
The man has been working outside for 15 years and has not been invited everywhere, and he has served a prison sentence for nearly ten years

author:Ming Ming said life


Can you imagine an ordinary person being accused of being a "drug dealer" and sentenced to 15 years in prison because of a stranger's lies, and he didn't know it. Can you imagine an upright auxiliary police officer who was dismissed from his unit, ostracized by society, and abandoned by his wife because of a misinformation, and he himself could not explain it. Can you imagine an innocent victim, because of a derelict police officer, trapped in a nightmare that cannot be escaped, tormented by life, ignored by the law, and unable to complain himself.

This is not a thriller novel, nor is it a prank, this is a true story, a story that takes place in Mr. Liu in Songzi, Hubei. Recently, some netizens posted that he became a drug dealer inexplicably, lost many job opportunities, and his wife also chose to divorce because he had a "case record". Now, the police in Puning, Guangdong Province, have restored his reputation, but he hopes that the responsible party will publicly apologize and compensate him.

What is going on? How was Mr. Liu impersonated? How did the police deal with this problem? How did Mr. Liu defend his rights? Is his appeal reasonable? Can his experience be resolved justly? Let's take a look at this shocking story, feel Mr. Liu's misfortune and helplessness, and think about the fairness and justice of this society.

The man has been working outside for 15 years and has not been invited everywhere, and he has served a prison sentence for nearly ten years

Netizens posted: I became a drug dealer inexplicably, and my life was affected

Mr. Liu is a resident of Songzi, Hubei. In 2016, he became an auxiliary police officer in a traffic police force in his hometown, and his work was originally very smooth. However, his life changed dramatically in 2017.

Around October 2017, he received a notice from the traffic police that he had a "case record" and had an impact on the reputation of the unit, so he was dismissed. "I didn't commit a crime, I can't have a criminal record, but I used to fish in a pond and found a body, which the police said was a suicide after investigation...... At that time, I thought that the "case record" mentioned by the unit was referring to this matter. Mr. Liu said.

Mr. Liu said that after being fired, he found himself struggling to find a job, and no company was willing to formally hire him as an employee. "I asked them what the reason was, and they said that they had a case record, but they didn't say anything specific...... "In order to make a living, he also registered on the platform, ran takeaways, and did freight transportation, but the good times did not last long, and the other party canceled the platform account on the grounds that he had a case record. "I don't know what I've done wrong, they don't want me. Since then, he has had to do odd jobs to make a living.

It wasn't until March this year that he discovered the problem from the police and immediately complained to the Puning Public Security Bureau. It turned out that in 2014, after being arrested by the Guangdong Puning Public Security, a drug dealer named Tang Moukui claimed to be Mr. Liu and reported his ID number, and the police immediately detained Tang Moukui as Mr. Liu, and after subsequent public prosecution, the court sentenced him to 15 years in prison. He was completely unaware of this, and as a result, his life was affected.

After the police report, his identity information was finally restored, but in the face of the injustice he had endured for many years, he hoped that the police would publicly apologize and give him substantial compensation, but the other party refused.

Netizens recounted: He used to be an auxiliary policeman, but he was dismissed because of his "case record", and he worked part-time jobs to make a living

Mr. Liu's plight has attracted the attention and sympathy of netizens, and he posted on Toutiao today, detailing his experience, hoping to get support and help from the society.

Mr. Liu said that he is an ordinary person who has no special hobbies and pursuits, and just wants to live a peaceful and stable life and support his family. He has loved fishing since he was a child, often fishing in the nearby pond and sometimes selling some fish for some money. He said he had never taken drugs, had never been exposed to drugs, and did not know what drug trafficking was.

In 2016, he became an auxiliary police officer in a traffic police force in his hometown, responsible for traffic management and law enforcement. He said that he enjoyed the job and felt that he could contribute to society and increase his family's income. His wife is second married and has a daughter, and he treats them well and respects their opinions. He said that although his life was not rich, it was a happy one.

