
"Romance of the Three Kingdoms": The six levels of the pattern, Cao Cao is on the second layer, and you are on the second layer


Jin Yong once said: The social impact of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" far exceeds its literary value.

It has written all the heroic feelings, and it has also exhausted the various forms of life.

The philosophy of life contained in it has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people for thousands of years.

There are more than 30 princes and kings before and after the book, and the pattern level of these people is roughly divided into six layers.

People at different levels of pattern also have different endings.


Sixth Layer Yuan Shu:

Brothers are on the wall, and everyone betrays their relatives

During the Three Kingdoms period, the two brothers, Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu, each occupied a south and a north, and their strength was quite prosperous.

Even Dong Zhuo was very jealous, and once bluntly said: "But if you kill the second Yuan'er, the world will obey itself." ”

However, Yuan Shu is narrow-minded, arrogant and lascivious, and often does things that harm others and himself.

When the princes attacked Dong, Yuan Shu was in charge of grain and grass in Nanyang. Worried that his ally Sun Jian would make the first contribution to the breakthrough of Luoyang, he did not transport grain to him, resulting in a great defeat for the coalition army

Later, he colluded with Liu Biao and attacked and killed Sun Jian.

This also caused Yuan Shu to lose his most important ally, and he was attacked from then on.

The fourth generation and third duke of the Yuan family, Yuan Shu as the son-in-law, and the red-eyed concubine Yuan Shaoquan is all over the world.

Therefore, he spread rumors that Yuan Shao was not a descendant of the Yuan family and was not worthy of leading the army as a prince.

even secretly allied with Yuan Shao's strong enemy Gongsun Zan and attacked Yuan Shao's army.

Yuan Shu's cardiothoracic pattern can be seen.

In this way, Yuan Shu's allies defected one after another, and even his own advisers took refuge in others one after another.

At the last moment when the mountains and rivers were exhausted, Yuan Shu wanted a bowl of honey to quench his thirst but couldn't, vomited several liters of blood and died.

Pei Songzhi, a historian of the Southern Song Dynasty, commented on Yuan Shu: "People and ghosts suffer from the same disease." ”

People like Yuan Shu want to block the way forward when they see other people's scenery, but they never think that this is also ruining their own back road.

Life is a cycle, and how you treat others will give back to you.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms": The six levels of the pattern, Cao Cao is on the second layer, and you are on the second layer


Fifth layer Lu Bu:

Profit-seeking, notorious

Chen Shou, the author of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", commented on Lu Bu as: Lu Bu has the courage of a tiger, but has no heroic strategy, is cunning and repetitive, and is mercenary.

Lu Bu bravely crowned the three armies, unparalleled in the world, but in the torrent of history, he failed step by step and died in the White Gate Tower.

In the final analysis, Lu Bu's biggest problem is capriciousness, focusing on small interests over big righteousness.

Just for the beauty of jewelry, he killed his father-in-law Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo successively.

In the second year of Xingping, Liu Bei Rende took in the desperate Lu Bu and placed him in Xiaopei.

Unexpectedly, Lu Bu colluded with Yuan Shu, backstabbed Liu Bei, and took advantage of Liu Bei's departure from the city to meet Yuan Shu and seize Xuzhou City.

Later, Lu Bu agreed to marry Yuan Shu, and his daughter had already married on the road, but he immediately repented because he was suddenly rewarded by Emperor Han Xian.

You can turn your back on the old master at any time, you can be treacherous at any time, and you can't have a good end for such a person if you don't have affection and morality.

In the end, Lu Bu was captured by Cao Cao, who cherished talents, but when he thought of the fate of Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo, he hanged Lu Bu and beheaded him.

There is a cloud in the Analects: People cannot stand without faith, and karma cannot prosper without faith.

Integrity is the foundation of life.

Those with a small pattern who lose their most valuable credibility for the sake of profit are undoubtedly digging their own graves.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms": The six levels of the pattern, Cao Cao is on the second layer, and you are on the second layer


Fourth Floor Yuan Shao:

Entangled in small things, do big things and regret your life

Although Yuan Shao was the concubine of the Yuan family, he entered the court early and had a very high reputation, and was elected as the leader of the coalition to defeat Dong Zhuo.

After Dong Zhuo's death, Yuan Shao controlled the land of Sizhou and had 400,000 troops, making him the strongest prince at that time.

