
The first blind date was deleted by the man

author:Moved China to remember
The first blind date was deleted by the man

My blind date was introduced by my mother's friend. When I hesitantly changed my WeChat avatar to a smiling sunflower under my mother's ardent anticipation, my friend Xiaoyun joked, "Yo, it's spring!" I smiled helplessly.

I've always had a natural attitude towards relationships. I can't stand my mother's nagging in my ear for three days, I understand her hard work, she just wants to find a man who knows cold and hot for me, and form a warm family.

So, at the urging of all parties, I embarked on the road of blind date. He is 93 years old and has already achieved the position of small manager. I was in '01, just after graduating, and I was working as a teacher at a training institution. The age difference is 8 years, and I really can't say that I look good, but the other party is not very handsome, half a pound to eight taels. And I'm about the same height as a boy, that's our basic situation.

After the introducer gave us a WeChat ID, he stopped meddling. After adding friends, I was hesitant to start a conversation. When I was with my ex before, everything was natural, and I didn't bother with this kind of thing. However, this time it was different, and I knew that it was a battle to take what each side wanted, but I couldn't talk about it.

In the end, he opened his mouth first and sent a message: "I was introduced by Aunt Huang, do you know?" "Well, tell me." I replied.

"Are you free tomorrow night? He sent an inquiry. "I'm only available on Saturday afternoons. I replied.

The first blind date was deleted by the man
The first blind date was deleted by the man

"I heard you just graduated. He continued to send messages. "Yes. I continued to answer.

"I've been working for a long time. His words reveal a sense of vicissitudes.

The first blind date was deleted by the man

"That's right. "I was a little embarrassed, I felt like I was interrogating a prisoner.

"Well, I heard you're still in the learning stage. His words were tentative.

"Yes, it's still being understood. My reply was still simple and straightforward. "Then let's get here today. His words were a little abrupt, but I politely replied with a "yes".

The first blind date was deleted by the man

This chat made me feel a little uncomfortable, as if the other party had seen through my thoughts. I think back to my performance and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Maybe he's more sensitive, I thought. After all, with an 8-year difference, what he thinks may not be the same as what I think.

The first blind date was deleted by the man
The first blind date was deleted by the man

In order not to be embarrassed, I said to my mother, "Why don't I meet him and talk?" Hearing this, she immediately agreed. So we made an appointment to meet on Saturday.

The first blind date was deleted by the man

On Saturday afternoon, I arrived early at the agreed place – a stylish KFC. I arrived before him and had already ordered the set menu. When he saw me, he smiled and nodded. Although I felt a little bumpy in my heart, I smiled politely back.

Once we sat down, we started chatting. He seems to be much more talkative than on WeChat, talking about his work, life and some trivial matters. And I responded with no saltiness, trying to find an entry point to the topic. As time went on, I found that our three views were quite different.

He seems to be more materially oriented, and I want to find someone to grow with. After spending an hour in an awkward atmosphere, I finally couldn't help myself. I decided to have a showdown, after all, that's not my style either.

"I think we're different in some ways. "I was the first to break the calm. He was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting me to be so straightforward. "I'm not quite receptive to some of your points. I continued. "What are the points?" he was puzzled. "It's some views and attitudes towards life. I explained. "To be more specific?"

He asked. "I don't think we have the same three views. "I finally said what I was holding on to my heart. "Oh......" he was silent for a long time, "I thought it was just a misunderstanding caused by insufficient communication." His voice was a little low, "Why don't we find out more?" and he tried to salvage the situation. "No need. I decisively rebuffed, "I think it's better for us to be friends." ”

The first blind date was deleted by the man

The next day, I wanted to transfer half of the money back to him, but it turned out that he had deleted it. Keep up the good work next time. #头条首发挑战赛#

The first blind date was deleted by the man