
9 Famous Events That Never Really Happened in History

author:Towers without towers

Deciphering History: Revealing the hidden truths of history

9 Famous Events That Never Really Happened in History

Today, let's dig deep into the truths that have been hidden by time and reveal the mysteries of historical events. ️‍♂️

1. The Truth About the Black Death: The Untold Side of History

9 Famous Events That Never Really Happened in History

The idea that rats spread the Black Death may not be conclusive. The latest research suggests that the source of the Black Death may be closer to humans than to rats. Scientists' experiments have revealed that disease-carrying parasites are more likely to come from humans, upending long-held beliefs about rat transmission. History can sometimes be like a mystery that requires us to uncover more layers.

2. Newton's Story: The True Face of the Apple Mystery

9 Famous Events That Never Really Happened in History

Newton was hit by an apple, and inspiration struck him and discovered gravity. However, the story may just be a glorified legend. According to Newton's friend Stucley, the reality may have been more mundane. The great men of history also had ordinary moments, which may be the true source of inspiration.

3. "Let them eat the cake": Antoinette's misunderstanding

9 Famous Events That Never Really Happened in History

The famous phrase "let them eat cake" may not have come from Antoinette's mouth. Long before her reign, there were reports of similar proposals. This misunderstanding can sometimes affect the unbiased view of historical figures.

4. The Naming of Columbus: A Mistake in History

9 Famous Events That Never Really Happened in History

Columbus's ships were named after Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria, but this may have been just an unofficial nickname for the sailors. Moreover, before him, the Americas had already been inhabited by humans, and Viking explorers had already arrived in Canada. The development of history is often multifaceted.

5. Nero's Violin: Solving Historical Mysteries

9 Famous Events That Never Really Happened in History

The story of Nero's violin is not legendary. Nero was not in Rome at the time of the fire, and violins did not exist in ancient Rome. Sometimes, historical legends are more like fictional stories.

6. The Salem Witch Trials: A Distortion of History

9 Famous Events That Never Really Happened in History

Contrary to popular belief, the Salem witch was not burned at the stake. In fact, most of the accused witches were hanged, and only one was crushed to death by heavy stones. History is sometimes more confusing than fiction.

7. Van Gogh's ear cut: The truth behind it

9 Famous Events That Never Really Happened in History

Van Gogh's ear cutting incident involved only the base of his left ear. This may have been triggered by a quarrel with Paul Gauguin or the news of a brother's engagement. The great artists of history also had their human fragility.

8. Franklin's Experiments with Electricity: A Twisty Journey Through History

9 Famous Events That Never Really Happened in History

Ben Franklin didn't "discover" electricity through kite experiments. Although his experiments influenced the understanding of electricity, his goal was to determine whether lightning constituted a form of electricity. The development of history is often intricate.

History is a never-ending book, and every event is a page of unsolved mysteries. The truth may not be as good as it should be, but it is these historical truths that give us a deeper understanding of that past.

9 Famous Events That Never Really Happened in History

Are you amazed by the revelations of history? History is always intertwined with us in unexpected ways. If you have any other interesting historical secrets, please share them in the comments! Let's uncover the mysteries of history and discover the buried stories in time. #History revealed# #Mystery of the truth# #历史探索#

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