
The son said that his daughter-in-law wanted to travel, and I gave them 50,000, but who knew that the next day he was slapped in the face

author:Curious Drew 2r9r
The son said that his daughter-in-law wanted to travel, and I gave them 50,000, but who knew that the next day he was slapped in the face

"Mom and Dad, I think the last time we went on a trip, it was very happy and meaningful, and I would like to take my daughter-in-law with me again.

"It's a good idea. Traveling doesn't just relax us, it allows us to spend more time together.

The daughter-in-law said happily: "Well, I also like to travel, see different scenery, and feel a different life."

The son said that his daughter-in-law wanted to travel, and I gave them 50,000, but who knew that the next day he was slapped in the face

The next day, my son and daughter-in-law came to us and said they were ready to go on a trip. They fell in love with an old town and with the careful planning of my son, they found a route and a hotel.

I took the wad of money and counted it, and it was exactly 50,000 yuan.

"This money has been prepared for a long time, enough for you, so have fun. I smiled with satisfaction.

The son said that his daughter-in-law wanted to travel, and I gave them 50,000, but who knew that the next day he was slapped in the face

I felt a little disappointed and angry at the same time. I certainly didn't make an irresponsible choice because they had betrayed my wife's expectations and made them for the sake of missing that money.

"Why are you so ignorant!We've agreed to go to the ancient town, how can you just change your mind!" I growled.

"Don't be angry, Dad, we just wanted to take our friends for a walk, I didn't expect you to be so angry.

The son said that his daughter-in-law wanted to travel, and I gave them 50,000, but who knew that the next day he was slapped in the face

"Didn't you travel with us? My mom and I were really disappointed. My wife blamed her.

The conversation between the two of them also opened, and the quarrel grew louder and louder.

"Why are you so irresponsible, so ignorant!" I said angrily.

The son said that his daughter-in-law wanted to travel, and I gave them 50,000, but who knew that the next day he was slapped in the face

"What are you talking about, I'm not sensible, am I?" the son then scolded.

"Okay, I don't care what you do in the future, but you have to pay me back the 50,000 yuan you gave me!" I said through gritted teeth.

"You want me to pay it back, think about it yourself, where did you spend all the money you gave us yesterday!" said my son, handing me his phone.

The son said that his daughter-in-law wanted to travel, and I gave them 50,000, but who knew that the next day he was slapped in the face

My eyes widened and I regretted it. Sure enough, impulsiveness was the devil, and I gave them the money without first understanding the situation.

"This ...... I'm sorry I'm looking away. I said with some embarrassment.

"Hmph, look away? Don't make excuses, admitting a mistake is admitting a mistake! Do you think you're doing the right thing?" the son was still angry.

The son said that his daughter-in-law wanted to travel, and I gave them 50,000, but who knew that the next day he was slapped in the face

I fell silent, feeling a little guilty. Maybe I doted on my children too much and gave them this money without having time to think about it, which led to the current situation.

I looked at him and felt a pang of distress in my heart. Such a son is always in a place I can't see, carrying too much responsibility and pressure.

Am I being too harsh? Is it that behind my poor son, there are needs and emotions that I have neglected?

The son said that his daughter-in-law wanted to travel, and I gave them 50,000, but who knew that the next day he was slapped in the face

It dawned on me that this conflict was not just due to their irresponsibility, but also to my own upbringing and expectations of them.

"How can I do that! It's all for your good, who knew you were so ignorant!"

"You are not sensible, you are not sensible! We have already spent the money you gave, and we will return it to you, you think beautifully!" the daughter-in-law also said angrily.

The son said that his daughter-in-law wanted to travel, and I gave them 50,000, but who knew that the next day he was slapped in the face

I felt like my head was going to explode, and it was more than I could have imagined. I never imagined that such a well-intentioned act of mine would lead to such consequences.

Stepping out of the house, I felt an inexplicable sense of loss and heaviness. The family harmony I had hoped for was destroyed again and again by overlapping contradictions.

Time passed slowly, and slowly, I felt a little regretful. Maybe I shouldn't have been so excited, but I couldn't tolerate their behavior.

The son said that his daughter-in-law wanted to travel, and I gave them 50,000, but who knew that the next day he was slapped in the face

Family disputes are inevitable, how can I deal with them?

Hug finally had a showdown with my son, and the 50,000 yuan he gave me was not returned. This made me even more angry and disappointed, and I felt that his behavior was not just a spur of the moment, but a disrespect for us.

"Why are you so ignorant!, you won't keep even a promise!" I said angrily.

The son said that his daughter-in-law wanted to travel, and I gave them 50,000, but who knew that the next day he was slapped in the face

"It's none of your business! the money is mine now, what can you do?" replied the son, disapprovingly.

These words made me even more angry, and I felt that I could not tolerate my son's arrogance and irresponsibility. However, I was heartbroken to find that the quarrel between us had turned into a conflict of interests, without the warmth of family affection.

I sighed deeply, the contradiction between us seemed to be getting deeper and deeper, and this 50,000 yuan had become an unbridgeable gap between us.

The son said that his daughter-in-law wanted to travel, and I gave them 50,000, but who knew that the next day he was slapped in the face