
For 10 years, I can't get out of the shadow of being "sexually assaulted", and my heart hurts after watching the experience of the heroine of this drama

author:Make a pact with history

Contextual introduction: When "sexuality" takes center stage

In 2022, the word "sex" frequently appears in the public eye, becoming a hot topic in news reports and public opinion discussions.

At the beginning of the year, a scandal of a physical education teacher sexually assaulting a female student went viral on the Internet, and the obscenity of the details and the despicable methods shocked everyone. People have questioned the failure of school supervision and the moral degradation of teachers, and demanded a thorough investigation of the truth.

For 10 years, I can't get out of the shadow of being "sexually assaulted", and my heart hurts after watching the experience of the heroine of this drama

In the first half of the year, the dust was unsettled, and a male star in the entertainment industry was arrested for soliciting prostitution, and he instantly appeared on the hot search. Fans supported and opponents condemned, and gradually evolved into a battlefield of public opinion in the circle.

In the midst of all the different opinions, people have to face up to the moral chaos hidden in entertainment culture.

Just when public opinion was still unsettled, an actress accused her of being sexually harassed by a male actor in the film and television crew many years ago. After she lodged her complaint, another wave of discussion swept the Internet.

Believe it or be suspicious, people's suspicions about the hidden behind the dazzling appearance of the "star" continue to deepen.

At such a point in time, director Zhang Han launched his new drama "Gentlemen of the East Eighth District". The large-scale dialogue in the play, and the objectification of women caused an uproar.

For 10 years, I can't get out of the shadow of being "sexually assaulted", and my heart hurts after watching the experience of the heroine of this drama

"Sex" has become the core selling point of the series, and it has also become the object of people's verbal criticism.

For a time, "sex" became the focus of public opinion. It seems to be everywhere, and it seems to be avoided in topics. Arguments abound, and the moral high ground changed hands back and forth.

People never seem to be able to come up with a reason.

The heroine's multiple lives: the shadow of sexual assault is hard to cut

The heroine Lin Chenxi is a strong woman in the workplace, with a bumper harvest in career and love, and seems to be a model of success. But underneath this glamorous appearance, there is a painful past that she can't let go.

Lin Chenxi was sexually harassed by her boss at the company and died unexpectedly when she resisted. However, just when she thought it was all over again, the experience of being sexually abused by her teacher ten years ago grabbed her throat again.

Lin Chenxi found herself returning to her hometown town of girlhood and became an ordinary female teacher. Her father and brother are still alive, and the boss who molested her is gone.

For 10 years, I can't get out of the shadow of being "sexually assaulted", and my heart hurts after watching the experience of the heroine of this drama

Lin Chenxi was overjoyed to return to her ordinary life, until one day, a shadow suddenly enveloped her.

Ten years ago, Lin Chenxi was still a primary school leader, and often went to a science teacher's home for after-school Xi. The teacher seems to be gentle, but in fact he is a vicious molester.

On a rainy day, he took advantage of Lin Chenxi's paralysis and helplessness to rape her at home.

At that moment, Lin Chenxi felt unprecedented fear and despair. She asked her parents for help, but her father immediately suspected that she was lying. Her mother just told her to keep her mouth shut, for fear that the scandal would spread in this town.

Lin Chenxi could only confide in her best friend about this terrible secret. I thought I could get support, but because of the jealousy of my friends, the secret was quickly spread all over the school. "Lin Chenxi seduced the teacher" became an excuse for people to talk about her.

The girl's fragile heart falls apart under this unwarranted accusation.

For 10 years, I can't get out of the shadow of being "sexually assaulted", and my heart hurts after watching the experience of the heroine of this drama

In multiple lives, what Lin Chenxi can't get rid of is the long-hidden scar. It kept eating away at her heart, making her struggle and cry out in the dark. That is the common shadow of the female group, and it is also the voice of this era.

Attitudes of the female group: helplessness, numbness, participation

"She and Her Her" reflects the complex views of contemporary society on the issue of sexual assault through the attitudes of different female characters.

Lin Chenxi's mother is a typical helplessness and compromise. When her daughter was molested, her first thought was about how much impact this scandal would have if it was leaked out. So she asked Lin Chenxi to remain silent, for fear that the rumors would hurt the reputation of her daughter and family.

This idea of putting "face" first kills the courage of female victims to speak out.

Lin Chenxi's best friend Yang Jiaying represents another attitude - jealousy and hurt. She was jealous of Lin Chenxi's talent because of her inferiority, so she ruthlessly exposed this ugly matter to others.

For 10 years, I can't get out of the shadow of being "sexually assaulted", and my heart hurts after watching the experience of the heroine of this drama

Arguably, she became the most hateful person in this story. A girl was supposed to support her friends and unite as one, but Yang Jiaying chose to betray out of her own selfish desires.

This exacerbated Lin Chenxi's pain to a certain extent.

