
"My boyfriend watched the movie to resist US aggression and aid Korea, but he couldn't say Christmas": netizens tore his mask with a picture

author:Wisdom little orange rushes


Today is Christmas, and many young people regard this festival as an important day.

A girl posted a chat record of "My boyfriend is just Christmas", which quickly caused heated discussions.

"My boyfriend watched the movie to resist US aggression and aid Korea, but he couldn't say Christmas": netizens tore his mask with a picture

The boyfriend is just Christmas, out of respect for the Changjin Lake warriors.

Yesterday's Christmas Eve, December 24, was also a special day, on December 24, 1950, our Chinese volunteers won the second battle to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

Christmas Eve was brought by thousands of soldiers who defended the country.

It makes sense for the girl to listen to it, although it doesn't affect the respect for the martyrs, but the patriotic feelings of the boyfriend are worth supporting.

However, as soon as her boyfriend finished saying that it was Christmas, he asked the girl to give him "a cup of milk tea" in the next second, which instantly made the girl stunned.

"My boyfriend watched the movie to resist US aggression and aid Korea, but he couldn't say Christmas": netizens tore his mask with a picture

He preemptively told the girls not to expect "red envelopes" and "please eat".

In the next second, he turned into a double-standard boyfriend and asked the girl to invite him to drink milk tea.

has to make people suspect that he is using the guise of "respecting his ancestors" to escape the energy he copes with in love.

"My boyfriend watched the movie to resist US aggression and aid Korea, but he couldn't say Christmas": netizens tore his mask with a picture

But if a girl says a word of opposition, it will appear that she has no patriotic feelings, and she is unreasonable.

What a netizen said, in the face of this special day, our position should uphold the principle of "respect":

"My boyfriend watched the movie to resist US aggression and aid Korea, but he couldn't say Christmas": netizens tore his mask with a picture

"I'm not just Christmas, but I also respect those friends who want to pick a time to play and have dinner together, patriotism is used to demand for themselves, to remember the martyrs, to forge ahead, not to criticize others, to show how noble they are. ”

I think so.

There is no conflict between celebrating the festival and respecting the martyrs, and we remember the martyrs and are even more grateful to them for bringing peace and prosperity.

Some also stand on the moral high ground and calculate in intimate relationships.

And some people have used another way to raise the meaning of this Christmas Eve to a higher level.

"My boyfriend watched the movie to resist US aggression and aid Korea, but he couldn't say Christmas": netizens tore his mask with a picture

Although it is just a small red envelope, it contains two different meanings:

(1) I value you, so I care about every festival I have with you.

(2) This festival has a special meaning, and I hope to pass on this meaning with you.

So, in love, the same frequency resonance is really very important.

He understands that you don't just want to ask for gifts and rituals through the holidays, but to perceive how much you value the days you spend with him.

The other party also returned the fiery love.


There was such a sentence that amazed me for a long time:

"Between people, if the soul can not resonate, the communication can not be at the same frequency, just a shallow encounter, will eventually become a stranger, what is valuable is to meet understanding and love from the heart. ”

Yes, understanding is more important than love, and intentions are more valuable than material.

The terrible thing is that some people in intimate relationships, not only can't give bread, but also can't give love.

Some time ago, there was such a video that went viral, a long-distance couple in different cities completed a pas de deux "lover".

"My boyfriend watched the movie to resist US aggression and aid Korea, but he couldn't say Christmas": netizens tore his mask with a picture

If you don't look closely, you thought that the two of them completed this dance in the same place.

Does this perfectly fitting pas de deux require a high level of skill to be performed in different locations in two cities?

No, it takes a lot of "love" and energy.

"My boyfriend watched the movie to resist US aggression and aid Korea, but he couldn't say Christmas": netizens tore his mask with a picture

In addition to shooting the video, to achieve a close shot, natural transitions, and action co-production, it is not a small project for the editors to adjust carefully.

"My boyfriend watched the movie to resist US aggression and aid Korea, but he couldn't say Christmas": netizens tore his mask with a picture

He even knows how high his hands have to go. ”

He even knew that he had to bend his leg a little to get her hand when he was spinning in circles. ”

See, love is in the details, and those who love you know your every little Xi.

I've heard a saying:

A long-distance relationship is like a gust of wind that blows out the weak and blows the warm.

In fact, it's not just long-distance relationships, it's all love, and only passionate love can stand the test of life.

Those who come together by mistake, but don't love each other very much, are basically because of loneliness or interests, and eventually they will go their separate ways because of calculations.


Teacher Liang Yongan said:

"In the face of love, when you think too much, it will be overgrown. ”

hit the nail on the head, just like the boy who took the initiative to say, "Because I watched the movie to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, I'm just Christmas", his behavior is tantamount to "emergency avoidance".

He doesn't trust his girlfriend, and he doesn't even understand the other party, for fear that the other party will take advantage of the holiday to ask for gifts and red envelopes.

In fact, girls may not care about this ordinary Western festival, nor do they think about so many calculations.

And the boy's preemptive move made the girl see the boy's inner calculations clearly.

Maybe this is just a "calm" couple conversation, and no one can imagine that the seeds of doubt have been quietly planted.

I hope everyone can have less routines and more sincerity in their relationships, as long as they truly love each other, it doesn't matter how much they pay, because love goes both ways.



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