
Those poems that write regrets to the extreme

author:Love Yinan
Those poems that write regrets to the extreme


The red dust is full of dust, and things are not people

  • Yu Hua "Alive"

I looked at the winding path that led to the city,

I can't hear my son running barefoot,

The moonlight shone on the road like it was sprinkled with salt.

  • Shi Tiesheng "Autumn Remembrance"

It was autumn again, and my sister pushed me to Beihai to see the chrysanthemums.

The yellow flowers are elegant, and the white flowers are noble,

The purple-red flowers are warm and deep,

Splashing and sprinkling, it is blooming in the autumn wind.

I understood what my mother had left unfinished. My sister understands it too.

We're together, and we have to live well......

  • Mark Levy "The Man Who Stole the Shadows"

You depart before spring comes,

Leave me behind without warning.

When you learn on the platform that you are gone,

I felt alone like I had never felt in my life.

  • Osamu Dazai "Novel Lantern"

The big rose in the cup on the table,

The night will be scattered like a crack,

It's not caused by the wind, it's scattered by itself.

Scattered with the sighs of heaven and earth.

  • Gui Youguang "Xiang Zhixuan Zhi"

There is a loquat tree in the garden, which was planted by my wife in the year of her death.

Now it is as good as a cover.

  • Camus's Notes on Camus

Desperate people have no homeland.

And I, I know the existence of the sea,

So I was able to survive in this boring and boring time.

Those poems that write regrets to the extreme


The heart is like the wind blowing, and love is like flowing water

  • Zhang Zixuan "In the World"

The moon you promised, still hasn't appeared,

And I have no sleep, or,

I'm just clothed in cold weather,

I loved you one more night.

  • Naruda "Twenty Love Poems and Songs of Despair"

In my barren land,

You are the last rose.

  • Gu Cheng "Avoid"

You don't want to plant flowers, you say,

I don't want to see it wither.

Yes, in order to avoid the end, you avoid the beginning of everything.

  • Gu cheng

I drew everyone around you, but I didn't paint you.

I feel that you shine so brightly that I can't keep my gaze.

  • Margaret and David Green Bean

Someone spends his whole life keeping a person,

But it only took a moment for the other party to decide to leave.

Eternal love comes from one-sided willingness.

  • Albert Camus

After you left, I got a serious illness,

I can't get sick when it hurts,

Then I came back to life, but I forgot about myself.

Those poems that write regrets to the extreme


Ill-fated and depressed

  • Yang Jiang "We Three"

We have had a rough life, and only in the twilight years do we have a stable home,

But old age and illness have urged us to come to the end of our lives.

  • Haizi "Spring, Ten Haizi"

The wind blows from east to west, from north to south,

Ignoring the night and the dawn,

What do you mean by Dawn?

  • Rousseau's Reverie of a Lonely Rambler

I'm always tormented by a feeling of disgust,

It's like being in a nightmare.

  • Xi Murong "The Left Bank is Forgetting, the Right Bank is Remembering"

I always hide in the depths of dreams and seasons,

Listen to the flowers and the night sing nightmares,

Sing all the prosperity and cut off all the ways of memory.

Those poems that write regrets to the extreme

Editor丨Zheng Wei