
After the death of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, what was the reason why Kangxi did not bury her for more than 30 years?

author:Literati Uncle Zhou

During the reign of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, she won the respect and love of the people with her diligence and love for the people, wisdom and wisdom. Her involvement in the affairs of the state and her kindness and compassion made her a great ruler. Because of her concern for the people and her kindness, she left a good story in the hearts of the people.

After the death of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, what was the reason why Kangxi did not bury her for more than 30 years?

However, what is unexpected is that the burial of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang after her death encountered difficulties. Emperor Kangxi never buried her immediately, leaving her body in an igloo until more than thirty years later.

There are some complex reasons for this.

First of all, Emperor Kangxi was worried about the stability and safety of the country. During the reign of Emperor Kangxi, he led the Qing Dynasty to an era of prosperity and stability, in which they had wars outside and government affairs inside.

Emperor Kangxi cherished his mother very much, and he could not tolerate her departure. He wanted to treat her like a living person, as if she were still around.

Secondly, Emperor Kangxi may have been influenced by some ideas in traditional culture. According to traditional Confucianism, the relationship of reverence between monarchs and ministers should be maintained, so Emperor Kangxi had a special sense of reverence for his mother and was unwilling to bury her casually, so as not to be suspected of "unworthy descendants". He hopes to preserve the dignity between mother and child by preserving her body.

After the death of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, what was the reason why Kangxi did not bury her for more than 30 years?

In addition, Emperor Kangxi also took into account political factors. At that time, the Qing Dynasty implemented a system of succession, so the inheritance of the throne was a very important thing. Emperor Kangxi was worried that if his mother's burial was illegal, it might cause dissatisfaction among the court and the people and affect his rule.

Finally, there is also a possibility that Emperor Kangxi was unwilling to formally mourn out of grief over the loss of his loved ones. His longing and attachment to his mother were like a surging river, and he couldn't bear the psychological pain of burying her body for burial.

In general, the reason why Emperor Kangxi delayed the burial of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang was due to various complicated considerations. His personal feelings, anxieties about the country and his rule, traditional ideas and political considerations, among others, were intertwined, preventing him from making immediate and decisive arrangements for his mother's burial.

However, in the end, Emperor Kangxi still made a decision. In the first year of Jiaqing, he buried the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang in the Zhaoling Cemetery, and it took more than 30 years of hard work to get a successful end.

After the death of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, what was the reason why Kangxi did not bury her for more than 30 years?

As a virtuous and compassionate queen who is deeply loved by the people, the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang's treatment should be worthy of respect. However, in that era, the power of the emperor was impeccable and had to take into account various interests and political integration.

Emperor Kangxi's approach may not have fully respected the dignity of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang as a mother, but in such a politically complex context, his approach may be understandable.

From today's perspective, people should respect the existence and deeds of everyone, regardless of their status and identity. At the same time, we should also recognize the influence of history and tradition, and be open to understanding past and contemporary dynamics. Only in this way can we truly face the future and continue to move forward and progress.

Emperor Kangxi's delay in burying the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang may be due to the influence of politics and traditional culture at that time, or it may be purely out of personal emotional considerations.

In our modern society, we should learn to balance factors and respect the dignity and worth of each person. Everyone should be treated equally, whether they are emperors or ordinary people.

After the death of the Empress Dowager Xiaozhuang, what was the reason why Kangxi did not bury her for more than 30 years?