
Doctor: When the elderly drink milk, remember to avoid these points to prevent getting sick!

author:Distant mountains talk about history

Since his retirement, Xiao Zhang's father has maintained the Xi of drinking a glass of hot milk every morning. This small ceremony gave him a relaxed and happy mood, and a big family member did it very well.

However, in the past three months, Xiao Zhang has noticed that his father would suffer from indigestion from time to time after eating, and sometimes even cause vomiting, constipation or bloating.

Doctor: When the elderly drink milk, remember to avoid these points to prevent getting sick!

At first, Xiao Zhang's mother didn't take it to heart, and for the sake of face, she repeatedly dissuaded her father from going to the hospital for examination, for fear of being seen as a fuss. But the recurrence of the symptoms made her anxious, so Xiao Zhang accompanied her father to the nearest hospital.

After careful examination, it turned out that it was the swelling of the gastric mucosa and indigestion caused by hot milk. The doctor seriously explained that the digestion and absorption capacity of the elderly is in a state of decline, coupled with the inevitable lactose intolerance, drinking a lot of hot milk will further deteriorate the function of the gastric mucosa.

Xiao Zhang's face suddenly showed panic and guilt, and he suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem.

The doctor patiently formulated a plan and precautions for Xiao Zhang's father to improve his diet, and at the same time prescribed some drugs to protect the stomach glands. When leaving, Xiao Zhang took his father's hand and repeatedly promised that he would take care of him and listen to his father's feelings in the future.

Doctor: When the elderly drink milk, remember to avoid these points to prevent getting sick!

Xiao Zhang's mother repeatedly regretted that she interfered too much and failed to find the problem in time.

Through this incident, Xiao Zhang's family has a deeper understanding of the precautions and needs of the elderly in the process of drinking milk. This has become a vivid lesson, and it has also made Xiao Zhang pay more attention to how to reasonably avoid the health risks posed by food, especially individual differences related to age and physical fitness.

The small pleasure brought by hot milk must not come at the expense of the health of the elderly.

Xiao Li's mother is 67 years old, but she has always paid more attention to maintenance, so she looks much younger than her actual age. As a typical Chinese old lady, she loves to have a cup of hot milk every morning, which she believes is the most healthy food.

Doctor: When the elderly drink milk, remember to avoid these points to prevent getting sick!

But recently, Xiao Li found that her mother often complained of stomach discomfort, and her face was not as rosy as before. At first, Xiao Li didn't particularly care, but it wasn't until she heard about Xiao Zhang's father's experience that she became alert.

So Xiao Li began to pay close attention to her mother's diet and found that her mother's Xi of insisting on hot milk may be the source of the problem.

After thinking about it, Xiao Li took action and tried to persuade his mother to change the way she had breakfast for 20 years. She patiently explained her professional knowledge such as poor absorption of milk protein and lactose intolerance, and said that she would accompany her mother throughout the adjustment.

In the end, my mother was moved by her sincerity and agreed to try to change to warm milk, and at the same time add fruit to increase dietary fiber.

Happily, after only 10 days, my mother reported that her appetite had improved and her mental outlook had improved. She happily hugged Xiao Li and sincerely thanked her daughter for her thoughtfulness and patience.

Doctor: When the elderly drink milk, remember to avoid these points to prevent getting sick!

Xiao Li also gained valuable inspiration from this, realizing that a reasonable diet requires not only choosing good food, but more importantly, formulating the best way to eat it according to personal characteristics.

She realizes that everyone's physical condition and needs are different. To establish a scientific and personalized diet system, we need to invest time and effort to deeply understand food nutrition, analyze our own strengths and weaknesses, and formulate supporting measures.

If you simply apply the so-called "health tips", it is often difficult to achieve the expected results.

This became an important turning point in Xiao Li's life, and after that, she began to learn a lot Xi dietary nutrition knowledge and explore the mysteries of different ingredients. In order to be able to take better care of her mother, she even enrolled in a dietitian training course to provide healthy eating advice to her family outside of work.

Doctor: When the elderly drink milk, remember to avoid these points to prevent getting sick!

This persistent love also fills my mother's heart with warmth and strength.

Xiao Gang is a post-90s young man who loves fitness. He has been playing ball and gym since college, and he has always been in very good shape. Xiao Gang knows that in order to build beautiful muscles, protein supplementation is indispensable.

So he developed the Xi of drinking a glass of milk every morning and evening.

At first, Xiao Gang just bought some common brands of milk in the supermarket without thinking too much about it. But his good friend Xiao Wang is a fitness instructor and often reminds him that not all milk is the same.

Doctor: When the elderly drink milk, remember to avoid these points to prevent getting sick!

Xiao Gang realized that he needed to compare and choose the best protein sources.

So I started my "milk tasting tour". He found 5-6 mainstream brands and recorded their respective data such as protein content, fat and lipid composition, and calcium ratio.

He also bought organic milk with a simple ingredient list for comparative evaluation. In order to make the experiment more rigorous, Xiao Gang also adjusted his exercise to see the recovery effect of different milks.

