
In his later years, he did not get a license and no longer married, and he partnered with someone for 2 and a half years, and the 67-year-old aunt said frankly: I lived a very comfortable life

author:Tonghua poetry book

Aunt Li told me that she had been living with a divorced man for two and a half years without obtaining a license and no longer marrying in her old age. She said that this kind of life has made her live a very comfortable life, no longer have to worry about family trivialities, and no longer have to endure the pain caused by family disputes. When I heard this, I couldn't help but admire her.

Aunt Li continued to talk about some of her views on family disputes, she believes that family is the most important support in life, but it is also the place where conflicts and tribulations are most likely to occur. She knows how much family entanglements and conflicts affect a person, so she chooses to let go of her baggage and pursue the life she really wants. She said that this kind of life has made her very comfortable, and although she does not have a traditional marriage, she feels more free and able to pursue what she wants.

In his later years, he did not get a license and no longer married, and he partnered with someone for 2 and a half years, and the 67-year-old aunt said frankly: I lived a very comfortable life

Aunt Li and I sat on a park bench, and the stars were dotted at night, which seemed extraordinarily peaceful. She was silent for a moment, and then told me about a family entanglement she had had.

It turned out that Aunt Li's son Li Ming chose to go to another country for his own career, and he has been separated from his parents for several years. Her longing for her son is beyond words. Li Ming is busy with work and rarely goes home to visit his parents. Moreover, Li Ming was deeply involved in workplace competition and had no time to take care of his parents, which made Aunt Li quietly reveal her disappointment in her son.

In his later years, he did not get a license and no longer married, and he partnered with someone for 2 and a half years, and the 67-year-old aunt said frankly: I lived a very comfortable life

Not long ago, her husband passed away due to illness, and it was when she needed her son the most that Li Ming still did not return home. During this time, the contradictions between mother and son gradually accumulated, and Aunt Li seemed to be becoming more and more attentive to her son's words and deeds. When she said these words, her eyes flashed with sadness and helplessness.

I said to Aunt Li that maybe I could try to communicate with my son and tell Li Ming all my inner thoughts and feelings, maybe I could untie the knot. Aunt Li was silent for a moment, then nodded deeply, as if she was thinking about what I said.

In his later years, he did not get a license and no longer married, and he partnered with someone for 2 and a half years, and the 67-year-old aunt said frankly: I lived a very comfortable life

Hearing the news of her son, a hint of gloom flashed in her eyes. She told me that she had tried to call her son, but every time she dialed the phone, she subconsciously put it down. She didn't know how to face her son, and she was a little scared.

I had a long casual conversation with Aunt Li, and she told me that she would try to face and resolve this family entanglement. She knew that no matter what, she would communicate with her son with her heart, and she believed that deep maternal love would allow them to find a common solution.

I was deeply touched by Aunt Li's warm smile, and her optimism about life and confidence in the future made me admire her even more.

Aunt Li stood up and said goodbye to me, her steps were brisk, and her eyes revealed a kind of optimistic sunshine. I suddenly understood that no matter how big the contradictions and problems in the family are, the power of family affection can always dissolve all the coldness and return to the original warmth.

In his later years, he did not get a license and no longer married, and he partnered with someone for 2 and a half years, and the 67-year-old aunt said frankly: I lived a very comfortable life

My admiration for Aunt Li has become deeper and deeper, and her attitude and views on life have made me think deeply about my own life. Just a moment after our pleasant conversation, Aunt Li's expression became a little melancholy. She slowly spoke of a contradiction that had once arisen in her life.

She told me that an adult sister had a serious dispute over mishandling a family matter. Although many years have passed, this sisterhood has not been relieved, and it is still a pain in her life that she does not want to touch.

In his later years, he did not get a license and no longer married, and he partnered with someone for 2 and a half years, and the 67-year-old aunt said frankly: I lived a very comfortable life

She said that although the family dispute was not triggered by her own initiative, it once caused her to fall into deep self-blame and guilt. After all, family is the most precious part of her life, and she knows how strong the emotional bond between them is.

Although I don't want to mention it, it has gradually become part of my sharing. There was a hint of helplessness in Aunt Li's eyes, which also made me realize that behind the unsatisfactory experiences in life, there is always that concern for the family. She has tried to resolve this sisterhood in various ways, but so far, it seems that the wounds have not really healed, which also makes her cherish the life after reconciliation now.