It's a pity that Yuan Shao's eyes are short-sighted, and he is confused when he encounters big things, but he cares about some small things.

In the second year of Xingping, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty fled to Yuan Shao's territory.

The strategist persuaded Yuan Shao to welcome the Son of Heaven to balance the Quartet, but Yuan Shao was only worried that he would divide his power.

Between hesitations, Cao Cao sent someone to take Emperor Han Xian to Xudu.

Seeing that Cao Cao coerced the Son of Heaven to order him not to be subordinate, and restrained all the princes everywhere, Yuan Shao regretted it.

In the battle of Guandu, the strategist Xu You intercepted Cao Cao's letter urging grain, concluded that Xuchang was empty, and persuaded Yuan Shao to attack Xuchang at night.

Yuan Shao only cared about his young son's illness and had no intention of fighting, and because Xu You and Cao Cao were old acquaintances, he suspected that Xu You was a spy, which made Xu You feel disappointed, turned around and took refuge in Cao Cao, and all the secrets of the military camp were leaked.

In the end, a fire in Wuchao burned Yuan Shao's life's work.

Cao Cao once commented on Yuan Shao and said: Yuan Shao is fierce and timid, scheming and indecisive; he does great things but spares his life, and forgets his life when he sees small profits; and he is not a hero.

Those who are big enough to participate in heaven and earth, and those who are small users are making profits.

People with a high pattern consider the general direction strategy, and people with a low pattern will only hesitate and entangle on trivial things.

When you hesitate and wander, others have already run ahead of you, seized the opportunity, and won the initiative.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms": The six levels of the pattern, Cao Cao is on the second layer, and you are on the second layer


Third layer Liu Bei:


Liu Bei started from scratch, from weaving mats to cutting the possession, all because he won the hearts of the people.

It can be said that every step Liu Bei took responded to that sentence: people are good, and they have their own heavenly help.

In the fourth year of the first peace, Cao Cao raised 100,000 troops to attack Tao Qian on the grounds of avenging his father, and corpses were everywhere he went.

The princes were forced by Cao Cao's deterrence and did not dare to come to the rescue, only Liu Bei could not bear the suffering of the people, and led thousands of horsemen from Qingzhou to sacrifice their lives to help.

After desperately resisting Cao Cao's invasion, Tao Qian deeply felt Liu Bei's virtue and made Xuzhou three times.

Since then, Liu Bei has his first piece of land.

Xu Shu was Liu Bei's only advisor in the early stage, and when Cao Cao threatened him to join Cao Cao's command with Xu's mother's life, some people suggested dragging Xu Shu first and waiting for Cao Cao to kill Xu's mother.

Liu Bei insisted: "Let someone kill his mother, and I use his son, it is unkind; I will not let it go, so as to cut off the way of his mother and son, which is unjust; I would rather die than do something unkind and unrighteous for this." ”

It is precisely because Liu Bei thinks about others everywhere that there is a later "Xu Shu returns to Ma to recommend Zhuge ", "Xu Shu enters Cao Ying without saying a word".

In the Battle of Chibi, Xu Shu was even more used as an internal response to help Zhuge Liang complete the plan to burn Cao's army.

The seventh episode of "Mirror Flowers" says:

"It's a pity that the priest has an unsuccessful ambition, but if he loses his horse, how can he know if it's a blessing?"

People with a big pattern are never confined to the gains and losses in front of them.

A temporary loss does not mean the final result, do more altruistic things, you can make good connections.

People are as thin as paper, but Liu Bei has always had many civil and military generals around him.

Although he has been defeated repeatedly, Liu Bei, who is altruistic in everything and treats people sincerely, has won everyone's respect and affirmation.

As the saying goes, those who love love to return, and those who are blessed are blessed.

When you give a "drop" for others, others are likely to return the favor with a "spring".

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms": The six levels of the pattern, Cao Cao is on the second layer, and you are on the second layer


Second layer Cao Cao:

The sea is inclusive, and the world is hidden

On the eve of the Battle of Guandu, Chen Lin was ordered by Yuan Shao to write "Seeking Thieves", and scolded Cao Cao to the blood.

When the text reached Cao Cao's side, Cao Cao was suffering from a head stroke and asked his subordinates to help him read it.

The viciousness of Chen Lin's words made the people who read it sweat like rain, and they were afraid that Cao Cao would blame him.

