
Why did Chen Zhibao go out of Beiliang in "Sword in the Snow"? and why did he kill Xu Weixiong?

author:Hole A C

In the desolate and silent border of Beiliang, a lonely figure walked slowly along the winding path with firm steps. This person is Chen Zhibao, a famous general of the Beiliang generation. His gaze was determined, and his eyes flashed with an unknown depth. The glory and glory of the past seem to gradually melt on this endless snow, leaving only endless confusion and thought.

Why did Chen Zhibao go out of Beiliang in "Sword in the Snow"? and why did he kill Xu Weixiong?

Why did Chen Zhibao, a warrior who once terrified the enemy, leave his loyal Beiliang alone? In this cold snow, his footsteps seemed to hide a deep secret. And in this long and lonely journey, what kind of challenges and decisions will he face?

1. Chen Zhibao: The birth of a legendary general

In the long history of Beiliang, Chen Zhibao's name is like a bright star, which is eye-catching. His image is changeable, sometimes like Han Xin, sometimes like a god, sometimes like Chen Qingzhi is good at strategy. People often use "white horse, silver gun, plum wine, who is the opponent in the world" to describe him, this sentence not only reflects his martial arts, but also highlights his bravery and resourcefulness on the battlefield.

Why did Chen Zhibao go out of Beiliang in "Sword in the Snow"? and why did he kill Xu Weixiong?

In a confrontation with the enemy army on the Beiliang border, Chen Zhibao rode his white horse, held a silver spear, and looked firmly at the opposing camp. Behind him, Bei Liang's soldiers lined up in a tight array, and everyone's eyes followed his movements, waiting for his command.

Suddenly, Chen Zhibao's finger waved slightly, and it was a signal to turn to the left. As his horse turned lightly, the entire Beiliang army was like a giant dragon, slowly turning under his leadership, showing a shocking momentum. When the enemy saw this scene, they couldn't help but feel a little panicked.

Why did Chen Zhibao go out of Beiliang in "Sword in the Snow"? and why did he kill Xu Weixiong?

After the battle began, Chen Zhibao took the lead and rushed to the front. His silver spear flew through the enemy camp like lightning, killing several enemies with each swing. He is not only the soul of the Beiliang Army, but also the hero in their hearts.

When night falls, the battle ends for the time being. Chen Zhibao sat by the bonfire, holding plum wine in his hand, looking at the blazing fire faintly. The soldiers sat around him, tired, but with anticipation of victory written on their faces.

Why did Chen Zhibao go out of Beiliang in "Sword in the Snow"? and why did he kill Xu Weixiong?

"General, are we going to go on the offensive tomorrow?" asked a young soldier.

Chen Zhibao took a sip of wine lightly and replied calmly: "Yes, we must take advantage of the victory to pursue." ”

Another soldier asked, "General, can we really win?"

Chen Zhibao smiled slightly and said affirmatively: "As long as we are united, there is no enemy that cannot be conquered." ”

These simple but firm words filled the hearts of the soldiers with strength. They looked at Chen Zhibao sitting in the firelight, and they were even more convinced that they were right to choose to follow him.

Why did Chen Zhibao go out of Beiliang in "Sword in the Snow"? and why did he kill Xu Weixiong?

The next day, the dawn appeared. Chen Zhibao stood in front of the formation again, his white horse looking particularly handsome, and the silver spear shining dazzlingly in the sun. His gaze swept over each soldier and finally fixed on the enemy in front of him.

The war drums sounded, Chen Zhibao waved his gun violently, and led the Beiliang army to rush towards the enemy again. This time, they were like wild horses on the loose, unstoppable. The enemy was defeated by their offensive and was finally completely routed.

After the war, Chen Zhibao stood on the battlefield, and there was a dead silence behind him. His eyes were deep, as if he was thinking about the journey ahead. But no matter how difficult the road ahead is, he will use his wisdom and courage to lead Beiliang to a more brilliant future.

Why did Chen Zhibao go out of Beiliang in "Sword in the Snow"? and why did he kill Xu Weixiong?

2. Xu Fengnian and Chen Zhibao: A contest of power and loyalty

When Xu Fengnian took over the Northern Liang Army, Chen Zhibao's existence became an insurmountable obstacle. Although Chen Zhibao was loyal to his former commander Xu Xiao, he did not have the same loyalty to Xu Fengnian. This point made Xu Fengnian feel deeply troubled. If Chen Zhibao is allowed to continue to control the Beiliang Army, Xu Fengnian's orders may become a silent wind, unable to reach the ears of every soldier.

