
The five famous poisonous schemes in history make people's hairs stand on end! The last one can be called an unearthly poisonous scheme

author:Scholar of literature and history

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  • Source/Scholar of Literature and History
  • Author/scholar of literature and history

Whether it is the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, or the Sui, Tang, Song and Yuan dynasties, although the replacement or rise of dynasties is a historical law, it may also be artificially promoted.

No matter what time it is, there are such characters as strategists, even if they are not strategists, there are people with intelligent minds, who will use all kinds of tricks to calculate people's hearts to achieve a certain goal.

The five most well-known poisonous strategies in history, each of which makes people feel creepy, especially the last one related to the famous general Jiang Wei of Shu State, is known as an unborn poisonous strategy.

The five famous poisonous schemes in history make people's hairs stand on end! The last one can be called an unearthly poisonous scheme

Xun Yu's "Split Scheme"

Xun Yu is the first adviser under Cao Cao, no one can beat him, his wisdom and talent are absolutely no less than Zhuge Liang, so he was praised by Cao Cao as "my son's room", there is no exaggeration at all.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Cao Cao held the power of the court, and Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty was just a puppet emperor, and Cao Cao had the final say in everything, but Cao Cao was not at ease at this time.

Yuan Shu supported his troops in the Huainan area, and Liu Bei occupied Xuzhou, although Lu Bu was under the fence in Xuzhou, but Liu Bei and Lu Bu united, and their strength should not be underestimated.

They can all be said to be Cao Cao's henchmen, in order to solve these two enemies, Xun Yu offered Cao Cao a poisonous plan, so that Cao Cao could reap the benefits of the fisherman without spending a single soldier.

Cao Cao listened to Xun Yu's opinion, and first sent someone to Yuan Shu to inform the other party that Liu Bei asked to attack Nanjun, and Yuan Shu did not doubt that he had him, and was very angry with Liu Bei, and actively prepared to give Liu Bei some color.

The five famous poisonous schemes in history make people's hairs stand on end! The last one can be called an unearthly poisonous scheme

Then, Cao Cao pretended to use the edict of the Son of Heaven to ask Liu Bei to crusade against Yuan Shu, knowing that this was Cao Cao's meaning, but Liu Bei couldn't help but do it, after all, he regarded himself as a minister of the Han Dynasty, and he had no choice but to send troops south.

When Liu Bei sent troops to attack Yuan Shu, he probably didn't expect that Lu Bu would take the opportunity to occupy Xuzhou, no matter whether he could win Yuan Shu or not, Xuzhou would no longer be his territory.

And the reason why Lu Bu occupies the magpie's nest is that on the one hand, he himself is unwilling to send people under the fence, and on the other hand, as early as when Liu Bei attacked Yuan Shu, Yuan Shu contacted him privately, and the lure of heavy money had already made Lu Bu lose his mind.

That is to say, with just one strategy, the contradiction between Yuan Shu, Liu Bei and Lu Bu became deeper and deeper, and there was a bond between them, so even if Cao Cao attacked any side later, it was impossible for others to unite, which eliminated the possibility of them joining forces to a certain extent.

The five famous poisonous schemes in history make people's hairs stand on end! The last one can be called an unearthly poisonous scheme

Guan Zhong extinguished Lu

Who is Guan Zhong? Some people say that he was the first master of economic reform in history, who helped Qi become the overlord of the Spring and Autumn Period, but in fact he was a pioneer in economic warfare, and a trade war made Lu surrender to Qi in a short period of time.

You must know that Qi Huangong, who has just succeeded to the throne, wants to become the overlord of one side, then the neighboring Lu State is the biggest threat he faces, so he must find a way to get rid of the stumbling block of the Lu State.

It's just that at that time, the national strength of Qi was not particularly strong, and Lu was not vulnerable, and directly sent troops to attack, even if it defeated Lu, it was possible to suffer heavy losses, not to mention that there were other vassal states eyeing each other.

The five famous poisonous schemes in history make people's hairs stand on end! The last one can be called an unearthly poisonous scheme

At this time, Guan Zhong provided Qi Huan Gong with a strategy, and Qi Huan Gong was amazed by this strategy, and immediately began to implement it. When he went to court, he deliberately wore a court dress that was different from usual.

