
ranked first in the ratings for 3 consecutive days, CCTV, a workplace drama, hit the "four twos" and exploded

author:Yi Fan said history

The misfortune of the son of the "open hanging" in the workplace

Shu Yinan is a character who forms a strong contrast with Pan Yan.

He has all the advantages that Pan Yan does not have: a prestigious university diploma, family connections, and the escort of his parents. We thought that he would go all the way to the peak of his life.

ranked first in the ratings for 3 consecutive days, CCTV, a workplace drama, hit the "four twos" and exploded

However, fate did not arrange it that way. When Shu Yinan took the initiative to give up his family background and chose to seek a job in Rongke on his own, what he ushered in was not the envy or admiration of his colleagues.

"Shusaisai-" and "Versailles-" these private ridicules and isolation became the "gifts" he received in this shabby little house. Education and pedigree did not make him win more respect, on the contrary, the attitude of his colleagues who were pretending to be close and secretly rejecting him undoubtedly made him, a "hanging" son, feel extremely lost.

At first, Shu Yinan always thought that the outside world's disfavor came from jealousy. I know the law better than you, I am better than you, and I have stood in this position by my own strength, and you should be jealous.

When Zona stepped forward and enthusiastically solved the problem for him, he even thought with some pride, lo and behold, there are always people who appreciate my talent.

ranked first in the ratings for 3 consecutive days, CCTV, a workplace drama, hit the "four twos" and exploded

However, he didn't expect that Zuo Na was just a manifestation of her family background. When her parents put pressure on her, Zuo Na's attitude immediately changed, and she was no longer as enthusiastic as she had been. Only then did Shu Yinan understand that it turned out that everyone's eyes on me had never been inseparable from the background.

There is no real respect, and the sarcasm in the eyes is so glaring.

Is this the truth of the urban workplace life of the elite? They obviously have the most, but in the end they have nothing to show for themselves.

Shu Yinan once despised ordinary people like Pan Yan. But this boy of unknown origin never flinched and avoided Du Feiyu's most bitter abuse.

When his colleagues sneered at him, he was always confident and self-improving.

ranked first in the ratings for 3 consecutive days, CCTV, a workplace drama, hit the "four twos" and exploded

In the final analysis, Pan Yan has his own life, even if it is a humble and difficult life. And everything I got was like foam floating on the water, vulnerable.

This is the truth that Shu Yinan needs to think about for a long time and gradually realize in his later life.

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Sudden surprise and touching in the ordinary

If Shu Yinan's life is as smooth as the pride of the sky, then Pan Yan's experience is real and bumpy.

He not only had to face all kinds of blatant PUA from Director Du Feiyu, but also had to endure the indifference that his colleagues turned a blind eye to. The first case that was finally assigned was a divorce lawsuit that the entire law firm was unwilling to take, and there was no smooth handling at all.

ranked first in the ratings for 3 consecutive days, CCTV, a workplace drama, hit the "four twos" and exploded

"What kind of shit luck am I doing......" Late at night, Pan Yan shrank in the corridor of the house related to the case with a blank face. Suddenly, the phone rang loudly, pulling him back to his senses.

"Baby, your grandma is suddenly critically ill, and now she is lying in the ICU, and the medical expenses have cost tens of thousands......" On the other end of the phone, the choked voice in his girlfriend's tone was particularly clear.

Pan Yan held the mobile phone, his five fingers white. I wanted to say something to comfort the other party, but I couldn't spit out a word when the words came to my mouth.

Do you want me to help you figure out a way? But my salary is less than 5,000 yuan a month, where did I get you so much money?

Don't be afraid, I'm here. What are you kidding, I'm still at the door of the person involved in the case, maybe I'll lose my job tomorrow.

ranked first in the ratings for 3 consecutive days, CCTV, a workplace drama, hit the "four twos" and exploded

At such a momentous juncture, I couldn't think of any substantial help. My lover and family are in great difficulty, and I have nothing but false condolences and condolences.

Pan Yan threw his phone aside in despair and covered his face with his hands in vain.

However, just as he was giving up on himself and his desire to escape reality was getting stronger and stronger, a warm hug suddenly came from behind him.

"Fool, with me with you, how can it be shit luck?"

