
The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) reported: Car blogger "Boss Cai" maliciously slandered and was banned

The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) reported: Car blogger "Boss Cai" maliciously slandered and was banned

On December 25, NCC publicly exposed a number of typical cases of undermining the business network environment on its WeChat official account. According to the Cyberspace Administration of China, the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has carried out work arrangements to optimize the business network environment, continued to strengthen the management of online information content related to enterprises, and seriously investigated and dealt with a number of violations of laws and regulations that infringed on the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and entrepreneurs, and made a centralized notification in this regard.

The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) reported: Car blogger "Boss Cai" maliciously slandered and was banned

Among them, the well-known automobile blogger "Boss Cai" was suspected of publishing false and untrue information related to the enterprise, maliciously slandering the product quality and reputation of an automobile company, and continued to deliberately hype. The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has closed down the Weibo platform account "One Dish and Two Dishes", the Douyin platform account "Boss Cai", and the WeChat platform account "Meiyan Auto" in accordance with the law.

In August this year, the account of "Boss Cai", a car critic with millions of Douyin fans, was blocked. "Boss Cai" mainly released content videos based on car explanations on the Douyin platform, and attracted the attention of netizens in the early days with the popular "Baochi Jie Reduction" incident. After that, in 2021, "Boss Cai" released a video with the theme of "One of my Tesla supplier friends exposed relevant insiders" through Douyin. "Boss Cai" said in the video that his friend was a supplier of Tesla, and the friend broke the news that Tesla had a series of violations in cooperation with suppliers after localization, but "Boss Cai" did not provide any evidence in the video to prove the authenticity of the content of his description. "Boss Cai" said that the above content belonged to a friend's revelations, and it was impossible for him to ask this supplier "friend" to provide evidence for himself. After that, "Boss Cai" was sued by Tesla for infringement and demanded compensation and an apology.

The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) reported: Car blogger "Boss Cai" maliciously slandered and was banned

In April 2022, "Boss Cai" made the matter public through the Douyin platform, describing that he was sued and claimed 5 million, and said that he would accompany him to the end. On May 30, Tesla (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and "Boss Cai" added a new court announcement for the dispute over reputation rights, with Tesla (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. as the plaintiff and Cai Jia as the defendant. According to the judgment, the court found that the content of the video of "Boss Cai" had no factual basis, and that the words of "Boss Cai" in the video were more intense and had obvious negative comments, which exceeded the reasonable scope of supervision and criticism, and had the pertinence of defamation of Tesla. Based on this, the court required "Boss Cai" to apologize to Tesla on Weibo, Douyin, and WeChat public accounts within 15 days from the effective date of the judgment, and to last for no less than 15 days, and to compensate Tesla for infringement losses of 100,000 yuan. However, "Boss Cai" did not issue an apology statement on the relevant platform, nor did he compensate Tesla for the infringement losses, and was finally enforced by the court.

The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) reported: Car blogger "Boss Cai" maliciously slandered and was banned

It is understood that "Boss Cai" only had more than 500,000 fans on the Douyin platform before exposing Tesla, but by November 2022, it has more than 4 million fans.

In addition to "Boss Cai", NCC China also notified accounts such as "Auto Reuters" in the WeChat official account to publish negative information about auto companies and seek business cooperation. The main body of the "Auto Reuters" account has established matrix accounts on multiple platforms such as Toutiao, Baidu, and Weibo, and seeks to carry out business cooperation by publishing negative information about an automobile company and putting pressure on the company. After being rejected, it continued to release negative information about the car company. The accounts involved have been closed in accordance with law, and the account entities are to be included in the platform's blacklist management.

The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) reported: Car blogger "Boss Cai" maliciously slandered and was banned

The person in charge of the relevant department of the Cyberspace Administration of China said that it will maintain a high-pressure situation, continue to rectify all kinds of illegal information and behaviors related to enterprises, expose typical cases, and create a good business network environment for the healthy development of enterprises

Autobots' platform

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