
The rat bit the girl's hand and was bitten back, but I died laughing in the comment area

author:Winter snow came 64
The rat bit the girl's hand and was bitten back, but I died laughing in the comment area

Title: The story behind the girl bites the mouse makes people laugh and admire

The rat bit the girl's hand and was bitten back, but I died laughing in the comment area

Hello everyone, (Mingyue f Qingfeng), today we will talk about a light-hearted and funny little story that happened in Wuxi, Jiangsu! A girl actually bit the head of a mouse unrelentingly when she was bitten by a mouse. This not only caused netizens to laugh, but also left everyone with a moment full of courage and humor. I heard that she was vaccinated against rabies afterwards and is currently safe and sound.

The rat bit the girl's hand and was bitten back, but I died laughing in the comment area

In this relaxed and interesting atmosphere, let's savor the comments of netizens and talk about our own opinions.

The rat bit the girl's hand and was bitten back, but I died laughing in the comment area

"This girl is simply a heroine among women, and the courage to bite a mouse makes me awe-inspired!" —— I sincerely admire the courage of the girl.

The rat bit the girl's hand and was bitten back, but I died laughing in the comment area

"Did you think about life there after the rat was bitten?" - Curious about the psychological condition of rats.

The rat bit the girl's hand and was bitten back, but I died laughing in the comment area

"Is this a modern version of 'Havoc in the Heavenly Palace'? The girl played the role of the Monkey King. —— An association with the humorous image of a girl.

The rat bit the girl's hand and was bitten back, but I died laughing in the comment area

"After reading this news, I also want to learn a counterattack skill!" —— Encouragement and self-expectation for girls.

The rat bit the girl's hand and was bitten back, but I died laughing in the comment area

"Have rats been bitten and have they reflected on their own aggression?" – a humorous interpretation of rat behavior.

The rat bit the girl's hand and was bitten back, but I died laughing in the comment area

"This trick of a girl is so unique, if I would not dare to provoke rats like this. —— A cautious evaluation of girls' strategies.

The rat bit the girl's hand and was bitten back, but I died laughing in the comment area

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