
Antidepressant, sleep, improve sexual function, treat insomnia, introduce 2 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines

author:Dr. Zhou said Chinese medicine

1. Introduction to Western medicine

1. Fluoxetine: Fluoxetine is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor used to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and bulimia. It improves the mood state by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin by neurons, increasing its concentration in the central nervous system. Clinical studies have shown that fluoxetine has a good effect on most patients with depression with relatively few side effects.

Uses: Mainly used for the treatment of adult depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and bulimia.

Analysis of pharmacological studies: Fluoxetine exerts an antidepressant effect by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin, increasing its concentration in the brain. Compared with other antidepressants, fluoxetine has a fast onset of action and fewer side effects.

Safety: At recommended doses, fluoxetine has a high safety profile. Common side effects include dry mouth, headache, insomnia, etc., but most of them are mild and short-lived. Serious side effects are rare, but interactions with other drugs are still a concern.

Antidepressant, sleep, improve sexual function, treat insomnia, introduce 2 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines

2. Zaleplon: Zaleplon is a synthetic benzodiazepine derivative that is mainly used to treat short-term insomnia. It reduces neuronal excitability, shortens the time to fall asleep and increases the depth of sleep by binding to central benzodiazepine receptors.

Uses: For short-term treatment of adult primary insomnia and improve sleep quality.

Pharmacological research analysis: The mechanism of action of zaleplon is to regulate the function of the central neurotransmitter GABA, reduce the excitability of neurons, and achieve the effect of rapid hypnosis. Compared with other hypnotics, zaleplon has fewer side effects and is not dependent.

Safety: It is safe to use at recommended doses. Possible adverse effects include headache, fatigue, nausea, etc., but most of them are mild and short-lived. Caution should be exercised with long-term use and abrupt discontinuation of the drug should be abrupt.

Antidepressant, sleep, improve sexual function, treat insomnia, introduce 2 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines

2. Detailed explanation of Chinese patent medicine

1. Shugan Jieyu Capsule: Shugan Jieyu Capsule is an oral Chinese patent medicine that is mainly used to treat depression. Its ingredients include hypericum perforatum and eleutherococcus senticosus, which have the effects of soothing the liver and relieving depression, strengthening the spleen and soothing the nerves. Pharmacological studies have shown that Shugan Jieyu Capsule can regulate neurotransmitter balance and improve depressive symptoms.

Efficacy: soothes the liver and relieves depression, strengthens the spleen and soothes the nerves.

Uses: Mainly used to treat mild to moderate depression, improve symptoms such as low mood, anxiety and irritability.

Antidepressant, sleep, improve sexual function, treat insomnia, introduce 2 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines

2. Wuling Capsule: The main ingredient of Wuling Capsule is Wuling fungus powder, which has the effect of tonifying the kidney, strengthening the brain, nourishing the heart and soothing the nerves. It is suitable for symptoms such as neurasthenia, forgetfulness, insomnia, and dreaminess. Studies have shown that Wuling capsules can improve sleep quality and improve anxiety.

Efficacy: Nourish the kidneys and brain, nourish the heart and calm the nerves.

Uses: It is used to treat insomnia, forgetfulness, neurasthenia, etc., and can improve sleep quality and relieve anxiety.

3. Liuwei Dihuang Pills: Liuwei Dihuang Pills is one of the classic Chinese medicine prescriptions, mainly used to tonify kidney yin. Its ingredients include rehmannia root, dogwood, yam and other six flavors of traditional Chinese medicine, which have the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidney. Studies have shown that Liuwei Dihuang pills can improve sexual function and enhance immunity.

Efficacy: Nourish yin and nourish the kidney.

Uses: It is used to treat symptoms such as decreased sexual function and soreness in the waist and knees caused by kidney deficiency, and can improve sexual function and enhance immunity.

Antidepressant, sleep, improve sexual function, treat insomnia, introduce 2 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines

4. Compound Xuanju Capsule: Compound Xuanju Capsule is an oral Chinese patent medicine, the main ingredients include Chinese herbal extracts such as epimedium and wolfberry. The drug has the effect of warming the kidney and strengthening yang, benefiting essence, and is mainly used for the treatment of sexual dysfunction and male infertility caused by kidney yang insufficiency. Pharmacological studies have shown that Compound Xuanju Capsule can improve the level of sex hormones, improve sexual function and reproductive ability.

Efficacy: Warms the kidneys and strengthens the yang, and benefits the essence.

Uses: It is used to treat sexual dysfunction and male infertility caused by kidney yang insufficiency, such as impotence, premature ejaculation, etc., and can improve the level of sex hormones, improve sexual function and reproductive ability.

Antidepressant, sleep, improve sexual function, treat insomnia, introduce 2 Western medicines, 4 Chinese patent medicines

3. Tips for safe medication

When using antidepressant, sleep-resting and sexual function drugs, patients should strictly follow the doctor's instructions and should not increase or decrease the dose or change the mode of medication. For the use of Western medicines and proprietary Chinese medicines, attention should be paid to possible side effects and drug interactions. Especially for patients with other diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, liver and kidney insufficiency, etc., the medication should be used with caution.

Before using any drug, patients should read the drug label carefully to understand the drug's function, dosage and precautions. If in doubt or adverse reactions, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist for advice. #Health##Breeze Plan#