I couldn't help but feel emotionally about family relationships. After listening closely, I realized that family is very important to everyone. Family entanglements may bring irreparable wounds to life, but it is these entanglements that make the deepest emotional memories in life. I couldn't help but start to reflect on whether there were still unresolved conflicts between myself and my family, and whether I needed more understanding and communication.

In his later years, he did not get a license and no longer married, and he partnered with someone for 2 and a half years, and the 67-year-old aunt said frankly: I lived a very comfortable life

For a moment, we were silent. I began to reflect on how this strong aunt found herself in the established family conflicts, leaving me deeply trapped and unable to extricate myself.

She seemed to feel my doubts and thoughts, and said to me with a smile: "Conflicts are normal in the family, and the most important thing is to be able to accept and resolve them." I have chosen a free way of life, and it does not mean that I have denied the existence of a family. Conflicts with my family are a part of my life and cannot be avoided. But I chose a more tolerant attitude, and I also look forward to the day when I can truly resolve these contradictions in my heart. ”

Her words made me feel a more tolerant mentality. After all, life is a long journey, and family conflicts are only a small part of it. Perhaps, each of us needs to learn Xi in this area, learn to be tolerant and understanding.

In his later years, he did not get a license and no longer married, and he partnered with someone for 2 and a half years, and the 67-year-old aunt said frankly: I lived a very comfortable life

The admiring Aunt Li also seems to have an insincere side. Behind her life with her partner, there is a long-standing contradiction. According to her, her daughter Li Ping, although she does not live with her, often interferes in her life, often calling and nagging about this and that. Aunt Li seems to be calm on the surface, but she is depressed in private.

I couldn't help but ask her if I could communicate with my daughter to solve the problem. Aunt Li looked at me, was silent for a moment, and told me that in fact, it was because of the conflict between herself and her daughter that she made the decision not to officially marry many years ago. Her daughter once objected to her remarriage, which led to the conflict between the two to intensify and eventually lead to irreconcilable results. This explains why she is very cautious with her partner, and even stagnant, because she is afraid of triggering her daughter's opposition and conflict again.

In his later years, he did not get a license and no longer married, and he partnered with someone for 2 and a half years, and the 67-year-old aunt said frankly: I lived a very comfortable life

This seemingly peaceful and harmonious life is built on a deep contradiction. Aunt Li seems to be strong and optimistic, but she also has deep guilt and knots for her family.

I know that family relationships are not as simple as they seem. Aunt Li's contradictions also made me more aware that behind happiness, there may be more unspeakable sadness and contradictions.

In Aunt Li's eyes, I saw the deep affection for the past, the endless imagination for the future, and the heavy ties to family affection. Her strength and open-mindedness inspired me to love and cherish more, and at the same time, I also understood that family conflicts and family entanglements are unavoidable realities in life.

In his later years, he did not get a license and no longer married, and he partnered with someone for 2 and a half years, and the 67-year-old aunt said frankly: I lived a very comfortable life

Aunt Li expressed a lot of ideas about family and happiness, which touched me deeply. However, in the following relationship, I gradually found that Aunt Li's children did not understand her life choices, and even had conflicts. They feel that their mother's cohabitation with a divorced man is not only inconsistent with traditional family values, but also affects the family's reputation. Aunt Li's children began to come to her door, hoping to persuade her to change her lifestyle and return to her traditional life trajectory. This made Aunt Li feel troubled and aggrieved, and she couldn't understand why her choice caused her children to be so puzzled and disgusted.

During a chance dinner, I overheard an argument between Aunt Li and her eldest son. The eldest son blamed Aunt Li for her incomprehension and stubbornness, believing that this lifestyle had humiliated them. Aunt Li angrily said that as an independent individual, she has the right to choose her own way of life and does not want to be tied up. This quarrel almost triggered the outbreak of family conflicts, which made me deeply feel the complexity and helplessness of family disputes.

In his later years, he did not get a license and no longer married, and he partnered with someone for 2 and a half years, and the 67-year-old aunt said frankly: I lived a very comfortable life

I understand that family is the most important part of every person's life, but it can also be the most painful place. This made me more aware that happiness is sometimes not something that others can define, but needs to be pursued and guarded by everyone in their own way. Aunt Li is a person full of wisdom and tenacity, and her choice also made me think more deeply about family and happiness.