Why did Chen Zhibao go out of Beiliang in "Sword in the Snow"? and why did he kill Xu Weixiong?

When Xu Fengnian first entered the Beiliang military camp, the atmosphere in the military camp was extremely heavy. The soldiers sat around the fire and whispered about the change of generals. Chen Zhibao stood in front of the tent door, his eyes through the firelight, looking at Xu Fengnian's back. His posture was upright, and there was a hint of complexity in his eyes.

Xu Fengnian turned around and faced Chen Zhibao, his tone was firm: "General Chen, the Northern Liang Army needs a new leader. ”

Chen Zhibao was silent for a moment and responded: "Lord Xu, the loyalty of the Beiliang Army only belongs to Beiliang. ”

Why did Chen Zhibao go out of Beiliang in "Sword in the Snow"? and why did he kill Xu Weixiong?

Xu Fengnian nodded slightly and said lightly: "I understand, but what Beiliang needs now is unity." ”

Chen Zhibao didn't speak again, turned around and walked back to the camp. Although his movements were calm, the whispers coming from behind him revealed the uneasiness of the soldiers.

In the days that followed, Xu Feng began to implement new military strategies and training methods in the army. His presence on the training ground became more and more common, while Chen Zhibao gradually faded out of the soldiers' sight. Xu Fengnian's training was rigorous and efficient, but the soldiers' hesitation and discomfort became more and more obvious when they underwent the new training system.

One day, Xu Fengnian gathered all the soldiers on the training ground, and he stood on a high platform and announced: "From today onwards, the Northern Liang Army will implement a new tactical arrangement. ”

Why did Chen Zhibao go out of Beiliang in "Sword in the Snow"? and why did he kill Xu Weixiong?

The soldiers exchanged mixed glances, but no one dared to openly oppose it. Chen Zhibao stood in the crowd, his expression was calm, but there was a hint of deep thought in his eyes.

With the passage of time, Xu Fengnian's reforms gradually took root in the army. The new training methods and tactical arrangements have improved the combat efficiency of the soldiers, but Chen Zhibao remains silent about all this.

Until one day, Xu Fengnian summoned Chen Zhibao, and the two confronted each other in the camp. Xu Fengnian looked directly into Chen Zhibao's eyes, and his tone was firm and sincere: "General Chen, I know that you are loyal to Bei Liang, but please trust my decision-making. ”

Chen Zhibao slowly raised his head, stared at Xu Fengnian, and said in a deep voice: "Lord Xu, I will naturally go all out in the future of Beiliang. ”

Although the conversation between the two was brief, it was enough to show the mutual respect and understanding between the two strong men. From that day on, Chen Zhibao began to have more exchanges and cooperation with Xu Fengnian in military strategy, and they worked together for the future of Beiliang. Although the two have different views, they both understand that only by uniting together can Bei Liang become stronger.

3. Rupture: Chen Zhibao's lonely departure

Under all kinds of contradictions and pressures, Chen Zhibao chose to leave. He didn't want to be a stumbling block on Xu Fengnian's path, and he didn't want to turn his back on his beliefs. He was alone, driving his white horse, and left Beiliang. This scene, like a tragic drama, Chen Zhibao's back is gradually moving away on the skyline of Beiliang.

Why did Chen Zhibao go out of Beiliang in "Sword in the Snow"? and why did he kill Xu Weixiong?

That morning, the sky was slightly cloudy, and the morning sun was just showing the horizon. Chen Zhibao stood outside the tent, his hand stroking his loyal white horse. He wore a simple battle robe, and the famous silver spear hung from his waist. The entire camp was immersed in an oppressive silence.

Chen Zhibao walked to the manger and gently stroked the horse's mane. His movements were slow and steady, as if bidding farewell to the war horse that had accompanied him for many years. The white horse neighed softly, as if feeling the fluctuation in his master's heart.

He slowly mounted his horse, his gaze sweeping over the corner of the camp where he had commanded the battle, and witnessed countless glories and victories. Now, he's leaving it all behind and starting a new journey.

The soldiers began to gather, their eyes full of reluctance and respect. Chen Zhibao didn't say anything, just looked at them deeply, then turned around and rode his horse towards the camp gate. His posture is particularly lonely, but full of determination.

