
The main contradictions and main contradictory aspects of "Mao Xuan" (Volume 1).

author:Yang Gu reads the classics

The evolution of the mountain

The main contradictions and main contradictory aspects of "Mao Xuan" (Volume 1).


1. The first birth of the mountain

In ancient times, the earth began to bloom and mountains and rivers began to form. At that time, mountains were just protrusions squeezed out by the movement of the earth's crust. In stark contrast to the surrounding plains, lakes, rivers, it appears lonely and small. However, it is this newborn mountain that gives birth to the majestic momentum of the future.

Second, the rise of the mountain

Over time, the mountain gradually rose. The force of the earth's crustal movement causes the mountains to rise and the rocks to pile up. The rain washes over the mountain, carrying away the sediment and leaving behind the hard rocks. The peaks are getting higher and steeper.

At this time, the contradiction of the mountains begins to appear: on the one hand, the rising force of the earth's crust, and on the other hand, the washing force of rain. These two forces are in opposition to each other, but they work together to help the mountain evolve.

3. The reproduction of mountains

As the mountain rises upward, it attracts a large number of creatures. Trees take root and grow on the hillside, giving the mountain a green coat. Animals climb between the mountains and forests, thriving. The babbling of mountain streams brings water of life to the land.

At this time, the contradiction of the mountain has changed again: on the one hand, the reproductive power of living things, and on the other hand, the limiting force of the natural environment. These two forces restrain each other, but they also promote each other, making the mountain more colorful.

Fourth, the change of the mountain

Over time, the face of the mountain is constantly changing. Sometimes it is the rising force of the earth's crust that makes the mountains taller and more majestic, sometimes the rushing force of rain makes the mountains steeper, sometimes the reproductive forces of life make the mountains denser, and sometimes the limiting forces of the natural environment keep the mountains in balance.

These contradictory forces are intertwined and interact, causing the mountain to change its appearance.

In the process of the evolution of the mountain, the main contradictions and the main aspects of the contradictions are also constantly changing.

Sometimes it is the upward forces of the earth's crust that dominate and push the mountains upward;

Sometimes it is the wash-out power of the rain that dominates, shaping the steep peaks;

Sometimes it is the reproductive power of living things that dominates, making the mountains and forests denser;

Sometimes it is the restraining forces of the natural environment that dominate and keep the mountain balanced and stable.

These main contradictions and the main aspects of the contradictions work together to make the face of the mountain constantly change.

The main contradictions and main contradictory aspects of "Mao Xuan" (Volume 1).

The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau was formed

Take, for example, capitalist society

In capitalist society, the contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie is the main contradiction, and all other contradictions are influenced and regulated by it.

For example, the contradictions between the remnants of the feudal class and the bourgeoisie;

the contradiction between the peasant petty bourgeoisie and the bourgeoisie;

the contradiction between the proletariat and the peasant petty bourgeoisie;

the contradiction between the liberal bourgeoisie and the monopoly bourgeoisie;

the contradiction between bourgeois democracy and fascism;

contradictions between capitalist countries;

the contradiction between imperialism and colony;

and other contradictions, all unfold within the framework of this main contradiction.

These contradictions are intertwined and mutually influencing each other, constituting an intricate system of contradictions in capitalist society.

The contradiction between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie is the main contradiction in capitalist society, and this contradiction runs through the entire process of capitalist society. In this contradiction, the proletariat is the class representing the advanced productive forces, while the bourgeoisie is the class representing the backward productive forces. This contradiction determines the existence and development of other contradictions, and also determines the direction of capitalist society as a whole.

The main contradictions and main contradictory aspects of "Mao Xuan" (Volume 1).

The poor people oppressed by the bourgeoisie

The main contradictions in backward China and the changes in the main aspects of the contradictions

In semi-colonial countries, such as China, the relationship between the main and non-major contradictions presents a complex situation.

When imperialism launches a war of aggression against such countries, all classes in the country, with the exception of a few traitors, tend to temporarily unite and join together in the national war to resist imperialist aggression.

At this time, the contradiction between imperialism and the invaded countries rises to become the main contradiction, while the contradictions between the various classes in the country, including the main contradiction between the feudal system and the masses of the people, will temporarily take a back seat.

This was reflected in many wars in Chinese history, such as the Opium War in 1840, the Boxer War in 1900, and the recent Sino-Japanese War.

These wars have shown that in the face of external threats, the various classes at home can temporarily put aside their differences and unite against foreign enemies.

In another context, the status of the contradiction has changed.

When imperialism oppresses not through war, but through more moderate political, economic, cultural and other means, the ruling classes of the semi-colonial countries may choose to surrender to imperialism and form an alliance with it to jointly oppress the masses of the people.

At this time, the masses of the people often chose to oppose the alliance of imperialism and the feudal class in the form of civil war. Imperialism, on the other hand, is more inclined to take indirect measures to aid the reactionaries in the semi-colonial countries to oppress the people, rather than taking direct action.

This makes the contradictions in the country all the more acute.

