
"A good man has a body of hair, and a good woman has a body of fat"? The ancients did not deceive me! Come and take a look

author:Leisurely Leaf Doctor

In the busy city, Li Bo is a typical urban white-collar worker. He has a stable job, an orderly life, and a healthy diet. He is interested in ancient proverbs and often uses them as a topic to communicate with his colleagues. One day, a half-joking phrase at a party made him think: "A good man has a hair, a good woman has a fat", an old saying that reminded him of some of his recent small changes.

Recently, he noticed that his body hair seemed to be getting thicker, which was not a big deal, but it made him a little curious. Leebo's life has always been regular, but this subtle change has made him pay attention to his physical condition. He remembered a quote his father once mentioned: "Every change in the body can be a subtle manifestation of health signals." ”

"A good man has a body of hair, and a good woman has a body of fat"? The ancients did not deceive me! Come and take a look

Lieber decided to take a closer look at the phenomenon. He began to keep track of changes in his eating Xi, sleep patterns, and even work stress. He hopes to use these details to find out the cause of the increase in body hair. At the same time, he also noticed a slight increase in his weight, which was not much, but it was enough to get his attention. This series of changes made him wonder, is it related to the old saying he often hears?

At the suggestion of a friend, Lieber decided to go for a comprehensive medical check-up. He wanted to know if the real reason behind these physical changes was just due to age, or if there were other health concerns. He hopes to interpret these small details of life through a medical perspective and take responsibility for his own health.

"A good man has a body of hair, and a good woman has a body of fat"? The ancients did not deceive me! Come and take a look

Lieber began to realize that his physical changes might be more than external. He noticed that his body hair was noticeably thicker than before, and that his weight was quietly climbing. At first, he thought it was just a normal part of aging, but his curiosity drove him to dig deeper.

He decided to have a full medical check-up. While waiting for the results of the medical examination, Lieber fell into deep thought. He recalled the old saying that his friends talked about, "A good man has a body of hair, and a good woman has a body of fat", and he couldn't help but feel curious and apprehensive. Is there really a scientific basis for this statement?

The results of the physical examination came out, and some of Lieber's indicators were slightly abnormal. His blood sugar and lipid levels, while still within the normal range, are already trending high. The doctor advised him to make lifestyle adjustments and stay focused. The news made Lieber feel a little worried. He began to wonder if he should pay more attention to his diet and exercise.

In further communication with the doctor, Lieber learned that the growth of body hair and weight gain have a lot to do with hormone levels in the body. He began to study related medical knowledge. It turns out that the growth of body hair is mainly influenced by androgens, while weight gain is associated with insulin resistance and disorders of fat metabolism. These are closely related to lifestyle Xi, such as dietary structure, sleep quality, stress management, etc.

"A good man has a body of hair, and a good woman has a body of fat"? The ancients did not deceive me! Come and take a look

Lieber's research led him to discover that the ideas of the ancients were not groundless. In ancient times, food was scarce and men's thick body hair often meant higher levels of male hormones in the body, which was associated with the ability to hunt and do manual labor, while women's fullness was considered a sign of fertility and health. While these ideas differ from the norms of modern society, the physiological basis behind them is the same.

Lieber began to pay more attention to a balanced diet and regular exercise. He reduced his intake of high-sugar and high-fat foods and began to try some low-intensity aerobic exercises, such as brisk walking and swimming. At the same time, he also began to pay attention to the quality of sleep and tried to reduce the stress at work.

"A good man has a body of hair, and a good woman has a body of fat"? The ancients did not deceive me! Come and take a look

This series of lifestyle changes not only allowed Lieber's physical indicators to gradually return to normal, but also gave him a new understanding that a healthy lifestyle is essential to maintain body balance. He began to realize that the wisdom of the ancients and the knowledge of modern medicine could complement each other.

Lieber stood in the corridor of the hospital, his examination report clutched tightly in his hand. A few weeks ago, he began to pay attention to his health because of subtle changes in his body. At first, he was just curious about the reason for his increased body hair and slight weight gain, but when the medical report revealed slight abnormalities in blood sugar and lipids, his curiosity turned to worry.

Lieber's concerns are not unfounded. He had heard that the abnormal increase in body hair could be related to hormone levels, and that blood sugar and blood lipid problems were directly related to more serious health risks, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. He couldn't help but reflect on his lifestyle: his busy work, his Xi eating habits during socializing, and his lack of regular exercise...... Are these factors quietly affecting his body?

In the doctor's office, Lieber's worries were alleviated. After a detailed examination and questioning, the doctor told him that while it was true that some of his physiological indicators were slightly off, it did not mean that he was suffering from a serious illness. The doctor explained that the increase in body hair may be related to the increase in age and natural changes in hormone levels, while the mild abnormalities of blood sugar and blood lipids are more affected by lifestyle Xi.

"A good man has a body of hair, and a good woman has a body of fat"? The ancients did not deceive me! Come and take a look

At this time, Li Bo remembered the sentence "A good man has a hair, and a good woman has a fat". He asked the doctor if there was any scientific basis for this old saying. The doctor laughs and explains that while this phrase is an oversimplification, it does imply some physiological truths. Increased body hair in men is associated with hormone levels, while weight gain may be a marker of metabolic changes. Doctors point out that although the ancients' understanding of these phenomena was not entirely scientific, their observations did capture some health signals.

Liberty suddenly became enlightened when he heard this. He realized that he needed to make some adjustments to his lifestyle. First of all, he decided to change his dietary Xi habits, reduce the intake of high-sugar, high-fat foods and increase the proportion of vegetables and fruits. Secondly, he plans to join a health club and start regular exercise to boost metabolism and adjust the hormone balance in the body.

"A good man has a body of hair, and a good woman has a body of fat"? The ancients did not deceive me! Come and take a look

A few months later, Lieber underwent another medical check-up. This time, his blood sugar and lipid levels returned to normal. He has also lost weight, and he has noticed a significant improvement in his mental state and physical condition. He began to realize that although the wisdom of the ancients was simple, the concept of health behind it was eternal.