The man has been working outside for 15 years and has not been invited everywhere, and he has served a prison sentence for nearly ten years

However, his happy life was shattered in 2017. He said that he received a notice from the traffic police that he had a "criminal record" and asked him to go to the unit to explain. He was confused, not knowing when he had committed something. He said he thought about it and the only possibility was that he had found a body in the pond before. It was one day in 2015, he was fishing in a pond, and suddenly saw a person floating in the water, he quickly called the police, and the police investigated and said that he had committed suicide. He said he was also questioned by the police at the time, but there were no questions and no records were kept.

He said that when he arrived at the unit, the leader of the traffic police team told him that he was arrested in 2014 for drug trafficking in Puning, Guangdong, and was sentenced to 15 years. He said that after listening to it, he felt like he was in a dream and couldn't believe it at all. He said that he had never been to Guangdong, let alone drug trafficking, and that this was a great injustice. He said he explained to the leadership that it was a misunderstanding and that someone must have taken his identity. He persuaded the leader to find out the facts, but the leader did not believe him, saying that he was quibbling and asked him to go to the Puning police to solve the problem. He said that he could not accept such a decision, and felt that he had been greatly injustice, but he was powerless to resist and had to leave in disgrace.

He said his life was in limbo after he was fired. He said he couldn't find a formal job and no one wanted to hire him because he had a "criminal record" in his identity information. He said that he tried to register on the platform, did takeaways, and did shipping, but he couldn't last long, because his account was always canceled by the other party on the grounds that he had a criminal record. He said he didn't know what he had done wrong and that they didn't want him. He said that since then, he has only been able to make a living by doing odd jobs, and his life is difficult and undignified.

His family, he said, has been affected as a result. He said that his wife was married for the second time and had a daughter, and he was very kind to them and respected their opinions. He said that his wife was originally very supportive and understanding of him, but in early 2023, she chose to divorce him after learning that he had a "criminal record". He said that he was sad and helpless, but he also understood her and could not affect her and the child's future. He said that he and his wife had no disputes and no property, so they broke up. He said he now lives alone, with no family, no friends, no hope.

Clues: I was tested for urine many times when I went out to work, and I was called to the police when I applied for a card

Mr. Liu said that although his life was difficult, he did not give up, and he still wanted to find a stable job to improve his situation. He said that since 2018, he has traveled to other places to work many times, hoping to make a breakthrough, but he has encountered more troubles.

He said that every time he was at the train station, he would be stopped by the police, who would check his ID card and then take him to a urine test. "After the urine test, he didn't say anything, so he let me go. He said he initially thought it was a routine check-up, but later found out that he was the only one who had been tested and none else. He said that he felt strange and uncomfortable, but he didn't dare to ask more, so he could only swallow his anger.

He said that his situation in working in other places is not good, and he is always discriminated against, bullied, and framed. He said that he worked as a construction worker, a security guard, and a waiter, but he didn't work for long, because he was always found fault with his boss or colleagues, framed, and beaten and scolded. He said he didn't know why they did this to him, he just wanted to work hard and make some money. He said that sometimes he wanted to resist and defend his rights, but he was afraid of causing more trouble, so he could only swallow his anger.

The man has been working outside for 15 years and has not been invited everywhere, and he has served a prison sentence for nearly ten years

He said that his last part-time job was in 2020, when he went to Shanghai, thinking that he would have more opportunities in the big city, but he encountered greater difficulties. He said that around October 2022, he went to the bank to apply for a bank card, but the bank called the police and he was taken to the police station. "The police said that I am a drug-related person and have a criminal record. I have never taken drugs, so how can I be a person involved in drugs, and how can I have a criminal record? The people's police said that they could not find out the specific situation with the system authority, and suggested that I go back to my hometown to investigate. He said that this was the first time he had heard the specifics of his criminal record, and he was very shocked and very frightened. He said that the police also told him that the case would affect his children, and asked him to deal with it quickly. He said that after listening to it, he felt that his life was over and he didn't know what to do.

Restoration of reputation: After verification, the police found that there was indeed a problem, and reported it to the relevant departments to block the suspicious data

Mr. Liu said that after spending a day at the police station, he decided to go back to his hometown to find out about the incident after being released by the police. He said he wanted to know exactly how he was impersonated, who framed him, why the police didn't verify his identity and why his information was entered into the system. He said that he wanted to clear his name, return his innocence, and return his dignity.

