
Yuan Longping's wife Deng Zhe: married 33-year-old Yuan Longping at the age of 25, joined hands for half a century, and lost his love at the age of 82

author:Sensitive piggy v

Message: Dear readers, perhaps everyone has their own heroes. Some people say that heroes don't need to say much, they interpret the true meaning of life with love and perseverance. Today, the story I want to share with you is not a well-known celebrity, but Academician Yuan Longping and his wife Deng Zhe, a love legend with deep feelings and silent support.

Event Content:

Oh, I hear you don't know yet, then I'm going to tell you a real secret. That's a legend! Let's talk about Academician Yuan Longping. Don't look at him in the limelight, in fact, he used to be so ordinary that he couldn't be more ordinary.

Yuan Longping's wife Deng Zhe: married 33-year-old Yuan Longping at the age of 25, joined hands for half a century, and lost his love at the age of 82

When he was a child, Yuan Longping's family background was average, but this kid had special feelings for rice. Leaving home again and again to find a solution to the rice problem, he seems to have crossed mountains and rivers, but he always cares about his family in his heart. But this is not the most powerful place, the most powerful thing is his heart that misses his relatives earnestly.

He has experienced a lot of twists and turns, especially in terms of feelings. used to teach at Anjiang Agricultural School, and his life was simple and unkempt, which affected him to find a girlfriend. A colleague also arranged a blind date for him, but because of his simple dress, all failed.

Yuan Longping's wife Deng Zhe: married 33-year-old Yuan Longping at the age of 25, joined hands for half a century, and lost his love at the age of 82

That's a real problem. Fortunately, finally in 1956, he met the love of his life, Deng Zhe.

I heard that Deng Zhe was a student at Anjiang Agricultural School, but the age difference and the teacher-student relationship made her a little hesitant. A matchmaker matched the two, and the two of them "got married" a month later. Love is sometimes so magical, and it's best to go with the flow.

At that time, the two of them were working hard together for scientific research. Exploring the study of male sterile beads together, this is not an easy road to follow! Fortunately, they finally overcame many difficulties and found a way to succeed. Yuan Longping devoted himself wholeheartedly to scientific research, and Deng Zhe silently supported him and became an important pillar of his career success.

Yuan Longping's wife Deng Zhe: married 33-year-old Yuan Longping at the age of 25, joined hands for half a century, and lost his love at the age of 82

But this relationship is really not easy, and the husband and wife have been separated for more than 20 years. Deng Zhe silently shouldered the burden of the family and never complained. Even when her parents were sick and dying, in order to allow Yuan Longping to work with peace of mind, she chose to hide the news of her father's death. This kind of dedication and silent support is really touching.

In the end, Yuan Longping passed away, and Deng Zhe cried bitterly, ending his 58-year marriage. Their love story has become a model for modern young people to learn Xi.

Social Care:

The touching stories of Yuan Longping and Deng Zhe spread all over the streets. People have lamented that this is a touching love, and it is the epitome of family harmony.

Yuan Longping's wife Deng Zhe: married 33-year-old Yuan Longping at the age of 25, joined hands for half a century, and lost his love at the age of 82

Their steadfastness and perseverance have become role models for society, inspiring more people to understand love, responsibility and family. In real life, the love story of Yuan Longping and Deng Zhe inspires people to keep working hard and stick to their original intentions.


The love story of Yuan Longping and Deng Zhe is a kind of silent love and persistence. They interpret the true meaning of love and family with their own actions, and create an extraordinary life with an ordinary heart. This touching love legend not only teaches us the power of love, but also tells us the warmth of family. The story of Yuan Longping and Deng Zhe inspires us and makes us understand that perseverance and dedication are an integral part of love and family.

Yuan Longping's wife Deng Zhe: married 33-year-old Yuan Longping at the age of 25, joined hands for half a century, and lost his love at the age of 82