
How many marriages have been ruined because they can't "be well" (regret is too late)


In marriage, many people look forward to spending their lives with their partner. However, when marriage comes to an end, we often find that many conflicts and problems between couples are actually due to not being able to "go to the right with each other".

In this fast-paced society, everyone craves their own space and freedom. However, in the marriage relationship, many people ignore this. They want their partner to be an extension of themselves, but they forget that everyone is an individual.

How many marriages have been ruined because they can't "be well" (regret is too late)

When couples are not "going their separate ways," they tend to start controlling, spying on each other, and interfering with each other. This behavior not only destroys trust and respect between couples, but also leaves both partners feeling tired and helpless. Eventually, this unhealthy relationship can lead to the breakdown of the marriage.

How many marriages have been ruined because they can't "be well" (regret is too late)

Therefore, in order to have a happy marriage, husband and wife must learn to "be okay with each other". This means that they need to respect each other's individuality and needs and give each other enough space and freedom. Only in this way can couples truly spend their lives together.

How many marriages have been ruined because they can't "be well" (regret is too late)

In short, how many marriages have been ruined because they can't "get right with each other". If we want to have a happy marriage, we must learn to give each other enough space and freedom. Only in this way can we truly enjoy the happiness and joy that marriage brings.