China's Xinhai Revolutionary War, the Revolutionary War of 1924-1927, and the 10-year Agrarian Revolutionary War after 1927 were all in this situation.

In addition, this is also the case with civil wars between reactionary ruling groups in semi-colonial countries, such as warlord wars in China.

These historical events tell us that in the face of complex contradictions, we need to be more sensitive and deeply understand the changes and dynamics of contradictions.

When a domestic revolutionary war threatens the existence of imperialism and its lackeys, domestic reactionaries, imperialism tends to resort to other methods to maintain its rule: either to divide the revolutionary front within or to send troops directly to the aid of the domestic reactionaries.

For example, the Chiang Kai-shek mutiny of 1927 is also an example of a divided revolutionary front.

These historical events show that the collusion between imperialism and domestic reactionaries is often carried out by a variety of means.

We need to be more vigilant and attentive to these means and actively seek countermeasures to safeguard the independence of the country and the interests of the people.

The main contradictions and main contradictory aspects of "Mao Xuan" (Volume 1).

Regardless of how at all stages of the development of the process, only one major contradiction plays a leading role

It follows from this that if there are many contradictions in any process, one of them must be the main one, playing a leading and decisive role, while the other contradictions are in a secondary and subordinate position.

Therefore, to study any process, especially a complex process with multiple contradictions, we need to make every effort to find out its main contradiction.

Once this main contradiction is grasped, other problems will be solved.

This is what Marx tells us in his study of capitalist society, which Lenin and Stalin also used in their study of the general crisis of imperialism and capitalism and the economy of the Soviet Union.

However, many scholars and practitioners do not understand this method, and as a result, they are like a sea of smoke when solving problems, and they cannot find the center, and they cannot find a way to resolve the contradictions.

The main contradictions and main contradictory aspects of "Mao Xuan" (Volume 1).

When dealing with problems, we should not treat all contradictions equally, but should distinguish between primary and secondary contradictions.

In order to resolve the main contradiction, we need to find the dominant aspect in the two sides of the contradiction. However, even among the various contradictions, whether major or secondary, the two sides of the contradiction cannot be seen equally. Because the two sides of the contradiction develop unevenly, sometimes it seems to be evenly matched, but this is only a temporary and relative situation. The basic form is the contradictory imbalance.

Of the two sides of the contradiction, one must be primary and the other secondary. The main aspect, that is, the so-called contradiction plays a leading role. The nature of things is primarily determined by the main aspects of the contradiction that has taken over the dominant position. Therefore, we must focus on grasping the main contradiction and the main aspect of the contradiction in order to solve the core problem of things.

Only by grasping the main contradictions and the main aspects of the contradictions can we better understand the essence of things and the direction of development.

The main contradictions and main contradictory aspects of "Mao Xuan" (Volume 1).

The main and non-main aspects of the contradiction are transformed into each other

This is not to say that all aspects of the contradiction are fixed, but it is important to pay attention to the fact that the main and non-main aspects of the contradiction are mutually transformative, and the nature of things will change with this transformation.

At a certain stage or process in the development of the conflict, the main aspect may belong to Party A, and the non-main aspect belongs to Party B. But over time or the development of contradictions, the positions of these two sides may be reversed.

This change depends on the degree to which the forces of struggle on both sides of the contradiction increase or decrease. When the power of one aspect gradually increases and the strength of the other gradually decreases, the major aspect may be transformed into the non-major aspect and vice versa. This change is the inevitable result of the development of things, and it is also the driving force of the development of things.

Therefore, we need to always pay attention to the changes in the forces on both sides of the conflict, so that we can adjust our strategies and methods in time to promote the development of things in a better direction.

The future of the mountain


It bears the precipitation of the years and witnesses the changes of nature. The evolution of mountains, like the reproduction of all things in the world, is full of contradictions and struggles.

In these long years, the main contradictions and the main aspects of the contradictions have always accompanied the growth of the mountain.

Today's mountains are no longer lonely and small when they were born.

It has become a symbol of the earth and a masterpiece of nature.

However, the future of mountains is still full of unknowns and uncertainties.

The forces of the earth's crust, the erosion of rain, the reproduction of living things, and the limiting forces of the natural environment will continue to interact and fight against each other.

Together, these contradictory forces will shape the future of the mountain.

But no matter how the future changes and how the contradictions intensify, the essence of the mountain remains the same: it is the backbone of the earth and the masterpiece of nature.

No matter when and where, no matter what kind of contradictions and struggles, no matter what kind of changes and changes, it cannot change its essence and meaning of existence.

Because mountains are the symbol of the earth, the masterpiece of nature, the source of life, the foundation of culture, and the spiritual sustenance and yearning of human beings.

The main contradictions and main contradictory aspects of "Mao Xuan" (Volume 1).

They are the backbone of the country

Next: "Mao Xuan" (Volume 1) The struggle between the old and the new contradictions

I look forward to everyone's attention, likes, and forwards, and let us follow Chairman Mao forward in the wind and waves.

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