
When a person is old, does a daughter-in-law have the obligation to support her parents?

author:Tianyi's life events

When a person is old and has no financial resources, and his son dies of illness or accident, is the daughter-in-law obliged to support the elderly?

When a person is old, does a daughter-in-law have the obligation to support her parents?

82-year-old Uncle Wang has two children, a son and a daughter, and the son has a grandson after getting married. When the grandson was 10 years old, his father left them in an accident, leaving behind his loved ones, father, wife, and son.

Uncle Wang lost his son in his 60s, but at that time he was strong and could still do things on his own. The daughter-in-law is not married, and she takes care of the housework at home with her children who have not grown up, and works in the neighborhood to earn money.

Since the beginning of the past two years, Uncle Wang is 80 years old, his health is not good, he can't work in the field, and he can't cook by himself, so his pension problem is very difficult.

The daughter-in-law married a few years ago from the same village, and the grandson has grown up to work outside the home.

Although Uncle Wang has a son and a daughter, his fate can be said to be quite miserable.

The wife left early, and the son died before he was 40 years old.

There is also a daughter, whose fate is also very tortuous, her marriage is not smooth, she married three husbands, and gave birth to two daughters and a son.

Uncle Wang's daughter's first husband, she married a second-married man, and she was only a few years old when she gave birth to a child, and the two divorced.

After marrying her second husband, she had no children for several years, and then she had children, and the child was only 2 years old, but her husband died of a myocardial infarction, leaving behind her daughter and 2-year-old granddaughter.

When a person is old, does a daughter-in-law have the obligation to support her parents?

The third husband, who is disabled, is with the current husband for 7 years and has a son, who is now 5 years old.

Due to her daughter's rough marriage and not very good conditions, her daughter married hundreds of kilometers away from Uncle Wang, and with 2 young children, she had to go to work to earn money, and she had no way to support the elderly.

The daughter can't take care of her father, and because her brother is gone, her father is the only one in the family.

The sister-in-law can be supported or not, that is, she can stand up and walk away.

But the money that her father had saved diligently before, as well as the land fee, and her sister-in-law had spent it, so she had to support the elderly.

When a person is old, does a daughter-in-law have the obligation to support her parents?
When a person is old, does a daughter-in-law have the obligation to support her parents?

Uncle Wang's daughter couldn't go to her side to take care of her father, so she sent 3 or 500 yuan of living expenses to her father every month.

Uncle Wang's pension problem can only rely on his daughter-in-law to bring food to Uncle Wang.

This is the cruelty of reality, people must have someone around them in old age.

No matter how good your body was when you were young and how powerful you were, but when you are old, you can't move, and the money around you is also spent by your children, but you have no money to support yourself, this is a difficult thing.

Uncle Wang's life is miserable! His son left him early, and his daughter married far away, and she went home for a year and a half to rest and leave for one night, because she had to earn money to raise the children, send some to her father every month, and pay insurance, so she had no ability to go to her father's house to rest.

Fortunately, Uncle Wang's daughter-in-law was filial and did not leave Uncle Wang alone, although she used her father-in-law's money when she had no money, until now she gives her father-in-law food every day.

The daughter-in-law knew her sister-in-law's difficulties, and she took the initiative to take on the obligation of supporting the elderly, so that the sister-in-law could earn money in other places to raise the children.

In fact, Uncle Wang's daughter-in-law can not support him, she has no obligation to support him.

The law stipulates that supporting the elderly is a matter for children, and sons-in-law and daughters-in-law are not obliged to support them.

But Uncle Wang's daughter-in-law has achieved moral filial piety, and she has also set an example for her son.

When people are old and cannot take care of themselves, their children have to take on the obligation to support the elderly. But the son or daughter leaves the parents first, and the pension of the elderly is a problem!

Sons-in-law and daughters-in-law are not obliged to support the elderly, but when it comes to human morality, many of them still do their filial piety to their parents-in-law or in-laws.

When a person is old, does a daughter-in-law have the obligation to support her parents?

In fact, this is a problem encountered in reality, just by one's own conscience.

Supporting the elderly with actions is an example for the next generation!

What you do to the elderly, the children will do to you!

Parents-in-law are also parents, and the parents of a husband or wife are also their own parents, although they have never given birth to you!

Your children will also take this as an example, and you will see him or her in your filial piety! May the old people in the world be healthy and live every day of their lives happily!