
US Congressmen Are Considering Ratifying the Law of the Sea, Expert: It is in the interest of the United States

author:Happy open-minded and wise

Let's talk about the position of the United States. No, it's not just a conversation, it's a confrontation, a contest about fairness, dignity and the future. From the 2018 trade war to the present day, the so-called "firm position" put forward by the US government and Japan at the 2023 G7 summit is nothing more than another attempt to contain China's development.

US Congressmen Are Considering Ratifying the Law of the Sea, Expert: It is in the interest of the United States

Have you read those news reports? The U.S. Navy has continuously sent warships to "intrude" into China's territorial waters, as well as those provocative acts that have created tension in the South China Sea. They keep claiming that this is to guarantee "freedom of navigation", but in reality, this is nothing more than a cover for national pressure. Every time an American warship sailed into those waters, it was as if it were declaring with cold steel: I am the one who makes the rules.

US Congressmen Are Considering Ratifying the Law of the Sea, Expert: It is in the interest of the United States

And did you notice? Whenever U.S. officials talk about the "rules-based international order," they like to use a lot of quotation marks. There's a lot of sarcasm in the quotes — as if to say, "Look how much we respect the rules." However, in the face of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the United States has always refused to ratify it. Obviously, there are weeds in his backyard that have not been cleaned up, but he runs to the door of other people's houses to point fingers.

US Congressmen Are Considering Ratifying the Law of the Sea, Expert: It is in the interest of the United States

Let's take a look at what the experts have to say. Even America's own media and academics are questioning whether this is justified – is it really in the spirit of America?

US Congressmen Are Considering Ratifying the Law of the Sea, Expert: It is in the interest of the United States

As for the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, do you know how hotly debated in the United States Congress? On the one hand, there are calls for ratification to demonstrate respect for multilateralism and the spirit of the international rule of law, and on the other hand, there are voices worried that if they join the convention, they may limit their rights and interests in deep-sea development – oh, forgive me for their missteps – perhaps they do not want to give up the convenience of unilateralism.

US Congressmen Are Considering Ratifying the Law of the Sea, Expert: It is in the interest of the United States

The selfish nature so clearly displayed is not for the sake of justice or justice, but more like to maintain some state of vested interests. In other words, when shouting about protecting the "rules-based" order, there is a hidden appearance of a chess player who cannot lose any chess pieces.

We need to be soberly aware that truly upholding principles does not mean using force and pressure to achieve goals, nor does true abiding by rules mean holding high the banner of rules only when it is beneficial to us. If a powerful State selectively ignores even the most basic and universally accepted conventions, how can it expect other countries to unconditionally follow the "order" it has set?

So, let us think about the question together: What should be the attitude and actions of a superpower that truly wants to maintain a stable and peaceful global order? The answer is obvious: instead of talking about "order", we should start by observing and promoting universally accepted norms that apply equally to all members of human society. Because only in this way can we collectively build a more just, more stable and more harmonious world.

Now that 2023 has arrived, let's pay close attention to what kind of wrestling and games will unfold in the future, and always keep the light of vigilance and reason to guide the way forward.

Disclaimer: The process and pictures described in this article are from the Internet, and the purpose of this article is to promote social righteousness, and there is absolutely no vulgarity. If there are any questions about your work in the article, we will delete them in the shortest possible time!

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