His girlfriend arrived at some point and encircled him in her arms like a bird.

ranked first in the ratings for 3 consecutive days, CCTV, a workplace drama, hit the "four twos" and exploded

"I will always be with you, we will accumulate slowly, and we will definitely let my mother get through this difficult time. Don't be afraid. ”

Pan Yan trembled. He hugged the little girl in front of him hard, as if he had captured the whole world.

Ordinary life may be full of unsatisfactory, but unexpected joy is always hidden in the closest place to the heart. This is also what Pan Yan slowly realized in the bits and pieces later.

Some happiness comes immediately with just a hug.

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A class gap that cannot be crossed

What we often call the "class gap" is usually only at the level of numbers and data. For example, who has an annual salary of one million and who has assets of more than 100 million.

But in this story, the screenwriter uses extremely subtle brushstrokes to show this gap vividly.

In the same building, the same legal profession.

ranked first in the ratings for 3 consecutive days, CCTV, a workplace drama, hit the "four twos" and exploded

The workstation in Rongke's law firm is only allowed to pass by one person, and the documents on the table are piled high, and it is difficult for sunlight to penetrate this dark and narrow space. The employees bent their shoulders and whispered to each other, for fear of annoying anyone.

Upstairs, the environment in the office is well-lit and well-decorated, with the distance between each employee's workstation far exceeding the reach of an arm's length. Elite lawyers stood by the bay window in twos and threes to enjoy the city scenery, talking and laughing.

Why is there such a huge gap in fate between the same people?

The contrast is almost breathless. We looked at the ethereal world above the floor above us, and we felt a sense of suspension in a trance.

ranked first in the ratings for 3 consecutive days, CCTV, a workplace drama, hit the "four twos" and exploded

Here, success and failure seem to be only one layer away from us.

"If they try to work in our environment for a year, I don't know if they can be so leisurely. Pan Yan tried his best to suppress the unwillingness in his heart, while counting the documents thrown by Du Feiyu.

"Class is an insurmountable gap. Zona rubbed her temples wearily, "So, let it go." ”

Each of us has a different place of birth, and the coordinates of our destiny are also very different. Looking up and envying and comparing those who are in Paradise will only increase the suffering.

ranked first in the ratings for 3 consecutive days, CCTV, a workplace drama, hit the "four twos" and exploded

A truly happy life may be hidden in these seemingly trivial and monotonous daily life.

Sooner or later, Pan Yan will understand this, although he still needs a lot of training at the moment. But compared to Shu Yinan's loneliness that he has never been able to integrate into the elite circle, at least Pan Yan has a job here, a colleague, and most importantly, love.

That's enough.

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Happiness in the ordinary

If we stand from the perspective of a bystander, we can't help but think that Shu Yinan's life is obviously more perfect and enviable.

ranked first in the ratings for 3 consecutive days, CCTV, a workplace drama, hit the "four twos" and exploded

Prestigious school background, high-paying career, family shelter. These elements are indispensable and make up our entire definition of "success".

However, what "Ordinary Road" conveys to us is another philosophy of life.

Maybe we don't have a glamorous business card, we don't have a grand title. When I was at work, I was squeezed by my boss and looked at coldly by my colleagues.

But this does not deny the value of life itself.

"Son, remember, as long as you are happy and willing to put in the effort, Mommy will always be proud of you!"

ranked first in the ratings for 3 consecutive days, CCTV, a workplace drama, hit the "four twos" and exploded

On the other end of the phone, Pan Yan's mother said so encouragingly. Simple words, but he couldn't help himself for a long time.

It turned out that what he had always needed and been looking for was hidden in this ordinary day.

He needs understanding, he needs encouragement, he needs warmth, and these are all close at hand.

People are always Xi to compare and look up at those who are more shining. As everyone knows, true happiness is often buried in the life we are most familiar with.

It is not in the hustle and bustle of Vanity Fair, but hidden in two ordinary people who hug each other for warmth.

What is the difference between ordinary and extraordinary?

ranked first in the ratings for 3 consecutive days, CCTV, a workplace drama, hit the "four twos" and exploded

Everyone wants to reach the top, but they often ignore the square inch of fertile land under their feet.

Pan Yan is still very young, and he needs time to discover that the truly precious things have not actually left.

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