At the beginning of 2023, Mr. Liu found out from the Songzi Public Security Bureau that he was arrested in 2014 for drug trafficking and later sentenced to 15 years in prison. "They thought I had escaped from prison because the real prisoner was still serving his sentence. I told me about the situation, and they told me to go to the Puning City Public Security Bureau and say that they handled the case. He said that he felt very aggrieved and helpless at that time, but he had no other way but to follow their instructions and go to the Puning City Public Security Bureau to appeal.

Around April this year, Mr. Liu went to the Puning Municipal Public Security Bureau to complain, and the police verified the relevant information. According to the "Notice of Letters and Visits" issued by the Anti-Drug Brigade of the Puning Municipal Public Security Bureau on May 17, 2023, after verification, on March 15, 2014, the drug trafficker Tang Moukui (whose name is Mr. Liu) arrested by the Anti-Drug Squadron of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Puning Municipal Public Security Bureau was born in 1974 and is currently serving a sentence in a prison in Hubei Province. On April 18, 2023, our brigade has reported the "Shielding Materials of Mr. Liu's Doubtful Data" to the Municipal Errata Office, and submitted it to the higher-level department to quickly block Mr. Liu's doubtful data.

The police found that drug trafficker Tang Moukui fraudulently used Mr. Liu's identity to report to the Municipal Errata Office, and the higher-level department quickly blocked Mr. Liu's suspicious data. The police contacted a prison in Hubei Province and requested assistance in proofreading "Mr. Liu's" identity information and collecting evidence, and entrusted a forensic center to conduct fingerprint identification. The police contacted the Songzi City Anti-drug Brigade to assist Mr. Liu in his corrigendum work, and the Songzi police have completed the collection of evidence, and will carry out the next step of correcting the doubtful data after he mails it over. In mid-November, Puning police said Mr. Liu's information had been blocked.

Mr. Liu said that he had finally restored his reputation with the assistance of the Puning police, but he was not very relieved because he felt that it was what he deserved, not what he asked for. He said that he was very dissatisfied with the way the police handled him, and he felt that the police did not take responsibility for him, did not apologize to him, and did not compensate him. He said that he felt that the police's dereliction of duty was the root cause of his injustice, and he hoped that the police would admit his mistake and give him justice.

Demands for rights protection: Demand that the police publicly apologize, give compensation, and pursue responsibility

Mr. Liu said that although his reputation has been restored, his life has not improved, and he still cannot find a job, still has no income, and still has no family. He said that he had been severely injured physically and mentally, and that his life had been ruined. He said that he was not willing to endure it like this, he wanted to fight for some rights and interests for himself, and he wanted to get the responsible party to give him an explanation.

Mr. Liu said his appeal was simple: to demand a public apology, compensation and accountability from the police. He said he hoped the police would formally apologize to him, admit his mistakes, restore his reputation and erase his bad record. He said he hoped that the police would give him some financial compensation to make up for his losses and help him rebuild his life. He said that he hoped that the police would find out the facts, find out the real drug traffickers, and hold them legally responsible, as well as the police themselves, to prevent similar things from happening again.

Mr. Liu said that his demands were not excessive or unreasonable, and he just wanted fairness and justice. He said that he had filed his claim with the Puning Municipal Public Security Bureau, but the other party rejected him, saying that he had no evidence, that he had no loss, and that he had no rights. He said he felt angry and helpless, and he didn't know what to do.

Mr. Liu said that he can only ask for help from the society through the Internet, hoping to get more attention and support. He said he believed that there was justice, conscience, and law in this world. He said he hoped that someone would help him, speak for him, fight for him, and uphold justice for him. He said that he didn't want to endure injustice anymore, he didn't want to live in the shadows anymore, and he didn't want to lose hope anymore. He said that he just wanted a simple life, a happy family, and a good future.

Perspectives and Summaries

Mr. Liu's story made us feel shocked and indignant, and also made us deeply reflect on our society and the law. Mr. Liu was an innocent victim who was accused of being a "drug dealer" and sentenced to 15 years in prison for a stranger's lies, without knowing it. His life was severely affected as a result, he lost his job, his family, his dignity and hope. His justice and conscience were ruthlessly trampled on and hurt by the dereliction of duty and indifference of the police. His legitimate rights and interests were rejected and prevaricated, ignored and deprived by the police. His demands and rights protection were perfunctory and delayed by the police, and could not be resolved fairly.

