
Encourage the combination of paid leave and arrange Chinese New Year's Eve rest!

author:Haibo TV丨Fujian release
Encourage the combination of paid leave and arrange Chinese New Year's Eve rest!

In a few more days

We're about to celebrate 2024!

According to the notice of the General Office of the State Council

New Year's Day 2024

30 December 2023 (Saturday)

Until 1 January 2024 (Monday)

The holiday lasts for 3 days


General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and General Office of the State Council


"About doing a good job during the Spring Festival on New Year's Day in 2024

Notice of work》

There was a reference to encouraging Units

Combined with the implementation of paid annual leave and other systems

Arrange for employees to rest on Chinese New Year's Eve

The full text is as follows↓

(Swipe up and down to view)

The year 2024 marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. All localities and departments should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, comprehensively implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, make overall plans for all work during the New Year's Day and Spring Festival, and ensure that the people spend a happy and peaceful festival. With the consent of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows.

1. Care for the people in need, and do a good job in rescue and assistance. Leading cadres at all levels should earnestly transform the results of carrying out the study Xi Xi implementing the education on the theme of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era of Jinping into vivid practice of ensuring and improving the people's livelihood, go deep into the hardship areas, the frontline of the grassroots level, especially the recent rain, snow, earthquake and other disaster-stricken areas, strive to solve the problems of production and life of the people in difficulty in urban and rural areas, and send the care and warmth of the party and the government to the hearts of the people in difficulty. Comprehensively implement various social assistance policies, promptly and fully disburse all types of relief funds, and where conditions permit, the "two festivals" period of relief funds may be issued in advance. Increase the intensity of temporary assistance, and promptly resolve the sudden and urgent basic living difficulties encountered by the urban and rural masses. Strengthen care and assistance for groups such as homeless beggars, the disabled, the elderly with special difficulties, and children in various difficulties, and do a good job in disaster relief and assistance in disaster-stricken areas and heating assistance in northern regions, so as to maintain the basic bottom line of people's livelihood. Solidly carry out a winter special action to eradicate wage arrears, deal with illegal acts of arrears of wages for migrant workers in accordance with the law, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers. Care for comrades who work in areas with difficult conditions and on the front line of urgent, difficult, dangerous, and heavy tasks, do a good job in caring for and helping the families of grassroots cadres who have died in the line of duty, and pay in-depth visits to party members, veteran party members, veteran cadres, retired military cadres, Red Army veterans, veteran demobilized soldiers, disabled soldiers, and families of martyrs.

2. Ensure the supply of the festival market and meet the consumption needs of the masses. We will make every effort to ensure the supply and price stability of coal, electricity, oil and gas, especially during extreme disaster weather, strengthen facility inspections, respond to emergencies in a timely manner, ensure the stability of power supply, heating and gas supply, and ensure that the people are warm in winter. Implement the same responsibility of the party and government for food security and the "vegetable basket" mayor responsibility system, strengthen the production, marketing and supply of important livelihood commodities such as grain, oil, meat, eggs, milk, fruits, vegetables and fungi, give full play to the role of the working mechanism of logistics and smooth logistics, do a good job in transportation security, smooth logistics and distribution, and ensure sufficient quantity, rich variety, assured quality and stable price. Strengthen the supervision of food and product quality and safety in key areas such as rural areas and urban-rural areas, and severely crack down on counterfeit and shoddy illegal activities. Enrich the supply of the tourism market, stimulate the vitality of holiday consumption, optimize the tourism consumption environment, increase the price supervision of key areas of people's livelihood such as catering and accommodation, scenic spot tickets, and parking lot fees, and promptly investigate and deal with illegal acts such as price gouging, collusion to increase prices, and price fraud. Regulate promotional activities, urge online trading platforms to implement entity responsibility, strengthen the supervision of online transactions and services, smooth channels for complaints and reports, and safeguard the lawful rights and interests of consumers.

3. Enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the masses and actively create a festive atmosphere. Strengthen publicity and guidance with a focus on strengthening confidence, consolidate and strengthen the mainstream ideology and public opinion in the new era, carry forward the main theme, and stimulate the powerful force of the whole society to unite and forge ahead. We should organize the activities of "going to the countryside three times" in culture, science and technology and public health and the activities of "Our Chinese Dream -- Culture Entering Ten Thousand Homes", send agricultural technology knowledge, cultural services, popular science publicity, health examinations, and legal consultation to the grassroots level, and organize the vast number of literary and artistic workers to go deep into rural areas and communities to carry out cultural and artistic activities in various forms and rich connotations. Arrange for the broadcast of excellent films, TV dramas, and television programs, continue to promote the "Village Evening" demonstration and display activities, improve the quality of mass literary and artistic programs, promote the deep integration of intangible cultural heritage items and traditional festivals, and create a joyful, auspicious, warm and smooth festival atmosphere. Vigorously cultivate and practice the core values of socialism, strengthen creative guidance, resolutely resist vulgar and vulgar kitsch, and purify the festival culture market.