Yan Shenghua, a victim who was also a teacher, responded to the incident with a self-defeating attitude. Over the years she fell into numbness and self-abandonment, and eventually even participated in the murder of the teacher who came to fine.

Her reaction represents the twisted psychology that some women have in the wake of anger.

In the end, the teacher's wife directly became an accomplice and connivator in this incident. She knows her husband's behavior, but she has turned a blind eye for the sake of her status and reputation for a long time.

For 10 years, I can't get out of the shadow of being "sexually assaulted", and my heart hurts after watching the experience of the heroine of this drama

Even when the teacher molested Lin Chenxi, she stood outside the door, and finally exonerated the old man publicly. This attitude is most regrettable, because she should be on the side of women and defend justice.

The reality of these attitudes is that women are divided and lack unity in the face of sexual abuse. We must recognize that women should care for each other and support each other in this process, and not fight among themselves.

Only when women unite can they fight for true dignity and status.

Men are also victims

When it comes to the topic of "sexual assault," our thinking tends to equate "victims" with "women." However, a plot that appears in "She and Her Her" reminds us that men can also be the victim of sexual harassment or assault.

For 10 years, I can't get out of the shadow of being "sexually assaulted", and my heart hurts after watching the experience of the heroine of this drama

Lin Chenxi's best friend, who works for a company, witnessed a male secretary who was just starting out in her career being sexually harassed by her female boss. The male secretary had no background and was in dire need of the job, so he could only swallow his anger.

He had to endure his boss's "eating tofu" every day, and other male colleagues only responded with cynicism and never gave support.

This plot highlights the fact that men can also be vulnerable when it comes to sexual assault. They can also be victims of unequal power relations, which need the understanding and support of others.

However, the current stereotype of men in society has made the suffering of this vulnerable group even more difficult to speak.

If we only see victims as a group of women, we risk ignoring the plight of sexual harassment faced by men. It is important to look beyond the traditional gender lens and understand that in certain circumstances, any individual can be a victim of sexual harassment or assault.

For 10 years, I can't get out of the shadow of being "sexually assaulted", and my heart hurts after watching the experience of the heroine of this drama

We must focus on human dignity and physical and mental security, not just gender.

The heart of every human being is fragile and sensitive. When faced with sexual harassment, men and women, young and old, all need the support and understanding of others. This is what we must do to build a truly just and compassionate society.

Root causes: education, voice, rule of law

We must recognize that pervasive sexual assault like Lin Chenxi's is a systemic social problem. To truly cure the root cause, it is necessary to start from many aspects.

The first is education, and it must start with children. Through appropriate sex education, children can correctly understand the relationship between the sexes and establish a sense of equality. Both men and women should learn Xi mutual respect, a sense of boundaries and empathy.

Both families and schools need to take on such educational responsibilities.

Second, victims should have the courage to speak out, and stop being forbearant and depressed because of the so-called "face". The more victims come forward to speak out about their experiences, the more the public becomes aware of the seriousness of the problem.

At the same time, it can also give more silencers the strength and encourage them to reveal the truth.

For 10 years, I can't get out of the shadow of being "sexually assaulted", and my heart hurts after watching the experience of the heroine of this drama

Finally, society as a whole must advance the rule of law and establish clear penalties for sexual assault. This requires further improvement of the legal system, as well as a change in the consciousness of judges and the public.

Instead of the usual habitual thinking of doubting victims, we should firmly support them, sympathize with them, and punish the perpetrators.

Only by taking such a multi-pronged approach, forming a joint force from the family, school and social levels, so that the younger generation can establish a correct understanding from an early age, support the victims' voice, and improve legal punishment, can the harm suffered by Lin Chenxi be truly and fundamentally eliminated.

This is a long-term process that requires the cooperation of all sectors of society. When sex education is widespread, victims speak out, and the law upholds justice, the shadows hidden in the darkness will finally dissipate.

For 10 years, I can't get out of the shadow of being "sexually assaulted", and my heart hurts after watching the experience of the heroine of this drama

Let's work together to make that day coming.

Conclusion: A call for light

The title of the drama "She and Her Her" is simple, but it touches the deepest pain of this society. It forces us to confront the oppression of women in gender inequality, and it also makes people stand on end the reality of tragic stories.

However, once the problem is revealed, it is more important to find a solution. We must protect women from abuse and make men and women truly equal; We must listen to the victims and restore their dignity; We must distinguish between right and wrong, and not let violence Xi slow down; We must care for humanity and use empathy to overcome apathy.

Lin Chenxi waited for the light to come in despair, and each of us can be that light. Let's take action to light up the darkness and work together to drive change.

For 10 years, I can't get out of the shadow of being "sexually assaulted", and my heart hurts after watching the experience of the heroine of this drama

Believe in the power of love and justice, there is no long night that cannot be passed, and there is no endless road.

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