
If you have these 5 signs when you sleep, it means that your blood sugar is high, and many people don't know it

author:Dr. Tian is in good health

Poor sleep at night may not be just fatigue. This phrase sounds simple, but behind it lies the secret of health. Sleep problems are sometimes an alarm of high blood sugar. Sadly, a lot of people don't know anything about it.

Sleep, a natural process that everyone goes through every day. But when it becomes repeatedly interrupted, or accompanied by other unusual symptoms, it's worth pondering. These subtle changes may be an important message that the body is trying to convey: blood sugar levels may not be normal.

High blood sugar is not only a problem for diabetics. Anyone can be at risk as they get older. The point is that many times the problem is not accompanied by obvious symptoms and is not noticed until a health problem arises.

If you have these 5 signs when you sleep, it means that your blood sugar is high, and many people don't know it

High blood sugar: Hidden health alert

High blood sugar is a term commonly used in medicine to refer to a level of glucose (i.e., blood sugar) in the blood that is outside the normal range but does not meet the diagnostic criteria for diabetes. To put it simply, it's like a yellow warning light, indicating that the body is facing an imbalance in energy metabolism. Normally, the body uses insulin to convert food into energy to keep blood sugar stable. But when insulin doesn't work well or the body responds to it weakly, blood sugar rises.

A healthy body is like a delicately functioning factory, and insulin is the dispatcher in the factory, ensuring that energy (glucose) is distributed efficiently. But if there is a problem with scheduling, energy can build up in the blood, causing high blood sugar.

This condition is relatively common in middle-aged and older adults, in part because the body's metabolic efficiency gradually decreases as we age. According to statistics, a significant proportion of people over a certain age have higher blood sugar levels than normal. This is not unusual, but it is a health sign that should not be ignored. Especially in modern society, where the pace of life is fast and the dietary Xi is diverse, this problem is becoming more and more prominent.

High blood sugar is not always noticeable, but it is a precursor to diabetes, and leaving it unchecked can lead to a variety of complications, such as heart disease, kidney disease, and even retinopathy. That's why it's important to understand high blood sugar levels and make appropriate lifestyle adjustments.

Controlling blood sugar is not only the responsibility of doctors, but also everyone's daily life choice. Healthy eating Xi, moderate exercise, and avoiding chronic stress can all help maintain blood sugar balance. In other words, with simple daily adjustments, you can effectively control your blood sugar levels and protect your body from chronic diseases.

If you have these 5 signs when you sleep, it means that your blood sugar is high, and many people don't know it

Five sleep manifestations when blood sugar is high

When multiple awakenings during the night become the norm rather than an accident, it can be a sign of abnormal blood sugar levels. Normally, the body maintains a relatively stable blood sugar level at night to support sleep. However, high blood sugar may cause frequent awakenings. Studies have shown that people with high blood sugar wake up more often at night than people with normal blood sugar levels.

In addition, nocturnal polyuria is also a common sign of high blood sugar. High blood sugar causes the body to try to lower blood sugar by increasing urine output, which can cause frequent toilet visits at night. Not only does this affect sleep quality, but it can also lead to water loss and an imbalance in the body's electrolyte balance.

In addition, abnormal sweating, especially at night, may indicate unstable blood sugar levels. When blood sugar is high, the body may sweat excessively to regulate its internal temperature. And in some cases, sweating too little can also be a sign of blood sugar problems, as fluctuations in blood sugar levels can affect the body's ability to regulate temperature.

Snoring during sleep is also a sign that should not be ignored. Although snoring can have a variety of causes, such as sleep apnea, high blood sugar can also be a factor. Changes in blood sugar levels can affect breathing patterns, leading to nighttime snoring.

Waking up in the morning with a dry mouth is also a warning sign of high blood sugar. The combination of dehydration caused by frequent toilet visits at night, combined with the dryness of the mouth that can be caused by high blood sugar itself, can cause you to wake up with a dry mouth.

If you have these 5 signs when you sleep, it means that your blood sugar is high, and many people don't know it

Hyperglycemia: A hidden health threat

High blood sugar is not just a change in numbers, it has a profound effect on the body. Long-term high blood sugar is not only a precursor to diabetes, but also the root cause of many health problems.

When blood sugar remains persistently high, the body's normal metabolism is disrupted, triggering a series of complications. First, the cardiovascular system is under tremendous stress, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. According to the American Heart Association, people with high blood sugar have twice the risk of stroke compared to people with normal blood sugar. In addition, blood vessel damage caused by high blood sugar can also lead to kidney problems and even kidney failure.

In the nervous system, persistent high blood sugar can cause damage to nerve fibers, resulting in numbness in the hands and feet, and decreased sensation, which is a precursor to diabetic neuropathy. In the long run, this can worsen and even lead to a loss of control of the hands and feet.

Vision health should not be neglected. High blood sugar can damage the microvessels in the fundus, causing diabetic retinopathy, which is one of the leading causes of blindness in adults.

In addition to these obvious health problems, high blood sugar can also have an effect on the skin. Due to the decrease in immunity due to high blood sugar, the skin is prone to infection and chronic wounds are difficult to heal.

High blood sugar can also affect the overall functioning of the body, such as increasing fatigue and slowing down wound healing. These changes, while less significant, cumulatively accumulate over time and have a serious impact on quality of life.