Fourth, do a good job in the Spring Festival transportation work, and refine services to ensure the travel of the masses. Strengthen the capacity reserve and supply of key periods and hot routes to meet the travel needs of the masses to the greatest extent. Optimize the connection of multiple modes of transportation to facilitate passenger interline transportation and intermediate transfer. Strengthen the operation and management of expressway service areas, and improve the capacity and quality of services such as charging, dining, and toileting. Strictly implement the policy of bus service for key groups such as soldiers, fire and rescue personnel, the bereaved families of martyrs, the elderly, the young, the sick, the disabled, and the pregnant, and strengthen travel service guarantees for key groups such as migrant workers, students, and people in rural areas. All units are encouraged to combine the implementation of paid annual leave and other systems, and arrange for employees to rest on Chinese New Year's Eve. Guide the public to arrange travel plans reasonably, and travel off-peak and avoid peak hours. Strictly implement the free passage policy for small passenger cars during the Spring Festival holiday, strengthen the diversion and control of congested road sections, and effectively alleviate the traffic pressure on high-traffic sections of expressways. Optimize and improve emergency response plans, and properly respond to emergencies such as transportation obstructions, stranded passengers, and dangerous accidents. Strengthen the safety management of railways, roads, water traffic and civil aviation, strengthen supervision and law enforcement, severely crack down on overloading and speeding, illegal operation, illegal carrying of agricultural vehicles and trucks, etc., strictly prevent serious traffic accidents, and ensure the safety of the public.

5. Do a good job in the prevention and control of infectious diseases and protect the health of the masses. Coordinate the prevention and control of respiratory infectious diseases such as the new crown and influenza, adhere to scientific prevention and control, and implement precise policies, implement the "quadripartite responsibility", strengthen the prevention and control of institutions such as elderly care, childcare, schools, and social welfare, as well as confined spaces, to strictly prevent the occurrence of clustered epidemics. Intensify the overall planning of medical resources, especially pediatric and respiratory medical resources, enrich the medical strength of key departments such as outpatient and emergency, pediatrics, respiratory, and critical care in medical institutions, and strengthen the preparation of commonly used drugs, testing reagents, medical equipment, and admission beds in medical institutions. Do a good job in epidemic monitoring, early warning and risk assessment, strengthen epidemic reporting, release information in a timely manner, and dispel public doubts. Scientifically publicize the knowledge of prevention and treatment of acute respiratory infectious diseases, guide vaccination, and advocate personal protective measures such as wearing masks, washing hands frequently, ventilating frequently, and maintaining social distancing.

Sixth, comprehensively investigate risks and hidden dangers, and earnestly do a good job in safe production. Firmly establish the concept of safe development, adhere to the supremacy of the people and the supremacy of life, always maintain a sense of responsibility of "always rest assured", earnestly strengthen the work of safe production, strictly investigate and prevent all kinds of risks and hidden dangers, and strictly implement various safety control measures. Strengthen the safety management and supervision of key industries such as mines, hazardous chemicals, civil explosives, fireworks, construction, water, electricity and heat, transportation, cultural tourism, and special equipment, and strictly implement safety precautions in key areas such as crowded places, flammable and explosive places, and labor-intensive enterprises, and strictly prevent all kinds of production safety accidents. We will continue to deepen the special rectification of urban gas safety across the country, and do a good job in the investigation and management of fire hazards in high-rise buildings, large-scale complexes, shopping malls and markets, catering and entertainment, hotels, homestays, hospitals, elderly care institutions and other densely populated places, as well as key units such as "factories within factories", warehousing and logistics, and gas (gas) stations. Strengthen the monitoring and early warning of extreme disasters such as low temperature, rain, snow and ice, and forest fire danger, improve and refine emergency response plans, and make emergency response preparations.

7. Take the initiative to deal with contradictions and maintain overall social stability. Adhere to and develop the "Fengqiao experience" in the new era, strive to do a good job in petition work, and carry out in-depth investigation and resolution of contradictions and disputes in key areas. Strictly crack down on "theft, robbery, fraud", "pornography, gambling, and drugs", as well as prominent illegal crimes such as telecommunications and network fraud, gangsters and vices, and food, drugs, and the environment, and strictly prevent the occurrence of major and vicious criminal cases and extreme violence by individuals. Strengthen social patrol prevention and control, strengthen the investigation and rectification of key areas of social security such as urban and rural areas, strengthen safety precautions in crowded places, and enhance the people's sense of security. Strengthen public security control in key areas and key areas, fully implement civil and physical air defense and technical defense measures, and resolutely prevent and combat violent terrorist activities. Strictly implement safety precautions for large-scale mass festivals and activities to prevent the occurrence of major public safety accidents.