After two months of comparison, Xiao Gang finally found a product that protein is most easily absorbed and utilized by the human body and the best recovery after exercise. He excitedly told Xiao Wang the results, saying that the muscle lines were more obvious and his physical fitness had improved.

Doctor: When the elderly drink milk, remember to avoid these points to prevent getting sick!

This process made Xiao Gang deeply realize that even if the food is similar, there are important differences. We can't simply choose a certain "best", but need to do a systematic evaluation and analysis based on our own characteristics.

This also inspired Xiao Gang to further think about the mystery of food nutrition. He plans to use his data analysis skills to develop an AI-based "custom protein" system.

It can automatically generate the most matching supplementary suggestions based on the user's physical indicators, genetic data, life schedule, etc.

Xiao Gang firmly believes that food nutrition should not be standardized, and we should all become scientists of our own health. Perhaps many seemingly ordinary ingredients contain great wisdom to develop our physical and mental potential! Excavating these mysteries is the joy and goal of Xiao Gang's future life.

Doctor: When the elderly drink milk, remember to avoid these points to prevent getting sick!

The protein, calcium, vitamins and other components in milk are an important source of nutrition for the elderly, which can effectively prevent osteoporosis and muscle loss. However, drinking too much raw milk often leads to digestive malabsorption.

The reason is that milk itself has high requirements for human digestive function, and with the passage of time, the gastrointestinal system of the elderly will gradually decline.

Therefore, the elderly group needs to pay special attention to reasonable diet and scientific consumption of milk. Specifically, it is mainly reflected in the following aspects:

First, limit your milk intake at a time. It should not exceed 250ml each time, and the total amount should be 500ml a day. Too much can increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract and lead to discomfort.

Doctor: When the elderly drink milk, remember to avoid these points to prevent getting sick!

It is recommended to take small sips instead of large gulps.

Second, strictly control the drinking temperature. Medical studies have confirmed that high temperature of milk can irritate the gastric mucosa and damage the stomach tissue in the elderly in the long run.

Warm milk (around 40 degrees) is more suitable and should not be piping hot.

Third, mix it with other foods wisely. Milk alone is more difficult for the elderly to digest and absorb protein, but adding some whole grains such as barley and oats, or foods rich in dietary fiber such as fruits, can significantly increase the utilization rate.

The scientific key to this, Xiao Gang can explain very well.

Doctor: When the elderly drink milk, remember to avoid these points to prevent getting sick!

Fourth, choose low-fat and low-sugar varieties according to your personal condition. Both fat and lactose increase the digestive burden in older people. According to the results of the physical examination, choose varieties with lower fat content; Older people who are lactose intolerant are also advised to switch to lactose-low or lactose-free milk.

This avoids unwanted negative gastrointestinal reactions.

In addition, there are also some elderly people who are Xi to taking calcium tablets or vitamin supplements to supplement nutrition, hoping for quick results. But this often causes intestinal discomfort and even intestinal obstruction.

The correct way to do this is to prioritize nutrition from food, supplemented with appropriate amounts of health supplements, and use them under the guidance of a doctor.

Doctor: When the elderly drink milk, remember to avoid these points to prevent getting sick!

In general, drinking milk for the elderly is a scientific and patient process. It is necessary not only to understand the nutritional characteristics of milk, but also to delve into the real needs of the body; It is necessary not only to grasp the medical basis, but also to practice meticulously, constantly adjust the method and magnitude, step by step.

Only in this way can milk truly exert the life force it gives us.

After Xiao Zhang, his family and friends experienced this series of events, they realized more deeply the importance of a reasonable diet. The experiences and thoughts they have learned Xi reflect the long process of human understanding and use of food.

Since ancient times, human beings have accumulated all kinds of edible experience in the game with nature. We learn to cook, store, and mix ingredients to create rich cuisines.

Doctor: When the elderly drink milk, remember to avoid these points to prevent getting sick!

There's a lot of trial and error involved; When an individual or group finds the perfect balance between nutrition and taste, it forms a cuisine and a culture.

It can be seen that a correct understanding of food is an important part of expanding human living space and enriching life experience. It not only satisfies the basic needs of maintaining health, but also serves as a bridge between people and people, and even between people and nature.

In contemporary life, we have experienced similar bits and pieces over and over again. The rich and colorful world of food provides everyone with infinite possibilities to discover and match. It's a fun-filled process that inspires us to explore ourselves and the world.

The story of Xiao Zhang's family is the epitome of this big history. When they enjoy milk, they also think about milk, about their bodies, about how to reconcile the two, and this inspires them to gain a higher level of understanding in life.

Doctor: When the elderly drink milk, remember to avoid these points to prevent getting sick!

This is also the growth that every diner and every family will gradually experience.

Let's try to be our own healthy "designer" while enriching the deliciousness, and have fun building a model of harmony with the world.

This is probably the deepest nutrient in food.