As he passed through the camp gate, the sun shone softly through the clouds on his silver armor. He didn't look back, just drove his horse forward, step by step away from the place where he had fought.

On the way, Chen Zhibao passed through the town and traveled along a winding mountain road. His white horse is steady and powerful, carrying him through valleys and streams. The scenery along the way changed, from bustling towns to desolate mountains.

In the afternoon, he came to a small village. When the villagers saw this valiant general, they all stopped what they were doing and looked at him from afar. Chen Zhibao did not stop, but slowly passed through the village and walked farther away.

When night came, Chen Zhibao stopped in a wood. He unsaddled his horse, fed the white horse, and leaned against a large tree and closed his eyes. Surrounded by dense trees and the silence of the night, accompanied by the occasional chirping of insects in the distance.

Why did Chen Zhibao go out of Beiliang in "Sword in the Snow"? and why did he kill Xu Weixiong?

The next day, Chen Zhibao continued his journey. He walked through fields and crossed a few small rivers. The sun shone on his body, adding a touch of warmth to his journey.

Eventually, when he reached the top of a mountain peak, he stopped and looked out at the North Liang behind him. It was his past, and it was his eternal home. He took a deep breath, then turned around and continued on his way, disappearing into the vast mountain path. The legend of Chen Zhibao has remained in the land of Beiliang, but he himself has embarked on a new path.

4. The decisive battle outside the Iron Gate: Chen Zhibao and Xu Weixiong

Why did Chen Zhibao go out of Beiliang in "Sword in the Snow"? and why did he kill Xu Weixiong?

Outside the Iron Gate, the encounter between Chen Zhibao and Xu Weixiong was like a fateful arrangement. Facing Xu Weixiong, Chen Zhibao revealed his identity: "Xu Weixiong, I know that you are the dead soldier who has been hidden for more than 20 years. Facing this former enemy, Chen Zhibao's heart was full of mixed emotions. He wanted to complete his mission, but he didn't want to see Xu Weixiong die here.

The two of them stood outside the desolate pass, surrounded by an endless desert. The wind whipped up the sand and dust and whistled around them. Xu Weixiong was wearing a simple travel suit, his face was cold and hard, and his eyes flashed with determination.

Why did Chen Zhibao go out of Beiliang in "Sword in the Snow"? and why did he kill Xu Weixiong?

Chen Zhibao clenched the silver spear in his hand and said in a deep voice: "Xu Weixiong, I don't want to kill you, but you know that I can't let you go." ”

Xu Weixiong sneered and responded, "Chen Zhibao, do you think you can decide my fate?"

Chen Zhibao didn't answer, just clutched the silver spear, ready for the upcoming battle.

Xu Weixiong suddenly raised the long knife in his hand and rushed towards Chen Zhibao. Her movements were swift and violent, the light of the knife glistening in the sunlight. Chen Zhibao quickly dodged, and the silver spear turned into a white light, colliding with Xu Weixiong's blade.

Why did Chen Zhibao go out of Beiliang in "Sword in the Snow"? and why did he kill Xu Weixiong?

The two fought fiercely in the sand outside the gate, each attack full of strength and speed. Chen Zhibao's marksmanship is accurate, while Xu Weixiong's knife technique is ruthless. Although Chen Zhibao hesitated in his heart, his hand did not stop.

The battle continued for a while, until Chen Zhibao found an opportunity and shot Xu Weixiong in the shoulder. Xu Weixiong took a few steps back, covering his wounds, his face pale.

Why did Chen Zhibao go out of Beiliang in "Sword in the Snow"? and why did he kill Xu Weixiong?

Chen Zhibao stepped forward and whispered, "Xu Weixiong, you don't have to fight anymore. ”

Xu Weixiong gritted his teeth and stubbornly responded: "Chen Zhibao, I'd rather die than give in." ”

Chen Zhibao sighed and didn't attack again, just looked at her quietly.

Why did Chen Zhibao go out of Beiliang in "Sword in the Snow"? and why did he kill Xu Weixiong?

Xu Weixiong knew that she had been defeated, but her eyes were still determined. She turned slowly and began to walk away slowly. Chen Zhibao didn't catch up, just silently watched her back until her figure disappeared into the dust in the distance.

Chen Zhibao did not kill Xu Weixiong, but chose to injure her. Behind this decision is his respect for life and compassion for his enemies. He said to Xu Weixiong: "This is better than death." This sentence is not only a release for Xu Weixiong, but also a relief for his own heart.

"Knives in the Snow"