worried that this trip would deepen the cracked hemorrhoids between them. I decided to go there as well, maybe to de-escalate the situation.

When I got to the countryside, I saw my aunt standing in front of the old house, seemingly looking at every brick and tile.

"What are you doing here?" asked the aunt, without a hint of warmth in her voice.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

"I... I just want to see what the hell is going on here. "I try to make my voice sound calm.

The aunt didn't answer, she turned and walked into the house. I followed.

In the house, everything was the same as the last time I came. Aunt Wang's mung bean soup is still on the table, as if welcoming every visitor.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

The aunt walked into the house and looked at these familiar and unfamiliar objects. I saw a slight shake in her eyes.

"I don't understand why he left the city and came to this place. The aunt finally spoke, with a hint of helplessness in her voice.

I tried to explain the second uncle's thoughts, but my words couldn't seem to touch her heart.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

Just then, Aunt Wang walked in. Her arrival made the atmosphere in the room less tense.

"Are you here to see the house?" asked Aunt Wang.

The aunt nodded. She chatted with Aunt Wang. At first, the aunt's attitude was still cold, but as the conversation deepened, she gradually relaxed her vigilance.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

Aunt Wang recounts her life here with her husband and how much the house means to her. Her words were simple but full of emotion, which seemed to touch the aunt.

I saw tears glistening in the corners of my aunt's eyes. She seemed to be beginning to understand the significance of this house to the second uncle.

That night, we stayed in the country. When night fell, my aunt walked up to me.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

"I always thought I knew what he wanted. "But now, I realize that I may never really understand him." ”

The next day, we went back to Beijing together. On the way, the aunt was silent. I knew what she was thinking, but I didn't bother her.

After returning to Beijing, the aunt and the second uncle had a long conversation. I wasn't involved, but I could feel it was an important conversation.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

A few days later, the second uncle told me that he and his aunt had reached a decision. They decided to put that

a house is intended as a holiday home, not as a permanent residence. This can not only satisfy the second uncle's desire for tranquility after retirement, but also allow the aunt to maintain her lifestyle in the city.

The second uncle's face showed a smile that he hadn't seen for a long time. I know this decision means a lot to him. He even offered to invite me to spend some time there with him on the holidays.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

Things seem to be moving in a good direction, but what I didn't expect was that this decision would attract more attention.

My cousin, Xiaofang, is a college student and is curious about life in the countryside. When she learned that we had a house in the country, she urged us to go and see it together.

So, on a weekend, me, my second uncle, my aunt and Xiaofang went to the house in the countryside together. Xiao Fang's arrival added a lot of laughter to the trip. She showed a strong interest in everything in the countryside, constantly taking pictures and posting them on Moments.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

We walked in the fields near Aunt Wang's house and enjoyed the tranquility of the countryside and the beauty of nature. Aunt Xiao and Aunt Wang gradually became friends, and they talked about their lives and exchanged experiences.

In the evening we had a barbecue in the yard of the house. The firelight danced in the night, and we sat around and talked and laughed. At that moment, I felt the warmth and harmony of home.

However, this calm did not last long. The next day, several elders from the village came to the door. They heard about our house here and were a little worried that we would change this peaceful countryside.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

My second uncle and I came forward to receive them. After some conversation, we assured them that we would not cause any negative impact on the place. Instead, we want to be able to integrate into the community and live in harmony with the villagers.

Although this conversation calmed the concerns of the elders, it also made me realize that as outsiders, we need to work harder to understand and respect the traditions and Xi of the countryside.

A few weeks later, we embarked on our second trip to the countryside. This time, we specially invited a few village elders to come to our house. We prepared a sumptuous lunch, hoping to bring each other closer through such gatherings.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

The party went very well. The elders of the village shared a lot of stories and history about the village, which gave us a deeper understanding of the place. The second uncle and aunt also expressed their respect and love for rural life.

At the end of the meeting, an elder named Lao Li took me by the hand and said, "Young man, it is a blessing for us to have young people like you come to us. I hope you will come often, and bring more people to know our countryside. ”

I was deeply touched and assured Lao Li that we would come often and that we would respect and protect everything here.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

Over time, we were in the countryside

The house gradually became a bridge between the city and the countryside. The aunt began to try to grow flowers and vegetables there, and even learned to make handicrafts with rural characteristics. The second uncle established a good relationship between the neighbors, and he often helped the villagers solve some small problems, and gradually became a trusted person.