What happened to Mr. Liu is not only a personal tragedy for him, but also a tragedy for our entire society. It exposes the loopholes and flaws of our policing, it challenges the fairness and justice of our legal system, and it touches our humanity and conscience. It makes us wonder why such an unjust, false and wrongly decided case happened? Why was it not discovered and corrected in a timely manner? Why was the victim not given the apology and compensation it deserved? Why was the responsibility of those responsible not investigated? Why did it not prevent similar things from happening again? These problems are not only the problems of Mr. Liu, but also the problems of all of us, our country, and our times.

Revelations and recommendations

Mr. Liu's story has brought us profound inspiration and suggestions, and also put forward urgent tasks and requirements for us. We should draw lessons from this experience and take measures to improve our work, improve our systems, protect our rights, uphold justice, prevent problems before they occur, and avoid the recurrence of tragedies. Specifically, we have the following recommendations:

As for the police, we suggest that they strengthen the identity verification of drug-related personnel to avoid the occurrence of impersonation crimes, and at the same time, strengthen their own supervision and management to avoid dereliction of duty and dereliction of duty. We suggest that they promptly correct unjust, false and wrongly decided cases that have occurred, restore the victim's reputation, give the victim an apology and compensation, hold those responsible accountable, and give an explanation to the victim and society.

As for the courts, we suggest that they strengthen the trial of drug-related cases to avoid the occurrence of wrongful sentences, and at the same time, strengthen their own supervision and management to avoid mistakes and favoritism. For unjust, false and wrongly decided cases that have already occurred, we suggest that they promptly correct them, revoke the erroneous verdict, restore the victims' freedom, give the victims an apology and compensation, hold the relevant responsible persons accountable, and give an explanation to the victims and society.

As for the media, we suggest that they step up their reporting on drug-related cases, expose the truth, and call for justice, and at the same time, strengthen their own supervision and management to avoid the occurrence of inaccurate and biased situations. For unjust, false and wrongly decided cases that have already occurred, we suggest that they pay attention in a timely manner, disseminate information, call for attention, give support and help to victims, promote the resolution of problems, and give victims and society a voice.

For lawyers, we suggest that they strengthen the defense of drug-related cases, protect their rights, uphold the law, and at the same time, strengthen their own supervision and management, so as to avoid the occurrence of dereliction of duty and interests. For unjust, false and wrongly decided cases that have already occurred, we suggest that they intervene in a timely manner, provide assistance, fight lawsuits for victims, fight for the interests of victims, uphold justice for victims, and give hope to victims and society.

For the public, we suggest that they strengthen their understanding of drug-related cases, increase vigilance, prevent being deceived, and at the same time, strengthen their own supervision and management to avoid illegal and dangerous situations. For unjust, false and wrongly decided cases that have occurred, we suggest that they care in a timely manner, express sympathy, give encouragement, send warmth to the victims, pray for the victims, bless the victims, and give the victims and society a strength.


Mr. Liu's story is a heartbreaking story and a sobering story. It allows us to see how an innocent ordinary person is impersonated and criminalized, how he encounters unjustified injustice, how he seeks to defend his rights, and how he faces difficulties. It also allows us to see a social problem, how to affect the fate of individuals, how to test the justice of the law, and how to challenge the conscience of human nature. It also shows us the tasks of an era, how to improve work, how to improve the system, how to protect rights, how to uphold justice, how to prevent disasters before they occur, and how to avoid the recurrence of tragedies.

We hope that Mr. Liu's story can arouse our attention and reflection, promote our progress and development, inspire our sympathy and conscience, enhance our responsibility and responsibility, enhance our vigilance and prevention, protect our rights and dignity, uphold our law and justice, build our society and country, and create our future and happiness.

Finally, we would like to ask you a question, what are your views and feelings on Mr. Liu's story? What are your opinions and suggestions on Mr. Liu's appeal? What are your inspirations and lessons for Mr. Liu's experience? What are your blessings and expectations for Mr. Liu's future? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.
