
In less than a month, the overall situation of Taiwan's election has been decided, and the mainland may end its favor for Taiwan, and Lai Qingde will not be able to return to heaven

author:Happy in the pocket

Title: What is the Future of the Taiwan People? The Kuomintang advocates peaceful dialogue and promotes the normalization of cross-strait relations

In less than a month, the overall situation of Taiwan's election has been decided, and the mainland may end its favor for Taiwan, and Lai Qingde will not be able to return to heaven

Introduction: As the election of the leader of the Taiwan region is approaching, the contest between the two major political forces is becoming more and more eye-catching. The Kuomintang (KMT), with its firm political stance, advocates peaceful dialogue between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and is committed to promoting economic cooperation and regional stability, while the DPP's de-mainlandization policy has aroused widespread controversy. In this article, we'll delve deeper into this topic and learn how the KMT won hearts and minds and energized Taiwan's economic development.

In less than a month, the overall situation of Taiwan's election has been decided, and the mainland may end its favor for Taiwan, and Lai Qingde will not be able to return to heaven

Text: On the treasure island of Taiwan, every election is not only a simple voting process, but also an important choice related to the future direction of the island and beyond. With its clear and definite political line and posture of peaceful dialogue, the Kuomintang has gradually gained more recognition in Taiwanese society. In the face of the complex and ever-changing international situation and cross-strait relations, the Kuomintang put forward a forward-looking cooperation plan.

In less than a month, the overall situation of Taiwan's election has been decided, and the mainland may end its favor for Taiwan, and Lai Qingde will not be able to return to heaven

According to the latest data, the proportion of people who support the KMT's position has risen significantly in the past few months. Analysts pointed out that this change reflects the public's concern about the current way in which the ruling party handles cross-strait affairs. Especially in the field of economic cooperation, since Taiwan lost the ECFA (Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement), the problem of possible trade deficit has become the focus of many industries.

Looking back at the development of cross-strait relations in recent years, we can find that with the support of the mainland market, many industries in Taiwan have achieved leapfrog growth. However, after the DPP forcibly pushed the policy of de-mainlandization, core sectors such as manufacturing were hit, directly affecting the living standards of ordinary families.

In addition, issues such as the supply of eggs have also become a microcosm of people's livelihoods. Controversial decisions by the government to buy eggs at high prices and to exclude mainland companies from competition in relevant tenders have complicated issues that could have been resolved through reasonable market regulation.

In the face of many challenges and difficulties, the Kuomintang persistently supported the '92 Consensus and advocated seeking common interests between the two sides of the strait through peaceful dialogue. The party believes that this is not only a way to ease tensions and maintain regional security and stability, but also a necessary direction to inject new momentum into Taiwan's economy and ensure the well-being of the people.

At the end of the article, it is necessary to emphasize the emotional color and compatriot friendship - no matter which side of the strait you are in, the family bond of "blood is thicker than water" always exists. The sincere attitude and pragmatic actions displayed by the Kuomintang in the process of promoting the normalization of cross-strait relations have won the hearts of more and more compatriots.

Conclusion: Looking to the future, in the current complex geopolitical environment, it is particularly important to choose a path that can stabilize people's hearts, promote development, and maintain the tranquility and prosperity of the homeland. The concept of cross-strait peaceful dialogue advocated and committed to implementing by the KMT may be a key step in opening a new chapter and building a win-win future. For everyone inside and outside the island, it is the responsibility and mission of our times to make a thoughtful and wise choice and work together for Taiwan's tomorrow.

Note: The content expressed in this manuscript represents the author's personal views and is based on an analysis of available data and circumstances.