This court dress is a kind of silk fabric that only has in the Lu State, known as "Lu Min", so when the monarch praised this silk fabric, the loyal ministers of the court, the princes and nobles and even the common people began to follow suit, so that the territory of the Qi State began to buy this silk fabric from the Lu State.

When the monarch of Lu learned that he was so popular, he asked the people to produce on a large scale, so that many people gave up farming and devoted themselves to weaving "Lu Min", and then sought huge profits from Qi State.

When they were expecting to make a lot of money, they didn't expect Qi to suddenly order to ban Lu Min from entering the country, this operation made Lu Guo dumbfounded, a large number of Lu Min could not be sold, and they had to buy grain from Qi at a high price.

It didn't take long for a serious famine to occur in the Lu State, and in this case, the Qi State attacked the Lu State again, and it was completely effortless, so that the Lu State raised the white flag.

The five famous poisonous schemes in history make people's hairs stand on end! The last one can be called an unearthly poisonous scheme

Two peaches kill three soldiers

This strategy also appeared in the Spring and Autumn Period, and it was related to the three generals of Qi Jinggong, and these three generals can be said to have made great contributions to the Qi country.

It stands to reason that Qi Jinggong should favor them, but they are becoming more and more proud and complacent, and even in the face of Qi Jinggong, they no longer have the respect they used to have.

Of course, Qi Jinggong couldn't let this go, once the three of them united, Qi Guo might be able to change the sky. Zuo Xiangyanzi came up with a clever plan for Qi Jinggong, that is, to use two peaches to provoke the relationship between the three of them.

So Qi Jinggong held a grand banquet, in front of all the courtiers, to reward the three of them, but he only got two precious peaches, who to give it to, it depends on who has made the greatest contribution.

In order to get the precious peaches, they talked about their merits, so much so that they argued endlessly, fought each other, and finally killed each other in the main hall, and the three of them died.

The five famous poisonous schemes in history make people's hairs stand on end! The last one can be called an unearthly poisonous scheme

Yan Shifan's last stand

In 1564, Yan Song and Yan Shifan's father and son were impeached by the imperial history, and this time Emperor Jiajing did not protect them, but directly put Yan Shifan in prison and waited for disposal.

In order to get away with the crime, Yan Shifan did not sit still, but found a way to spread the news, that is, he didn't want his crime to frame Zhongliang. I didn't expect someone to be fooled, this person is Huang Guangsheng, the law secretary, he hates the Yan family father and son, and hopes to make Yan Shifan sentenced to death.

Therefore, he planned to inform Jiajing that Yan Shifan had framed Shen Lian and Yang Jisheng, but fortunately, Xu Jie, the first assistant of the cabinet, saw through Yan Shifan's plan and stopped Huang Guangsheng.

Although the case of Shen Lian and Yang Jisheng was provoked by Yan Shifan, it was Emperor Jiajing who finally ordered their killing, and if Yan Shifan was dealt with for the crime of framing Zhongliang, then it would be equivalent to telling the world that Emperor Jiajing had made a mistake.

It is impossible for Emperor Jiajing to let the world know that he unjustly killed his loyal ministers, so he will most likely let Yan Shifan go. It can be said that if there was no Xu Jie, Yan Shifan's plan might have succeeded.

The five famous poisonous schemes in history make people's hairs stand on end! The last one can be called an unearthly poisonous scheme

One plan harms the three sages

The reason why it is said that this is an unearthly poisonous plan is because the person who came up with this plan even calculated himself, this person is Jiang Wei, a famous general of Shu during the Three Kingdoms period.

Even after the fall of Shu, he did not give up, hoping to turn the tide by himself, so he pretended to surrender to Zhonghui, and then began to provoke the relationship between Zhonghui and Deng Ai.

The relationship between these two people was not good, and after some operations by him, Deng Ai finally died, but his plan was also discovered, and Zhong Hui and he also died in Huangquan. Although the strategy did not succeed, it is enough to make people sigh to this day.

The five famous poisonous schemes in history make people's hairs stand on end! The last one can be called an unearthly poisonous scheme


The scheming is the human heart, and it has a lot to do with human nature, these five poisonous schemes, each of which is enough to send chills down people's spine in today's view,

It is undeniable that there is indeed a dark side in human nature, but we cannot ignore the good nature in it.

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