Cao Cao felt that this essay was very well written, and praised Chen Lin as a rare talent, and his writing was brilliant.

After capturing Jizhou, Cao Cao did not kill Chen Lin to relieve the hatred in his heart, but accepted him to serve in the mansion.

The sea of people is vast, there are like-minded people, there are people who do not conspire with each other, if it is a baht must be compared, there will be more opponents.

Those who can tolerate people will be able to accept all rivers in their minds, and people's hearts will naturally be impressed.

After the Battle of Guandu, when Cao Cao counted Yuan Shao's letters, he found that many people in Cao Ying were colluding with Yuan Shao in private.

He did not burst into a rage, but calmly let his men burn the letters in front of everyone.

Cao Cao's pattern also allowed him to gather a large number of people's hearts.

The ancients said: If you are not lenient, you cannot be both, and if you are not benevolent, you cannot be compassionate.

People with small bellies and chicken intestines are careful about everything, and they can't tolerate right and wrong in their eyes, and it is difficult to make great achievements.

When the mind is broad, the road will be wider and wider, and when the pattern is bigger, life will go more and more smoothly.

The breadth of a person's heart is the height of his life.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms": The six levels of the pattern, Cao Cao is on the second layer, and you are on the second layer


Sima Yi on the first floor:

Endure humiliation and bear the burden, and bend to stretch

From a county official to a powerful government and the opposition, Sima Yi used forty-one years of dormant and forbearance to tell us:

If you can endure what others can't endure, you can become what others can't.

The so-called big picture is full of forbearance and grievance.

In the fourth year of Taihe, Zhuge Liang once again sent troops to the Northern Expedition, invincible all the way, winning successive battles, and pointing at Chang'an.

Sima Yi knew that Zhuge Liang was scheming and calculating, and it was difficult to defeat him, so he adopted the strategy of "clearing the wilderness with strong walls and waiting for attack", and refused to send troops.

No matter how the Shu army humiliated and scolded, Sima Yi endured it.

Even if Zhuge Liang humiliated him with a woman's skirt, Sima Yi did not move.

In the end, the two armies confronted each other for 100 days, Zhuge Liang became ill from hard work, and died of illness in the army, and Sima Yi won a complete victory.

With a forbearance, he made himself firmly sit in the first position in the Cao Wei military circle.

The ability to be reckless for a while is just the courage of a horseman.

Those who can achieve great things must have small forbearance, they are like the deep sea of still water, which seems to be unwavering, but they have accumulated great strength.

In the third year of the early Jing Dynasty, Emperor Cao Rong of Wei Ming died, and Sima Yi and Cao Shuang were both appointed ministers of Tuogu.

Cao Shuang used his identity as a Cao clan to form a party for personal gain, and suppressed Sima Yi everywhere.

Sima Yi endured it again and again, and even resigned because of illness.

Even so, Cao Shuang was still not at ease and sent Li Sheng to spy on him.

Who knew that Sima Yi was lying on the bed, and Ren Li Sheng took a silver needle and pricked it on his legs and feet, endured the pain, and remained motionless.

After Li Sheng came out, he said to Cao Shuang: "Sima Yi is like a corpse, bedridden, only residual qi, the form and spirit have been separated, and there is no need to worry." ”

Therefore, Cao Shuang let down his guard against Sima Yi, and the Gaopingling uprising in the future could succeed in one fell swoop.

Sima Yisheng was able to judge the situation and swallow a momentary grievance for the great cause of Honghu.

There is a saying in "Jia Yi's Treatise": If a gentleman takes something far away, he will be treated, and if he is big, he will be patient.

Forbearance is not a kind of cowardice, but a philosophy of doing things.

In this world, whether you want to protect yourself or make a career, you must learn to be patient.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms": The six levels of the pattern, Cao Cao is on the second layer, and you are on the second layer

Lu Xun said: Every Chinese has the "Three Kingdoms Spirit" in their bodies, and everyone also has a "Three Kingdoms" in their hearts.

Reading "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is not only to see the heroic deeds of the Three Kingdoms and the heroes, but also to taste the true meaning of life and the cultivation pattern in the turbulent historical picture.

In the mottled sands of the years, in the story of swords and swords, let us peek into the universal way of being a human being, and go farther and farther in the trek of our own life, and go more and more smoothly.

This is the greatest significance of the Three Kingdoms to us.

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Author: Insight Moon