
A Brief History of Chinese Mathematics: The World-Leading Mathematical Achievements of Our Ancestors

author:Mirror Youth
A Brief History of Chinese Mathematics: The World-Leading Mathematical Achievements of Our Ancestors

Author: Our special guest author tease uncle

In the Sino-US trade war, Ren Zhengfei proposed: "If a country wants to be strong, mathematics is the foundation." ”

In fact, in history, China's mathematics has thrown out several foreign streets for a long time. Don't believe it, and listen to uncle tease you.


In Uncle Com's memory, a long, long, long time ago there was a mathematician named Zhao Shuang (182-250).

Zhao Shuang was a mathematician of Eastern Wu during the Three Kingdoms period, and his "Notes on the Arithmetic Of Zhou Hips" contains a "Note on the Pythagorean Circle Square Diagram", which summarizes the important achievements of Pythagorean arithmetic in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and first gave and proved more than 20 propositions about the trilateral side of the Pythagorean string and its sum and difference relationship.

A Brief History of Chinese Mathematics: The World-Leading Mathematical Achievements of Our Ancestors

Notes on the Zhou Hip Arithmetic Sutra

This person's life is not unpleasant!

The person who then reminded Uncle Tease was named Liu Hui (c. 225 – c. 295).

He was one of the founders of classical Chinese mathematical theory, and his representative works include the Nine Chapters of Arithmetic Notes and the Island Arithmetic Classic.

A Brief History of Chinese Mathematics: The World-Leading Mathematical Achievements of Our Ancestors

Portrait of Liu Hui

The Nine Chapters of Arithmetic Notes was written at about the beginning of the Eastern Han Dynasty, with a total of 246 solutions to the problem. A lot of the knowledge in the book belonged to the high technology of the time, such as solving the conjunctive equation, the fractional four operation, the positive and negative number operation, the volume area calculation of geometric figures, and so on...

Just listening to these terms, in those distant times, what a lofty mathematical idea!

Because the space of the network is limited, it is not appropriate to write too much, uncle Tease casually took out a contribution of Liu Hui to illustrate that ancient Chinese mathematics is stronger than excavators -

Liu Hui once used circumcision to prove the precise formula for the area of the circle, and gave a scientific method for calculating pi, obtaining a π = 3.1416, known as the "emblem rate". Later, Zu Chongzhi calculated the pi to the seventh decimal place, so it was also called "zu rate".

A Brief History of Chinese Mathematics: The World-Leading Mathematical Achievements of Our Ancestors

Badge rate

What are foreigners doing at this time?

Sleeping – It wasn't until the 16th century that the Arab mathematician Al Cassie broke this record.

There is a lyric that sings: "After a hundred years of sleep, the people of china have gradually woken up..."

On the issue of pi, foreigners have been sleeping for more than a decade!!!


In the Chinese mathematical community, there were many people, and in the Northern Song Dynasty, there was a mathematical master - Jia Xian.

Jia Xian's main contribution was to create the "Jia Xian Triangle" and the "Multiplication Method", and the "Multiplication Method" is the positive root method for seeking high powers.

A Brief History of Chinese Mathematics: The World-Leading Mathematical Achievements of Our Ancestors

Jia Xian Triangle

In 770 years after Jia Xian came up with the "multiplication method", Europeans took the lead in waking up, and the European mathematician Horner (1819 AD) finally figured this out.

Chinese mathematicians are really cattle, not a little ahead of other countries, but seven hundred years ahead. In seven hundred years, the Tang Dynasty is more than enough to stage the second time!

From the Northern Song Dynasty to the Southern Song Dynasty, the direction was changed, and the chinese mathematicians were still the same - Qin Jiushao (about 1202--1261) wrote the famous "Nine Chapters of the Book of Numbers" in 1247.

A Brief History of Chinese Mathematics: The World-Leading Mathematical Achievements of Our Ancestors

Nine Chapters of the Book of Numbers

Qin Jiushao's major achievement was the creation of the "Great Yan Qiu Yi Technique", known as the "Chinese Surplus Theorem". The "positive and negative prescription technique" he discussed, known as the "Qin Jiushao procedure", reached the highest level of mathematics in the world at that time.

Until now, the mathematics courses of all countries in the world are still borrowing the light of Master Qin.