8. Advocate diligence and thrift to celebrate the festival in a civilized manner to prevent the rebound of the "four winds" problem. Adhere to and carry forward the fine traditional work style of the Chinese nation, carry out civilized practice activities such as "our festival", solidly promote the change of customs and customs, strictly teach family style, oppose bad Xi such as pomp and circumstance, comparison and flaunting wealth, and extravagance and waste, and advocate good social customs. Strict discipline requirements, oppose privileged thinking and privileged behavior, perseverance in implementing the spirit of the eight provisions of the central government, seriously investigate and deal with problems such as illegal eating and drinking, illegal receipt and delivery of gifts and gifts, illegal distribution of allowances and subsidies, illegal operation of weddings and funerals, and private use of public vehicles, strictly prevent and strictly control the phenomenon of invisible mutation, and promptly report and expose typical cases. Vigorously rectify the problem of hedonism and extravagance behind such phenomena as high-end tobacco, alcohol and tea, "luxurious Chinese New Year's Eve dinners," and excessive packaging of festivals, promptly prevent and control the phenomenon of surprise spending at the end of the year, and grasp the small ones as early as possible and prevent them from getting worse. We should pay close attention to the problems of formalism and bureaucracy that increase the burden on the grassroots units, and resolutely rectify the behaviors of arbitrarily assigning tasks to the grassroots units in the name of summing up and promoting work, repeatedly requesting materials and filling in forms, supervising and inspecting and assessing too often, leaving excessive traces, and engaging in "formalism at the fingertips."

9. Strengthen on-duty duty to ensure the orderly operation of all work. Strictly implement the system of 24-hour special personnel on duty and leading cadres on duty and reporting when they go out. Complete and strong on-duty forces, and implement various emergency preparedness measures in detail. Strictly implement the system of requesting instructions and reporting, request instructions and report important situations as soon as possible and respond to them in a timely and effective manner, and resolutely put an end to late reporting, omission, false reporting, and concealment. The emergency rescue team should maintain an emergency state at all times, optimize the composition of forces and equipment, and ensure that there is an emergency as soon as possible. Units that directly serve the masses should make reasonable arrangements for being on duty during the festival to ensure the quality of service.

All localities and departments should attach great importance to it, strengthen organization and leadership, and conscientiously deploy and implement the relevant work during the festival to ensure that the spirit of this notice is implemented.

The highway is not free during the New Year's Day holiday

According to the notice issued by the State Council on the implementation plan for the exemption of tolls for small passenger cars on major holidays of the Ministry of Transport and other departments, the time range of free passage is the Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, Labor Day, National Day and other four national statutory holidays, as well as the above-mentioned statutory holidays and holidays determined by the General Office of the State Council in the current year. Therefore, on the highway during the New Year's Day holiday, tolls are charged normally.

How to buy train tickets

Train tickets for the first day of the New Year's holiday will be available for purchase on December 16. Have all the friends who are ready to travel have bought tickets? Don't worry if you don't buy it, Xiaofu has prepared a ticket purchase strategy for everyone to help you improve the success rate of ticket purchase~

How can I check the starting time?

Open the Railway 12306 App, click "My" in the home page to find the "Starting Time" in the "Travel Guide".

Encourage the combination of paid leave and arrange Chinese New Year's Eve rest!

Enter the station and date you want to check to find the ticket sales time of the station and station in the same city. Please note that the starting time varies depending on the station.

How to improve the success rate of ticket purchase?

By submitting waitlist orders for multiple combinations of "date, train, and seat", the success rate of waitlist ticket purchase can be increased.

Encourage the combination of paid leave and arrange Chinese New Year's Eve rest!

How to view the station screen?

Railway 12306 App "station screen" function, you can check the status of the train, the ticket gate, and the status of the delay.

Encourage the combination of paid leave and arrange Chinese New Year's Eve rest!

Select the station and train you want to inquire about, and you can see the train number, final station, departure time, waiting room, ticket gate, and train status. In the "Follow Trips" column, you can view the itinerary information of the trains you have taken.

Holiday arrangements for the whole year of 2024

Encourage the combination of paid leave and arrange Chinese New Year's Eve rest!

Source: Xinhua News Agency, Chinese Government Network, People's Daily, China Railway, etc

Editors: Chen Qiyue, Wang Ying

Encourage the combination of paid leave and arrange Chinese New Year's Eve rest!
Encourage the combination of paid leave and arrange Chinese New Year's Eve rest!