
What should I do if I have prostatitis? The doctor tells you 5 key points

author:Panda TKF, who is brave enough to forge ahead

In the busy city, Zhang Wei, a 45-year-old accountant, is the epitome of countless middle-aged men. His life is filled with work, and he has little time to focus on his health except for facing computers and numbers. Zhang Wei has the responsibilities of a family, wife, children, and aging parents. Under such pressure, he always told himself to be strong and work hard.

What should I do if I have prostatitis? The doctor tells you 5 key points

However, life always surprises or shocks people inadvertently. Late one night, Zhang Wei, who had returned from overtime, felt a physical signal that something was wrong. There was occasional discomfort in his lower abdomen, and at first he thought it was just a result of fatigue and didn't pay much attention to it. But as time goes on, this discomfort becomes more and more apparent. He began to notice a slight pain when going to the toilet, especially when urinating, and the subtle irritation made him have to face the problem.

All these changes made Zhang Wei start to worry about his health. He recalled various health topics that had been discussed in his circle of friends, and suddenly realized that it could be a problem with the prostate. The prostate, an organ he had barely noticed before, was now his unavoidable focus.

In the silence of the night, Zhang Wei sat on the sofa in the living room, looking through the health information on his mobile phone, full of questions and uneasiness: what is prostatitis, how will it affect his life, and most importantly, what will he do when it does attack?

Zhang Wei's symptoms are getting worse. At first, he just felt some discomfort in his lower abdomen, but after a while, the pain and irritation when urinating became more and more obvious. The heavy overtime caused him to ignore these warning signs, and one day, he realized the seriousness of the problem when he found himself barely able to concentrate on his work.

In desperation, Zhang Wei decided to seek help from a professional doctor. In the doctor's office, he described his symptoms in detail. After listening patiently, the doctor explained the basic knowledge of prostatitis to Zhang Wei. "Prostatitis is a common male disease that usually manifests as symptoms such as difficulty urinating, urgency, and frequent urination," he said. We will carry out a number of checks to determine your specific situation. ”

Zhang Wei's examination results showed that he had non-bacterial prostatitis. The doctor explained in detail the treatment of the disease and the advice on life conditioning, emphasizing these five key points: regular life, reasonable diet, moderate exercise, maintaining peace of mind and taking medication on time.

When he got home, he tried to follow his doctor's advice, but the challenges of his daily life made it difficult for him. He tried to adjust his diet Xi habits, but the stress of work and overtime often prevented him from eating on time, let alone making healthy food choices. Despite knowing that exercise is good for his health, he just wants to rest every night when he gets home.

What should I do if I have prostatitis? The doctor tells you 5 key points

Zhang Wei began to wonder if these seemingly simple suggestions really applied to his life. He searched the internet for a variety of quick ways to relieve the symptoms of prostatitis, but could not find an effective solution. At this time, his symptoms not only did not ease, but became more severe due to psychological stress and anxiety.

He tosses and turns every night because of frequent urination and pain, and during the day he can't concentrate because of exhaustion and discomfort. This constant physical discomfort has taken a huge toll on his life and mental state. Zhang Wei began to realize that relying only on his own judgment and information on the Internet could not solve the problem.

Deciding to seek help from the doctor again, Zhang Wei re-entered the hospital with the doctor's instructions that he had not fully followed before. This time, he listened more carefully to the doctor's advice and described his life Xi and symptoms to the doctor in detail. The doctor patiently explained the pathological mechanism of prostatitis for him and emphasized the importance of treatment and life adjustment.

What should I do if I have prostatitis? The doctor tells you 5 key points

The doctor reminded Zhang Wei that the treatment of prostatitis is not just as simple as taking medicine, but also requires a comprehensive adjustment of lifestyle. In particular, doctors highlight the following five key points:

Regular exercise: Moderate exercise can improve blood circulation in the lower body and reduce prostate congestion. Doctors recommend that Zhang Wei do at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day, such as brisk walking or swimming.

Reasonable diet: High-fat and spicy foods may aggravate the inflammation of the prostate, and doctors recommend Zhang Wei to eat more vegetables and fruits to reduce the intake of greasy and spicy foods.

Avoid sitting for long periods of time: Prolonged sitting can exacerbate prostate congestion, and doctors recommend that Zhang Wei get up and move for 5 minutes every hour to minimize the amount of time spent sitting continuously.

Regular work and rest: Adequate rest is essential for recovery, and doctors recommend that Zhang Wei maintain 7-8 hours of sleep per night and minimize overtime at night.

Psychological Conditioning: Constant anxiety and stress can exacerbate the symptoms of the prostate, and doctors recommend that Zhang Wei do the necessary stress management, such as taking yoga or meditation classes.

What should I do if I have prostatitis? The doctor tells you 5 key points

After returning home, Zhang Wei began to adjust strictly according to the doctor's advice. He started walking for half an hour every morning, changing his diet Xi and trying to avoid greasy and spicy foods. In the office, he gets up and walks around every hour to reduce the discomfort of sitting for long periods of time. At night, he tries to rest early and get enough sleep. In addition, he signed up for yoga classes to relieve stress at work.

A few weeks later, Zhang Wei was pleasantly surprised to find that his symptoms had improved significantly. The discomfort when urinating is reduced, and the frequency of urination at night is also significantly reduced. More importantly, he felt more relaxed and energetic as a whole. These changes not only make his body feel comfortable, but also make his mood more positive.

What should I do if I have prostatitis? The doctor tells you 5 key points

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