Along with Qin Jiushao, also known as the "Song and Yuan Mathematics Four Masters", Yang Hui, Li Ye, and Zhu Shijie are all skilled, and they are good men in the green forest of the mathematical world - when it is time to shoot!

A Brief History of Chinese Mathematics: The World-Leading Mathematical Achievements of Our Ancestors


Yang Hui, a mathematician who was also a mathematician of the Southern Song Dynasty, can be described as a work equivalent.

Yang Hui was the first mathematician in the world to exude a rich vertical and horizontal map and discuss its compositional laws, and he introduced various forms of "vertical and horizontal diagrams" and related construction methods in "The Ancient Extraction Algorithm".

No.1 in the world! The intelligence of the Chinese nation is absolutely not inferior to that of any nation!!!

Mathematician Li Ye (1192-1279), in 1248, wrote "Measuring the Mirror of the Round Sea", which mainly explained the method of using the Tianyuan technique column equations.

A Brief History of Chinese Mathematics: The World-Leading Mathematical Achievements of Our Ancestors

"Round Sea Mirror"

What kind of high-precision is "Tianyuan Technique"?

"Tianyuan technique" is similar to the column equation method in modern algebra, such as "Li Tianyuan one is so-and-so", which is equivalent to "setting x as so-and-so", which can be said to be an attempt at symbolic algebra.

Later, Li Ye also wrote a copy of the "Yigu Rendition" and also explained the "Tianyuan Technique". Li Ye is involved in algebra, and he can be regarded as one of the pioneers of algebra.

A Brief History of Chinese Mathematics: The World-Leading Mathematical Achievements of Our Ancestors

Celestial Technique

Among the four masters of Song and Yuan mathematics, the last good man was the Yuan dynasty mathematician Zhu Shijie (1249-1314).

Zhu Shijie is known as "the greatest mathematician in the medieval world", and he developed the "quaternion" on the basis of "Tianyuanshu", which is familiar with "listing the tetralogic higher-order polynomial equations and the method of solving the elimination element".

A Brief History of Chinese Mathematics: The World-Leading Mathematical Achievements of Our Ancestors

Zhu Shijie's "Four Yuan Jade Book"

As one of the greatest mathematicians in the medieval world, Zhu Shijie must have had many brushes, and Uncle Tease's favorite was his contribution to geometry. Zhu Shijie deeply studied the quantitative relationship between the geometric elements in the Pythagorean shape and the circle, and discovered two important theorems- the projective theorem and the string power theorem.

He also noticed the relationship between the elements in the shape in the three-dimensional geometry, and Zhu Shijie's work made the object of geometric research go deep into the shape from the shape as a whole, which was a major expansion of the ancients in the field of mathematical thought.

A Brief History of Chinese Mathematics: The World-Leading Mathematical Achievements of Our Ancestors


Uncle Chu only intercepts the history of mathematics before the Ming and Qing dynasties to share with you, and there are many great mathematicians in Chinese history, such as Zu Hui (the son of Zu Chong) who inherited his father's business and invented the "Zu Hui Principle", Shen Kuo, who was afraid of his wife's fame, and Zhang Heng, who invented the armillary celestial instrument and the ground motion instrument... The list goes on.

In China's modern history, there are more, Hua Luogeng, Xu Guangqi, Chen Shengshen, Qiu Chengtong, Chen Jingrun, Su Buqing, Xiong Qinglai... There are many more mathematicians who silently dedicate their strength to the cause of science and technology in the motherland.

Mathematics is the foundation of science, and it is hard to imagine that a nation that is not strong in mathematics can help one of the world's great powers.

Our country has a long history and countless outstanding mathematicians, and in most of its history, our country is the leader in the field of mathematics, and it is an absolute advantage.

A Brief History of Chinese Mathematics: The World-Leading Mathematical Achievements of Our Ancestors

Although in some respects, our country is now slightly backward because of a hundred years of sleepiness, who can doubt the learning ability of a thousand-year-old mathematical country?

Our ancestors have already burned their wisdom into the minds of every Yan prince, and as long as we do not give up mathematics, our technology will surely lead.

The times let us rise, do it, what a polite thing! References in the text:

References: Liu Hui's Commentary, Yang Hui's Algorithm

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