
What should I do if a fish bone suddenly gets stuck in my throat while eating fish? Remember not to swallow rice and drink vinegar anymore!

author:Department of Urology, Dr. Li Kui

"Uncle Zhang was enjoying his favorite braised carp for a quiet weekend dinner, when suddenly, an accident broke the silence when a tiny fish bone accidentally got stuck in his throat. Faced with such an unexpected situation, most people may subconsciously swallow a large bite of food or rush to drink some vinegar in the hope that it will solve the problem. But, did you know that these common contingencies are not only ineffective, they can also pose greater risks. "

What should I do if a fish bone suddenly gets stuck in my throat while eating fish? Remember not to swallow rice and drink vinegar anymore!

Fishbone Crisis: Avoid Common Pitfalls and Dangerous Ways to Deal with Them

When a fish bone accidentally gets stuck in the throat, many people may instinctively take some traditional but inappropriate coping measures. However, the wrong approach not only does not help solve the problem, but can also exacerbate laryngeal damage or lead to more serious health problems.

Myth 1: Swallow rice or bread

It is generally accepted that swallowing food can help push the bones of fish stuck in the throat. However, this practice is often of limited effectiveness and may even allow the bones to be embedded deeper into the soft tissues, increasing the difficulty and risk of removal.

Myth 2: Drink vinegar to soften fish bones

Some people believe that vinegar softens fish bones, which relieves throat discomfort. But in reality, the softening effect of vinegar is very limited, and the effect on fish bones that are already stuck in the throat is not obvious. In addition, frequent or heavy consumption of vinegar may cause irritation to the esophagus.

Myth 3: Cough hard or probe with your hands

Coughing strongly or trying to remove the fish bones with your fingers or other tools can cause more serious damage or infection to your throat. Especially in the absence of medical knowledge, these operations are extremely dangerous.

A safe initial approach to treatment

If you encounter a fish bone stuck in your throat, first try coughing gently to see if it can be cleared naturally. At the same time, stay calm and avoid panic and nervousness, which helps to reduce tension in the laryngeal muscles. If self-treatment does not work, any further attempts should be stopped immediately and medical attention should be sought as soon as possible.

What should I do if a fish bone suddenly gets stuck in my throat while eating fish? Remember not to swallow rice and drink vinegar anymore!

Emergency response: When a fish bone gets stuck in the throat, it's safe to do so!

When dealing with a fish bone stuck throat, a quick and correct response is crucial. The following steps are designed to provide you with simple, effective ways to help yourself and emphasize the importance of when to seek professional medical assistance.

Stay calm: First and foremost

Once you notice a fish bone stuck in your throat, the first thing to do is to stay calm. Panic can cause tension in the laryngeal muscles and exacerbate the condition of fish bones getting stuck.

Try coughing gently: the first step to self-help

Gentle coughing can help loosen or remove the fish bones. Avoid coughing too hard, as this may cause the fish bones to sink further into the throat.

Check the mouth: if the fish bones are visible

If the fish bones are in visible sight of the mouth, try gently pulling them out with clean forceps. Do not use your fingers to avoid infection or pushing the fish bones.

What should I do if a fish bone suddenly gets stuck in my throat while eating fish? Remember not to swallow rice and drink vinegar anymore!

What not to do: Common misconceptions

Avoid swallowing large amounts of food or liquids (such as rice balls or vinegar), which may allow fish bones to penetrate deeper into the throat or esophagus, increasing the risk of complications.

When to seek medical help: Safety cues

If self-help measures do not work, or if you experience severe pain or difficulty breathing, you should seek medical assistance immediately. Never delay to avoid more serious injury.

Hospital Treatment: Professional Intervention

Your doctor may use specialized tools, such as an endoscope, to safely remove the bones while checking for other injuries or infections.

Awareness of prevention: Plan ahead

In the future, when eating spiny fish, chew slowly and consider the option of de-grouting fish that is more thorough, especially if it is supplied to children or the elderly.

What should I do if a fish bone suddenly gets stuck in my throat while eating fish? Remember not to swallow rice and drink vinegar anymore!

Emergency treatment: How doctors can safely remove fish bones from the throat

When faced with the emergency of a fish bone stuck in the throat, the importance of professional medical treatment cannot be overstated. Below is a detailed breakdown of the process and is intended to provide practical and in-depth guidance.

Initial assessment

Once the patient arrives at the hospital, the doctor first conducts a thorough evaluation, which includes asking about the specifics of the symptoms and examining the throat area. This step is essential to determine the exact location and size of the fish bones.

Use appropriate medical devices

Doctors use a laryngoscope or similar instrument to visually see the inside of the throat. This step requires the patient to remain calm so that the doctor can perform the procedure with precision.

Remove the bones safely

Once the location of the fish bone is determined, the doctor carefully removes it using forceps or other specialized tools. This process requires extreme precision and meticulous manipulation to avoid causing additional damage to the throat.

What should I do if a fish bone suddenly gets stuck in my throat while eating fish? Remember not to swallow rice and drink vinegar anymore!

Treat wounds and prevent infection

After the fish bones are removed, the doctor will check for wounds or potential infections. Appropriate anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics are given if necessary to prevent infection from occurring.

Follow-up guidance and care

After the bones are successfully removed, the doctor will provide recommendations on follow-up care, including how to deal with throat discomfort and prevent similar incidents in the future.

Professional advice is valued

Your doctor may recommend adjustments to specific Xi eating habits to reduce the risk of similar conditions in the future. For example, choose fish with fewer spines or be more cautious when eating fish.

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