I also found a sense of serenity and balance in the process. Outside of work, I go to the house in the country, help with the garden, or play soccer with the village children. This kind of life makes me feel more fulfilled than ever.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

Xiaofang also comes here often. She is fascinated by life here and often takes photos and videos and uploads them on social media. Her sharing attracted a lot of interest in rural life, and some even began to ask if they could come here to experience life.

Such changes have made the people of the village begin to realize that their way of life also has its own unique charm. Some of the young people in the village started to try their hand at entrepreneurship, opening homestays and handicraft shops. Our house became a source of inspiration and a place of practice for them.

I discussed with my aunt and second uncle and decided to participate more actively in the development of the village. Together, we planned a rural cultural festival and invited friends and netizens from the city to experience rural life and culture.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

On the day of the festival, the weather was sunny and the village was bustling with activity. We invited local artisans to demonstrate their skills, and the village chefs prepared a rich village meal. Children chased and played in the fields, laughing one after another.

My aunt and I watched all this, and our hearts were full of joy and pride.

"I didn't expect that at the beginning, it was just to buy a retirement house for my second uncle, but it turned out to bring so many changes. The aunt sighed.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

"Yes, sometimes, life is like that, a small thing can trigger a series of changes. I responded.

The culmination of the event was a choir performance by local elders. Their singing was simple and touching, which deeply touched everyone present.

After the festival, we received a lot of positive feedback. Many of the city residents who participated in the event said that they had never experienced such a simple and harmonious life, which gave them a new perspective on rural life.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

The event also sparked enthusiasm among the young people in the village. They began to think about how to use their resources and advantages to develop rural tourism while protecting the natural environment and cultural heritage.

Over time, our house has become more than just a family retreat, but also a platform for communication and understanding between the city and the countryside. We have brought about some changes in the village, and let more people see the beauty and value of the village.

However, in all this wonderful change

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

New challenges have also emerged. As the beauty of village life became more and more recognized, the village began to receive more visitors. This puts some pressure on the traditional way of life and the environment of the village.

One day, the village chief approached me and my second uncle and expressed his concerns. He said that while the village has become more prosperous because of the arrival of tourists, it has also brought some problems, such as garbage disposal and cultural conflicts.

My second uncle and I realized what we needed to do to help the village cope with these challenges. We organized a village meeting and invited all villagers and regular visitors to the village to discuss how to balance development and conservation.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

At the meeting, villagers, tourists, our family, and some environmental experts exchanged ideas. We agreed that there must be rules and guidelines in place to ensure the sustainable development of the village.

We decided to set up a team to develop a development plan for the village, including the establishment of a waste sorting system, the establishment of a cultural preservation area, and the development of a code of conduct for tourists. The second uncle and aunt were also actively involved, and they even proposed to build a small ecological farm near the house to educate tourists and villagers about the importance of environmental protection and sustainable living.

With the gradual implementation of these measures, the village has gradually found a balance between development and protection. Tourists are beginning to respect the culture and environment of the village more, and the villagers are reaping tangible benefits from it.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

In the process, I found myself not just a spectator or participant, but a part of the change. I began to document the process, wrote a series of articles on rural revitalization, and published them on the Internet. These articles have received a lot of attention and have sparked more discussions about how to protect and develop the countryside.

I realised that our house and our experience here had not only changed us and our village, but also touched the wider society. It has become a bridge between different lifestyles and different values.

Time has passed, and the house in the countryside has witnessed many stories happening. From its original retirement home, to becoming a family leisure place, to a platform for promoting rural revitalization, its significance has continued to expand and deepen.

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

The lives of the second uncle and aunt have also changed dramatically because of this house. Here they find a new way of life and values, and they cherish each other and everything around them even more. Auntie even began to share her life in the countryside on social media, inspiring more people to explore and discover the beauty of the countryside.

Xiaofang has also grown a lot in the process. She used her lens to record the changes in the countryside and became an enthusiastic communicator of rural culture.

And I, through this experience, have not only grown professionally, but also received profound spiritual nourishment. I'm more aware

The second uncle gave me 60,000 yuan to buy a country house: I gave the house to my aunt to live in, and the second uncle broke off with me

The content is purely a story, this article contains fictional creation, this article is only published in the headlines, and those who carry and reprint the misappropriation must be investigated!