
Want to lead the team to win the championship in the Chinese Super League? No way! Shenhua unloaded the mill and killed the donkey, and Wu Jingui was notified not to "renew the contract"

Want to lead the team to win the championship in the Chinese Super League? No way! Shenhua unloaded the mill and killed the donkey, and Wu Jingui was notified not to "renew the contract"

Although the club has not made an official announcement for a long time, the Shanghai media has been a little "can't wait". "Xinmin Evening News" has already published in the newspaper "Wu Jingui is no longer the coach"!

Want to lead the team to win the championship in the Chinese Super League? No way! Shenhua unloaded the mill and killed the donkey, and Wu Jingui was notified not to "renew the contract"

I am afraid that it is because Shenhua Club originally had the plan to make an official announcement today, but various reasons eventually led to the club postponing the official announcement. The major media can withdraw the manuscript on the website at any time, but if it is printed in the newspaper, the layout is ready, and the newspaper is printed, then it cannot be withdrawn!

And the "oolong" incident printed in the newspaper by "Xinmin Evening News" actually explains from the side - since December 7, the senior management of Shenhua officially informed Wu Jingui that the club would invite foreign coaches for the new season, although more than half a month has passed, the problem has not been well solved.

So why hasn't it been solved? There are reasons for money, and there are reasons why there is no money.

When Jiushi first came in, he once proposed to Wu Jingui to give him a two-year contract, but Wu Jingui took the initiative to say that only by taking the first year and continuing to bring the second year, the two sides negotiated to change the contract period to 1+1. And it is stipulated in the contract that as long as Shenhua's league ranking in season 23 is higher than that in season 22, the +1 clause can automatically take effect.

Last year, Shenhua ranked tenth in the league, and this year ranked fifth in the league + FA Cup champion, and the results led by Wu Jingui were to exceed the goal. Some time ago, a number of domestic media have also confirmed that according to the terms of the contract, "+1" will automatically take effect, and Wu Jingui has another year of coaching contract in Shenhua.

Of course, since Shenhua has already made a plan to change the coach, the easiest way is to negotiate with Wu Jingui's team to terminate the contract according to the terms of the contract, and pay the salary according to the agreement. But after dragging on for so long, Wu Jingui's problem has not been solved, which is enough to show that Shenhua does not want to compensate Wu Jingui for this money at all.

Want to lead the team to win the championship in the Chinese Super League? No way! Shenhua unloaded the mill and killed the donkey, and Wu Jingui was notified not to "renew the contract"

And the reason why I don't want to pay is actually very simple - Wu Jingui led the team to exceed this season's performance target, and the club had no reason to replace him;

And Wu Jingui's problem, in addition to the reason for money, there is another reason that cannot be ignored - the difference in "cognition"!

A few days ago, Ji Yuyang, a well-known media person in Shanghai, had already hinted that Shenhua had already planned to change the coach.

And Shen Si Qihong, the two Shenhua veterans (Pantu in the eyes of fans back then), have a good personal relationship with Shenhua's two high-level Gu Jiqing and Sun Xiaotian. Under the "matchmaking" of Shen Siqi Hong, Xie Hui, who is about to return to Shenhua as an assistant coach, "hooked up" with Shenhua's senior management as early as when he was coaching in Dalian. And there is an unconfirmed rumor in the market, Xie Hui once said to some players in Dalian - if you play well, you will take you to Shenhua.

Of course, at the beginning, Xie Hui's "hook-up" with Shenhua's management was obviously going to the position of Shenhua's coach, but when he blew up the Dalian locker room and brought him to relegation, Shenhua Club obviously lacked the courage to directly replace Wu Jingui with Xie Hui, and Shenhua started the work of selecting foreign coaches. But from beginning to end, Wu Jingui and most of Shenhua's players were kept in the dark. It wasn't until December 7 that Wu Jingui knew about Shenhua's plan to change the coach.

Want to lead the team to win the championship in the Chinese Super League? No way! Shenhua unloaded the mill and killed the donkey, and Wu Jingui was notified not to "renew the contract"

Of course, after learning that the club would increase the lineup in the 24th season, Wu Jingui also tried to struggle and proposed to the club to lead the team to win the championship in 24. However, the senior management of Shenhua Club believes that it is difficult for Wu Jingui to lead the team to a higher level, and they are determined to unload the mill and kill the donkey, and even hinted that the FA Cup championship is "early" when they have a showdown with Wu Jingui.

In order to appease Wu Jingui's emotions, the Shenhua Club has used all aspects of Shanghai Tang's relationships in the past half month. The veterans who have a very good relationship with Wu Jingui in Shenhua, the celebrities in Shanghai, and some media people in Shanghai are all acting as lobbyists for the club, hoping to persuade Wu Jingui to stay in Shenhua and change jobs.

If there is no FA Cup champion, maybe Wu Jingui is discouraged and accepts the transfer, but after leading the team to win the FA Cup, Wu Jingui is on the rise, ready to lead the team to impact the 24-year Chinese Super League championship background, the club suddenly wants to take him off, and wants to keep him in the club to continue to be a "spare tire", it is difficult for him to accept such a psychological gap. When the pacification work has basically ended in failure, the Shenhua Club has sent a notice to Wu Jingui in the past two days that he will not renew the contract. Wu Jingui has also made it clear to the club that he will activate next year's contract in accordance with the terms of the contract.

In the case that Wu Jingui has clearly led the team to exceed this year's performance target and automatically activate the terms of next year's contract, Shenhua Club told Wu Jingui to use the word game of "no contract renewal" instead of "contract termination", which is enough to show that they will not pay liquidated damages happily. Shenhua's meritorious coach, can he still leave decently?

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